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Jail Bait

A must-see!
Apparently I had this on my Amazon Prime watch list for a long time, and when I came across it I wondered why it was even there. Then I saw Lyle Talbot in the opening credits. Then I remembered. A handsome guy back in the 1930's who was a big movie star in his day. Well, he wasn't handsome anymore and I was ready to chuck this turkey. But something told me I should keep watching, and I did. Boy, am I glad.

I'm surprised Lyle got involved in this production. Because from start to finish it was so BAD. Everything from the acting to the script. I'll never forget Talbot sitting at his inspector's desk talking to Steve Reeves and expecting us to believe he was having a real conversation with someone! The script might not have been in his hands but I could "see" it!

The actor playing the doc's son was wooden and very unappealing (sorry, if by any chance you're related to him). I was wondering how the actor playing his father could keep a straight face. His partner in crime, Vic, was a little too good, if you know what I mean. All that was missing was the mirror he practiced in front of. But the actor did manage to keep my interest going throughout the film.

There's a lot of scenes that were unintentionally funny. Like the female employee who ran off from the scene of the night watchman's murder and then getting shot in the back as she ran up the theatre aisle. Hee hee. Then she was brought out on a stretcher by the paramedics and placed on that drab-looking couch like a sack of potatoes, the actors making sure to set her down right, making sure she didn't roll off.

I laughed out loud when Don, the doc's son, was shot "neat and clean" by Vic in his living room, and the dramatic way he fell to the floor dead. Of course, he gets to do it again when his dad opens up some closet or whatever off the side of the kitchen later in the film.

The whole plot was illogical. That's what I couldn't get over with. How did the doc remain so composed knowing his son just fell onto the kitchen floor dead one room over? Maybe Charles Bronson would have kept his cool but not doc here. It's too bad Ed Wood didn't show us how Vic wrapped up in all his face bandages managed to drag the son out to dispose of him in the river in the middle of the night. That might have been the highlight of the film!

The old cars were a real hoot. The night shots a little too dark. I wanted to see the real neighborhood used for on-location filming. But then that's me.

About the ending. It wasn't the face reveal that was a surprise. No. It was the fact that Vic was able to get away from a room full of police officers! And, yes, I was still waiting for Don's sister to use that gun that she put in her purse when she left to go with her father to Vic's place. Too bad she didn't take it out when Vic was running away from the police. That would have been the icing on the cake!


One of the best examples of spin-offs going wrong
For anyone who enjoyed "Soap" and for all its wonderful characters there were high hopes and great anticipation for this spin-off in 1979. Spinoffs were the norm back in the 70's and so "Benson" was sure to be a guaranteed hit. But it was one big letdown when it premiered.

One could say the cast was terrible, which it was. But one could say also that the character of Benson wasn't strong enough like Rhoda or Maude Findley to stand on their own. Heck, even Gilligan or Bobby Brady could have done well as a spin off. But on "Benson" Benson just wasn't funny.

On "Soap" the character of Benson was a butler to a middle class family who sometimes refused to serve even a plate of scrambled eggs or had a funny one liner to his rich, crazy employers. All these characteristics disappeared once he became the central character of his own show. The cast of characters he was surrounded by on "Benson" were wishy washy and therefore incapable of giving Benson any kind of opportunity to give some funny lines. The show was a disaster and you never heard anyone rave about it at the water cooler.

Yes, it lasted for seven seasons but so did "Wings," "Who's The Boss," and other simpleminded TV garbage. But have you noticed that "Benson" hasn't been seen in syndication for decades? Television series like "I Love Lucy" and "The Brady Bunch" are still on the air today because they're shows people still want to see. They never get old. Watch one episode of "Benson" and you wonder where people's brains went.

Family Affair: Christmas Came a Little Early
Episode 7, Season 3

Intensely moving episode
I must have seen every episode of "Family Affair" at least five times, both during it's original run and early syndication, when CBS used to air it as part of their weekday morning CBS lineup around '70 and '71. As the same age as the children on the show, and just as innocent, this particular episode with Eve Plumb, obviously went above my head. I thought the poor girl was simply ill; I didn't know she was "terminally ill." Some forty-five years later, and as an adult viewer, I see what this episode is truly about, and I was so incredibly moved.

I am surprised this particular episode of "Family Affair" isn't talked about more often. It is truly a classic.

