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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Subspace Rhapsody
Episode 9, Season 2

A Broadway show Star Trek is NOT!
Doing something different to make a program better can be a good thing but changing Star Trek into a Broadway Musical is NOT one of them. This episode was reminiscent of Cop Rock (which was a disaster) or as some have mentioned Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Once More With Feeling." Since it was playing online I was able to skip listening to most of the singing. But the premise that an improbability subspace field would cause a crew to break out into a singing production where everyone is singing the same lyrics and dancing to the same choreography is ridiculous! It really has no place in Star Trek. I mean what is next? Do we have a Star Trek Sitcom episode like Friends or Cheers where the crew meets at Quarks, drink raktajino, and tell jokes in front of a live audience?

This episode has really "jumped the shark" IMHO (see: Happy Days, Jumping the Shark). Now I realize that younger viewers will disagree with my POV and that is fine. And if they had made a one off special with the cast singing that had nothing to do with a Star Trek story, that "might" have been better. But working a Broadway show into a Star Trek episode shows just how far off the rails Kurtzman et al have gone. To their credit they have toned down the JJ Abrams lens flares since STD (aka Disco to some) but if they really want to make this show a real success (and I have been hoping each week would get even better) they need new leadership and definately better writers. I doubt Gene Roddenberry would ever have considered much less allowed such an episode as this one to be made. Having watched Star Trek from the beginning I have seen the recent changes in what the newer production staff have created and sadly it lacks creativity, intelligence, and continuity of the franchise. If I want to see a Broadway Show I go to the theater, not to next weeks Star Trek adventure.

It is also sad to note that in this episode, references to Dr. Korby (Christine's old flame) and Carol Marcus (Kirk's old flame) are introduced yet that was glazed over and barely explored as a plot point. That would have been interesting. However, if the writing continues on its current trajectory I see SNW heading to the rubbish bin with STD.

Rabbit Hole

Hard to follow...at first
Action, suspense, and conspiracies! This has all of that and more. It was a little hard to follow in the beginning but it gets better. Acting was good and Kiefer Sutherland delivers and the other actors hold up well too. It is also interesting how much of the story mirrors the real world. Conspiracies abound in this day and age of AI, computers, cameras and technology. In many ways this story takes those elements we are already familiar with and ties them into the story. Overall the series is enjoyable however I would not recommend watching before bed once your adrenaline is going...and it will. I will watch the next season if they do more episodes.


Not bad, could have been better.
I am not really a Jonah Hill fan but I thought the premise sounded interesting. Overall I feel this would have been better as a 2 hour movie of the week. A lot of the story was slow and much could have been eliminated to tell the same story. Saly Field was wonderful and always delivers. Emma Stone was okay and believable with her character. Many people will get lost in the story with the way it is presented but I had no problem with that. I was hoping for a twist at the end or at least tinking there would be one as a payoff for the time invested in the entire series, but alas, no. There are better shows worth invesing your time that are better written.

You People

I would like that 2 hours back
After seeing the big names in the cast I hoped this would be a comedy worth watching. Instead, it is a cringeworthy attempt to be funny and most of the big named actors are not a major part of the movie. In the real world we are living in a hugely devisive world and it continues to get worse. It is Dem vs. Rep, LGBT....vs Straight, any ethnic group vs. White, libs vs. Conservatives, etc. This movie tries to find humor in some aspects of our real world specifically black vs. White and it is just not funny. Eddie Murphy used to be a really funny comedian and actor with movies like Beverly Hills Cop, Coming to America, Trading Places, etc.but that was 40 years ago. Of course writing has a great deal to do with the success of a movie too. Jonah Hill really missed the mark on this one. Many of the attempts at humor were just uncomfortable moments and not funny. The ending tries to be warm and fuzzy to make up for the rest of the film and while that is nice. It would have been better if the writing was better. I would not suggest investing your time in this film.

Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer
Episode 1, Season 2

Lacking but we can always "look up" and hope!
Star Trek Picard season two episode one was to be very exciting with the return of Guinan and naturally Q! To see John De Lancie appear as Q was a fantastic moment!! I even liked his explanation of changing his appearance. Whether they used CGI to bring his younger self in to the plot I don't know but it was done pretty well.

However after seeing Guinan and listening to her, she did not act or sound like the Guinan we have known. She really sounded more like Whoopi Goldberg on "The View" in Guinan's clothes. It was great to see her character but Whoopi is not the same actress we knew and loved in the past. Too many years on the hate filled View have really changed her and that is sad.

