Reviews (2)

  • An excellent film with an absolutely superb cast of great talents. There is the luminous Cate Blanchett who conveys so much with just one look playing a role she has now made her own. She never fails to amaze as each role she undertakes can never be seen as being played differently or by another actor. Jeremy Northam was strong and enigmatic with a showing of sensitivity I found endearing. He has definitely proved himself as an incredible talent of worth. Minnie Driver was exceptional in certain aspects of the movie but occasionally began to wan. While I consider her to be rather talented, she did not carry her role as strongly as the others. And what can be said of Rupert Everett? Only that he is brilliant. He played his role to perfection and there was no doubt he enjoyed himself. This is a man who is incredibly at ease and is a master of comedy without making it appear contrived. Facial expressions, slight movements and tone of voice are his particular skill in this film and I laughed harder than anyone in the theatre. He is to be commended highly for his undertaking of this role and playing it so brilliantly. The movie on a whole was good, with excellent costuming(except for that despicable red dress Minnie wears toward the end)and flair. Julianne Moore also did an incredible job as a scheming B**** and I was impressed with her performance. BUT, Rupert Everett is the glue that held the whole movie together, the catalyst that kept things running and I loved him and the oscar worthy performance he gave.
  • I started to watch this movie on HBO non commitedly but soon found myself engrossed. Nothing else was on so I kept watching. I was struck by the brilliant performance of Dennis Quaid and my heart broke for his character Gavin. I have rarely felt this kind of emotion when viewing a film and was overwhelmed with it. I had never before thought of Dennis Quaid as anything other than the funny guy from Undercover Blues and I was taken aback at his acting. I wept at the end and I felt every kind of emotion it is possible to feel. I cannot even express in words how I was blown away by this superb film and all of the actors involved in it.