At Sea Ashore

Always great to see Patsy Kelly
I don't care anything about Thelma Todd being present or not as others have stated in their reviews. Or if this was up to the standards of a Hal Roach short. Patsy Kelly is quite the star and anything she's in is worth watching to me.

All those who have made their negative remarks are simply sharing their opinion which isn't much. Because of this short I am now familiar with Lyda Roberti, Joe Twerp and I was happy to see Robert Emmett O'Connor.

I thought the scene where Kelly is twirled around was pretty funny and well done.

Looking forward to seeing more Patsy Kelly!

The Lovely Bones

Absolutely brilliant!
I ended up giving this movie a ten as it was just brilliant! Early on I had seen the promos for it and knew I would like a film like this. But I had no idea it would turn out to be this good.

I briefly read and skimmed over some of the reviews, and the negative remarks made me decide to write my own review and express why this movie is so brilliant.

First of all, I am half a century old and I grew up during the time frame this film takes place in. The early 70s couldn't have been reconstructed any more perfectly. Everything from the clothes to the people strolling in the mall took me right back to 1973. They couldn't have done a better job.

Second, the young actress who played Suzie was perfect for the role. She has a beautiful spirit about her that makes you embrace her. She's so likable that that you care about her character and what happens to her.

If the picture didn't send you as much as it did me, it's probably because you're not familiar or aware of what so many people believe happens after you die. The belief that after your body dies, you exist in a new dimension. The summary from the IMDb about a girl watching herself from heaven isn't exactly correct. She's not in heaven. She's merely in what many believe is a state of being, between earth and heaven, sometimes often often referred to as "earth-bound" as the movie depicts. Over ten years ago before I became familiar with such beliefs a film like this wouldn't have matter to me as much. But because I am aware of what many people believe happens to us after death, this was captured perfectly in this film. The filmmakers couldn't have done it any better.

If I had any problems with this film at all it's that what a lousy actor Mark Wahlberg can really be. An actor is supposed to convince us that what he's doing is real and I just couldn't buy anything emoting from this man. Most every scene he was in I had to forget my criticism and just see what the character of the father was supposed to be feeling.

I've never been much a fan of Susan Sarandon but she was just great as the grandmother. She had that 70s look down perfectly with that Jacqueline Susann's hairdo.

Also, although his character was evil, Stanley Tucci was another reason for making this film so wonderful. He's hard not to like despite his vile character.

I simply thought the film was wonderful and I really got something out of it. Definitely one of the best films to come around in a long time. Beautifully filmed. Nothing looked too fake or computerized in my opinion. Bravo!


A new favorite!
I am giving this Disney film a ten. I've seen this film at least three times before. I saw it during it's original release almost forty years ago, then again in 1978 when it was aired on network TV, and then another time a few years later. I recently saw it again after at least 25 years and I remember how much my family laughed their heads off as Bob Crane screamed his head off while water skiing. I am much older now, a dad myself and a responsible adult just like the parents in the film. The gang Wendy hangs out with -- all from the beginning of her childhood -- are all good kids despite the comments a lot of the adults make. My perspective on the film has changed since I first saw it as a child. That's why it now receives a "ten" from me. It was one of the best movies I've got engrossed in the past year and I didn't want it to end.

The wedding at the end of the film is still the most beautiful wedding ceremony ever filmed in a movie. It's easy to brush off a Disney film like this. I do it often with so many of the others that came out during my time. But this movie has a lot going on in it including the main song "These Are The Best Times."

I don't know if this has been remade yet but it could be remade again. Maybe they could make a new version with Kurt Russell in the father role looking after let's say his granddaughter. What a great starring vehicle for Kurt and Goldie.

This is definitely a new favorite for me.

Flipper: Countdown for Flipper
Episode 8, Season 1

A rating of "10"
I didn't take this episode as seriously as the previous reviewer did. Sure, I saw the obvious flaws in the writing. But if you love the three main characters as much as I do (Porter Ricks and the boys) then you don't pay much attention to such flaws and just enjoy the sheer pleasure of twenty-five wonderful minutes. There are many episodes of "Flipper" that I am enjoying immensely, some stories such as this one that could have been utilized for full feature films. Of course, the aforementioned flaws would need to be corrected but on the whole they would succeed. I am sorry there aren't more full feature films of "Flipper" that feature Brian Kelly and the two boys.

