
IMDb member since March 2001
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The Matrix

Fantastic effects & interesting story.
Man, This movie was awesome. I've already seen it twice (at $10 a show), and it's been playing for less than 36 hours. The effects are just fantastic, and the story itself was great. A real change in pace from most of the movies that have come out in the last while. The acting is great throughout, though the cast (save Fishbourne & Reeves) is not comprised of very well-known actors, and even Reeves, whose acting I don't usually like, does a good job with his character. Strongly recommended!

The Players Club

Very good first effort for Cube.
I honestly didn't know what to expect from "another stripper movie." But all in all I was quite impressed. Ice Cube has always been one of my favorite rappers, and once he got into acting he was one of my favorite actors. Players Club definitely shows that Cube also has the potential to write and direct more great films. Though I wouldn't call this a comedy/drama, there are definitely some very funny scenes, especially those involving Jamie Foxx. Definitely worth checking out.

MP Da Last Don

...pretty bad!
Well, I don't normally think there's such a thing as a HORRIBLE movie, but this is pretty damned close! The best acting performance in the whole thing was Snoop Dogg, who has one line in a 10 second scene. I agree with the "glad it was short" review. The music videos at the end were cool though.

Da Game of Life

liked it
This movie showed a lot of promise in the acting skills of Snoop Dogg. He's got a laid back attitude that really works well on screen. The shortness of this movie really disappointed me, especially for the price I paid, but oh well. The videos at the end of the movie are kinda cool too! Overall I liked it a LOT better than MP Da Last Don

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