
IMDb member since September 1999
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Showdown in Little Tokyo

Not perfect, but visually incredible!
I'm not going to try and tell you this is the finest movie ever made. But it does star two incredibly talented physical actors doing what they do best - kicking ass in ways you or I never dreamed of. The 6'4", 235-pound Mr. Lundgren, displaying his 6th-degree black belt to an unusual degree, steals the show. See him leap over a moving car. See him hold his own against multiple attackers in a coffee shop - without spilling his coffee. See him defend against a punch with a cocktail tray - and when his opponent attempts the same maneuver, see him punch *through* the tray and knock the guy's lights out. Rarely are such power and grace combined in any one human. Brandon Lee, of course, was never at a loss for lithe martial fireworks during his short but luminous career. It's a pity these two never made it further than they did. If you're looking for tight, well-delivered dialogue, go see Tarantino. But if you want fights that will make your eyes pop out, look no further.

Street Hawk

Any kid of the 80's should have had a great time with this...
For a youngster in the early-and-mid-eighties, this light-hearted piece of renegade cop force fluff was "too rad!" Rex Smith, prettier than any law enforcement officer has a right to be, had all the toys: A motorcycle that would go, like, 180 mph in traffic while firing small rockets, total video uplink to the master crime lab in his helmet, and a racing suit form-fitted to his body by immersing him in a vat of high-tech foam! Silly, but certainly no worse than, say, "Team Knight Rider."

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