Cops Is Tops

Very funny
I am not a big Popeye fan but happened to catch this while channel surfing today. What caught my attention was seeing Olive Oyl taking on a job a policewoman, something I didn't think was accepted back in the 1930s. However, I see now by coming to the Internet Movie Data Base that this short was produced in 1955. So now I understand. Still, it was great to see Olive doing police work. Popeye kept tabs on her by following every move she made so she wouldn't get hurt. I never saw Bruto in this episode but did hear his voice, or so I thought. This was a good cartoon and perhaps I'll tune in more to the Popeye hour on Boomerang. This particular cartoon, though, is a must see.


We got a winner here!
This new HBO series has turned out to be a pleasant surprise. It's hard not to relate to a guy who lost everything in a day and age when so many people are going through similar situations. I've been there myself and I understand a lot of his frustrations. To see him cash in on his best "asset" has proved to be very, very interesting. Would we do the same if we were in his predicament? Well, you gotta eat and pay the bills. The writing is excellent. Also, Anne Heche can consider herself very lucky to have gotten this gig. She, too, is pleasant in her role as the ex-wife and it has made me forget all her past scandals, something I didn't think could be possible. Nice, too, to see Thomas Jane in what appears to be a hit for HBO.

I am thoroughly looking forward to episode #3.

We'll Get By

Original and funny!
It's been well over 35 years since this was on television. So, my once treasured memories of it have started to fade already. But it was such a great show to a young teenager like me at the time that I watched it every time it was on once I discovered it.

I remember that the show was struggling because CBS didn't have a regular time slot for it. One minute it was on Friday night, the next it would air on Tuesday with back to back episodes. Then it disappeared all together and then those dreaded words came my way: CANCELED.

I do hope someday that the entire series will be released on DVD like "Lotsa Luck" and "Good Morning, World!" which have also been forgotten, yet issued on DVD.

Kelly the Second

Prepare for some surprise chuckles
This was my first Patsy Kelly film. I am almost fifty and I've heard her name for years from my parents. But I've never seen her in anything before unless you want to count "Rosemary's Baby" which I didn't even care for.

So I watch the film and at first you're not sure what to make of her. But as someone else posted here, yes, she begins to grow on you.

As the movie progressed I could not help but keep watching. She made some funny facial expressions that can't hold a candle to Lucille Ball, yet I couldn't help but giggle at them.

I like old films from the 1930s. So this helped to keep my interest going. At the times the film/storyline was a bit lame, yet before I knew it I found myself chuckling out loud and I didn't know why. Like when Kelly, Guinn and the Charley Chase's car stopping right in the middle of the train tracks. How many times have we seen this train tracks gag before? Yet they managed to pull it off with Kelly's pant leg getting caught on the gear shifts and the car pulling out just in time, in front of film screen of a train whizzing by! I had a good laugh on that one.

This was also my first Big Boy Guinn film and he reminds a lot of Nat Pendleton, a favorite of mine. So I'll be keeping an eye out for more films of his on TCM.

I walked away from this film a Patsy Kelly fan and I am now on the hunt to see more of her. I may even rent "Rosemary's Baby" to appreciate her in that role.

A friend who saw this with me didn't laugh much except when I laughed. So a film like this might not appeal to all. But I am glad I watched it and hopefully this will get released on DVD sometime in the future.

My next goal is to check out Judy Canova and see what the big deal was about her. Stay tuned.

Like Mom, Like Me

A wonderful made-for-television movie
Saw this the night it premiered on television and a couple of repeats a few years later. Kristy McNichol had star persona written all over her so you knew this was going to be good and it was.

I haven't seen this movie in about 25 years now. Why it's never shown on television I don't know why. But both Kristy and Linda Lavin are excellent as mother and daughter, and if memory serves me correctly, Kristy throws one of her famous fits when her mom finds a guy she doesn't approve of.

The person who didn't find Lavin and McNichol convincing in their roles probably would have preferred seeing Stan Laurel in a dress and Milton Berle playing Kristy's part. Remember folks, it's all just a matter of opinion.

The Prizefighter and the Lady

Ain't love grand?!
I watched this movie tonight on Turner Classic Movies just to see the man who bore the handsome Max Baer, Jr., star of TV's "The Beverly Hillbillies." I don't know anything about "Cinderella Man" or the violent sport of boxing that so many people seem to be drawn to. So this was a film I wasn't sure was even going to be worth my time. But I love pre-code films of the early 1930s and I do like Myrna Loy, so I figured there might be a chance I'd enjoy the movie somewhat. Well, it was one of the best films I've ever seen and for those who are wincing or gagging at that, let me say it's all a matter of opinion, folks.

I've been reading the reviews here (I did not know Max Baer "killed" anyone in his boxing career) and I just have to laugh at some of the comments from those who couldn't get anything out of this.

For example. Someone said that a real actor should have been used for the role of the prizefighter. Okay. How about Clark Gable who was just coming in to his own at the time? Needless to say, Gable would have been perfect, as he was and always will be "The King." Actors today should bow to the man, and simply step aside. But, they went with a real athlete and, to my surprise, he pulled it off and then some! If you want to get technical and start nit-picking on Baer's acting then you'll find exactly what you're looking for. But as far as I was concerned I was thoroughly entertained by a man who had never acted in his life before and then to sing, and tap dance in a musical number midway through the film? My gosh, why haven't we heard about this film before?

Someone also said that Walter Huston's performance wasn't believable. Gee. I've never seen any film work of Huston before, but I not only found him believable but I walked away a fan, looking forward to seeing more films of his. He definitely deserved a nomination for Best Supporting Actor had the category existed in those days.

I also walked away appreciating Myrna Loy more than I ever have. What a beautiful woman, and what star presence! This might have been a good role for Claudette Colbert, once a grand star of her time and much forgotten today, but I think Miss Loy probably has the edge here.

At the end I had tears in my eyes. All was forgiven, everybody reunited and walked away happy, ain't love grand?


Very special
This film has always been a favorite of mine for the past 20 some years after discovering it on late night television one night. It may not be the gospel truth on the late Jean Harlow, and it may not be completely historically accurate where hairdos, attire, furniture and music may be concerned. But it has a unique, special attraction that draws me in and friends who I show it to each and every time.

For example. The other day I sent the video to a friend back east on the off chance he might like it. He not only liked the film but ended up loving it. We discussed the movie, and while it may not be the perfect Jean Harlow biography, we agreed there was so much going on in the picture that was appealing. Everything from the very beautiful and attractive Carroll Baker, to the little white lunch boxes that are given to the extras at lunchtime, from the handsome Mike Connors looking up at gorgeous Baker ready for action on the staircase, to the memorable line from Jean, "Oh mama not now I don't feel well." I suppose if you're a Jean Harlow fanatic you can find fault with the movie, which is understandable. But I just happened to see a film that appealed to me with the cast who starred in it. "The Godfather" which is a piece of junk, "Star Wars" which even has trash cans that revolve and talk, and "Postcards from the Edge" all failed to win me over like "Harlow" did.

Here's one movie goer who has nothing but great things to say about "Harlow." I would love to see a special DVD release for it, perhaps with extras, a commentary of some sort, and maybe an interview with Miss Baker about the making of the film.

Some movies just stick with you. This is one of them.

Death Cruise

One of the great TV movies of all time!
Every time this movie used to re-air on late night TV in the late 70s and early 80s I would always make time to sit in front of the TV and watch it. To see the lovely Kate Jackson, handsome Richard Long, the "great" Polly Bergen whom I've never seen anywhere else except for this TV movie, the endearing Tom Bosley, and another "great" whom I've never seen outside this movie, Celeste Holme. This is truly the love boat on a cruise to murder and mayhem and boy was it ever good!! And every time I would watch it I would always forget who the real murderer was.

As expected, someone here is already criticizing the movie as if that really is a big help to anyone. This is a great TV movie and worth watching each and every time. I can't say that about half the movies I've seen this month.

If you ever get a chance to watch it on TV someday, which isn't likely, watch it. In light of "The Girl Most Likely To" finally coming out this year on DVD, maybe there's hope for a DVD release of "Death Cruise."

La ciociara

Intensely moving.
I've been wanting to see this film ever since I read about it in Sophia Loren's autobiography back in 1979 when I was eighteen. I saw it recently on TCM for the first time during their tribute to Miss Loren, and I found this to be a very powerful film.

I've seen my share of films about war in the past but watching this one really affected me. Having been born the year this movie was released, it gave me a real sense of what people were going through during World War II regardless of where you were at in Europe. I knew the outcome of the story because of having read Miss Loren's autobiography, and at times it was unnerving knowing what was to come.

On a lighter side Hollywood should re-make this film with Kathy Griffin as the mother, and in a dual role, Kathy Griffin as the daughter. (Listen, after watching this film you gotta crack a joke).

I highly recommend this movie


Best Sci-Fi TV movie in a looooong time. Thanks CBS
Most sci-for made-for-television movies have always been a disappointment to me. This one is different. It's surprisingly good. I don't know who Lucy Lawless is, but since a lot of people are trashing this movie on the night of its debut, I suspect these must be her fans from some cult series I don't know about. Fine. They're entitled to their opinion.

I can't put my finger on why this movie was good. I am well aware that locusts are pretty much harmless to human beings (unless you open your mouth), but the film made me feel as if there was a real threat. And to me that's where a film succeeds. I still don't get scared when I watch "Halloween" (1978), a film I find extremely boring, but "Locusts" made me nervous. I wanted to see what was going to happen next, although I could have easily laughed like some of the others on here.

I encourage others who enjoyed the movie as much as I did to write a review so we can get a much better balance of reviews here. Because this was a really good movie that I didn't expect to be put down by so many.

Thanks, CBS. This makes up for allowing Rob and Amber on the current season of the Amazing Race.

The Will

Good Show. Bring it back.
This reality show was on Saturday nights, the kiss of death for most reality shows. I actually caught the premiere episode and to my surprised I ended up liking it. And then without notice it was yanked off the CBS schedule never to be seen again.

I admit that on first sight the show didn't look all that great. After all, the cast looked like a bunch of hicks out of Hootersville. But with any reality show you get involved, and this one was no exception. I've since forgotten the names of everyone (it's been three months), but there were some pretty interesting characters, including the rancher's wife who was hot, and the rancher's son who was the black sheep of the family, so to speak, yet he had his supporters in the cast.

What I would like to know is why networks go to the trouble of filming a reality show, investing all that money and time, then deciding it isn't good enough because of ratings so they yank it off. Fox has a habit of doing this with their reality shows (i.e. "Playing It Straight," "My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss").

Hope CBS will change their mind and give this show a chance.

The Rebel Billionaire: Branson's Quest for the Best

First off, I have to say that my whole family loves this show and I said to everyone "This is a hit." I don't keep up with ratings or listen to critics so it was only recently that I learned it was "failing" in the ratings big time. Whoa. I was very surprised to learn that.

I think it's a great show and I think the reason it isn't doing well is because of the show's title. Pure and simple it's too long. Even I couldn't remember the name of the show and when I would look it up on the satellite TV listings I didn't know if I had the correct show or not. It's not a one word reality show like "Survivor" or "Apprentice" if you know what I mean, and that was a mistake.

Anyway, what a show!! I think Richard Branson is like a modern day Willy Wonka who's a bit twisted in how he's treating his "guests." He's got a crazed look in his eyes so I don't exactly like him yet. But I am compelled to watch just the same!! I don't particularly like the cast except for Sarah, but that doesn't matter. It's the STUNTS each person has to do that has my mouth drop open every time. The stuff Branson has these people do are OUTRAGEOUS and just plain crazy. Dangerous, too. And so I have to keep watching each week just to see what the next stunt is. So far I have NOT been disappointed.

I like the show's theme music and I always hold my breath to see who's being left behind when the plane leaves on the next adventure. I am sure if lame people would stop making comparisons to the Apprentice - another excellent show - people would see how good this show can be.

Fox, don't pull the plug on this show and leave us hanging like you did with your other reality show "Playing it Straight." You have the best reality shows but you treat your viewers like as if we don't know when we're being swindled.

I will forever remember this show.

Ruby Cairo

Just Wonderful!
Any film that can draw you in completely, as this movie did with me, succeeds. I missed the first ten minutes not knowing even the plot, and I was immediately taken in by Andie MacDowell's quest for answers regarding her husband.

I'm surprised by the many negative comments and reviews posted here. This was one of the few movies (like "Pyscho") that took me on sort of a ride that I didn't want to end. This movie was intelligent and I found it to be a great escape as Ruby travelled around the world. I'll certainly never visit Athens, Greece, or stand on top of one of the pyramids. But I felt like I was there. Whomever said this was boring must have had their eyes closed the entire time. I never realized how beautiful Andie MacDowell was until I saw this film or what a really good actress she was. Liam Neeson was a plus even if his role was rather short.

You can bet I'll be recommending this film to others as I do whenever I see a really good movie. Hope to see this released on DVD soon.


I LOVE this movie!!
Caught this on The Movie Channel within 10 minutes of its beginning while channel surfing and was immediately drawn into it. My wife in the other room kept checking on me to see what was so great on the TV. I was laughing, cheering, holding on to my breath as Sye and Mitch began to fight (oh, no!!), keeping tabs on their bank account, etc., etc.. The onscreen movie guide said this was a documentary, so I was really believing all that was going on until I started to catch on that parts of the film were a little too polished. Like when when the company first goes broke and Sye says it's all over, but whoala, a call comes in to "save the day."

Maybe it is documentary, I don't know. All I know is that I haven't enjoyed a movie like this in quite awhile. Can't believe I'm the first one to review this. Makes me want to start a enterprise of my own. At least I would make sure I actually HAVE a product to sell!! I rated this film a strong "9."


Creepy but good.
I was hesitant to watch this film at first for obvious reasons, but am glad I did. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I doubt very much that the real Jeffrey Dahmer was as likeable as Jeremy Renner made his character to be, but then I wasn't watching just for the blood and guts. Renner's portrayal made me want to watch. On that level the film succeeds.

Of course, the film was at times hard to watch. Artel Kayaru sparkles as Rodney, and I hope we get to see him in future roles.

I liked the way the movie ended without getting too technical about how Dahmer was eventually caught. It wasn't necessary as this story will be told again and again. Instead this film gave us an insight into a very disturbed mind. I'm giving it a strong "9."

The Family

I enjoyed it.
I watched the show from start to finish (9 shows), and after having watched the "season finale" tonight, I'd have to say that I enjoyed it very much.

It was a shame that when the show was knocked off the air in March 2003 due to the Iraqi war, that ABC said and did nothing to keep us (the viewers) informed about the rest of the episodes, leaving us completely in the dark. I am glad ABC had the good sense to bring the show back.

Unlike the other reality shows (Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race, Joe Millionaire, The Bachelor, etc.), none of my friends were hooked or even aware of "The Family" and I find ABC at fault for that. I think ABC could become the new leader of reality television, but with such a lame promotional campaign for their shows, they'll never beat CBS.

"The Family" was different, and very entertaining. Since they kept referring to it as the "Season Finale," it has me wondering if the show is coming back in the future. In light of the much disappointing "Big Brother 4" cast currently on CBS, it's important to give us a new "family" that we like and care about it.

I think Aunt Donna was interesting; Mike was the good guy; Jill provided us with some drama when Robert turned on her; and Dawn Marie surprised us all when she enjoyed her winning streak and conquered many of her fears. I might add that it was GREAT when Susan Lucci was brought in as a surprise guest, and her mouth dropped open when Dawn Marie mentioned they "weren't getting any sex."

Thanks, ABC.

Just Me and You

A Real Gem
This has been a huge favorite in our family for years. I remember seeing it premiere on NBC back in '78.

Charles Grodin is the perfect straight man to Louise Lasser's "Crazy Jane" character. These two are complete opposites, but such couples do exist, and in real life they do fall in love, such as the ending to the story. There are several fine moments in the film, but my absolute favorite is the "Drive-thru" scene. This is where Lasser takes over the driving on this cross-country trip, and with Grodin in the passenger seat, decide to get some fast food by going to a Jim Dandy drive-thru. I knew back in '78 when I first saw it that this was a classic moment in TV history, as Lasser, whose character has never order at a "drive-thru" before, asks "Do you have anything diet?"

There isn't any one hysterical moment in the film, but throughout there are some real rib ticklers. Like when Lasser and Grodin have just had a fight, and with Lasser in the back seat with her arms crossed, a radio program is heard in which a super low voiced transexual discusses "her" new dress with a Peter Pan collar. Lasser's giggles are infectious, and soon the two ma ke up. Another highlight is when Lasser and Grodin order breakfast at a Denny's type restaurant, and Jane keeps changing her order with the waitress (Julia Bovasso). Very funny stuff.

Obviously this movie isn't for everyone, but it's a classic amongst its followers.

The Prisoner of Swing

Classic short
I was fortunate enough to catch this short on TCM this morning. I really enjoyed it. (At first I thought Hal LeRoy was Fred MacMurray). The fact that June Allyson was in the cast is what prompted me to continue watching (can't believe she's eight-five). Let's just say this short was thoroughly entertaining, and I am hoping that someone will have the good sense to put this on video or DVD. If you've been lucky enought to catch this on TCM, please place your vote.

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