As far as the story, it was not real straight forward and a bit confusing so far. The robbers trying to steal Seven's cargo seemed more of a throw away scene and did nothing to fit into any of the rest of the story. So they she just happens to be in the area of the Stargazer encountering the anomaly? A bit coincidental or lazy writing. And of course we have to get the lesbian angle mentioned with Raffi and Seven to be "culturally diverse."

So far the seasonal arc they have started seems weak at best but better than season one which was one star (or zero stars if they went that low). The filmography is slightly better than STD with fewer lens flares to distract the viewer from the story. Overall, STP has potential if they utilize what made Star Trek (TOS) and TNG great. But I doubt in this age of "woke" and alleged "diverse and inclusive" we will never see the quality and greatness of the past. But we can always "look up" and hope!

No Time to Die

Long, poor plot and woke...
Let me start by saying I have been a long time fan of James Bond since Dr. No. That cast with Sean Connery, Jack Lord, Lois Maxwell, and Ursula Andress was what made the books come to life as Bond, Felix, Moneypenny, and Honey. From the time on I was hooked. While I did enjoy Roger Moore's run as Bond, Sean Connery will always be THE James Bond for me.

When Daniel Craig took over I was not impressed. His character was unlike any of the previous incarnations. He was stiff, dark, and the humor that was previously used was gone. He was not necessarily a "bad" James Bond, but I felt the role of 007 did not really fit him. That said, by the time this new movie came out, I started to like him in the role. Of course now he has ended his run as 007.

My specific issues with "No Time to Die" are as follows: it was way too long at 163 minutes! The opening was weak and not as exciting as Bond films of the past. The plot was just another rip off of other stories that kill off enemies using their unique DNA. The woke narrative of "diversity and inclusion" is crammed down the viewers throat from the opening credits! The opening titles make it a point not to show women, naked "or otherwise" for fear of offending God knows who. They kill off Felix! Moneypenny is now black! And the real slap in the face to all previous fans of James Bond is a new 007 is cast as a black woman and Bond is killed off!!

The movie clearly is saying the past Bond(s) are bad misogynistic dinosaurs that are no longer relevant and should be forgotten. After watching this long train wreck I wish I could get my money and 163 minutes back, BUT I will never pay a penny in the future to support this disgusting display. The current political atmosphere in the Entertainment industry has ruined TV and movies. This garbage is just another ruined franchise like Ghostbusters 2016, Star Trek Discovery, or Doctor Who. At least we still have the original James Bond books and pre-Craig movies. Until Hollywood pulls their heads out of their assets, their will likely be no more James Bond.

Doctor Who: Flux: Chapter One - The Halloween Apocalypse
Episode 1, Season 13

Rubbish...Pure Rubbish!
SSDD since we last saw this Cosplay. RTD cannot come back soon enough to try to save the brand of Doctor Who and pick up when THE Doctor was about to regenerate in 2017. Whittaker has not changed from last year, she nor Gill still have no acting ability. Whittaker's voice is still painful to hear (mute and closed-captioning makes it easier). If this was supposed to be a family program the story would be hard to follow for most people let alone a child. The voices were also drowned out by the background noises. The storyline was thin and they tried to unsuccessfully bring back Weeping Angels and Sontarans thinking it might get back past viewers. Until they get past this rubbish that is unlikely looking and the ratings. On the positive side, the puppy dog alien looked good and acted better than anyone else in the show! Good Boy! Love the hashtag #DoctorWhoSux! And the opening theme music is so much better than Capaldi's run. But at least Capaldi could act despite the rubbish scripts. It is hard to say if RTD can save the show considering the damage, but we can hope or if not just put it to rest for good. I have loved Doctor Who from the 1960s until 2017, and this is not that show but I watch this hoping it will improve and possibly become Doctor Who. I'm still waiting.

Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks

It is still a mess
If a score less than 0 could be given, this would receive it! Misandry and bad writing continue with this incorrectly titled program. Chinballs is living up to the same garbage he has spewed out since he ruined the franchise. Whitaker continues to disappoint with her bad acting, scrunched faces and horrendous voice. Of course Chris Noth is brought back portraying the evil White male businessman (aka Trump) and the Daleks are once again the antagonists of the episode. An attempt was made to get some fans of the RTD era to somehow tolerate this episode by dropping in Captain Jack Harkness. While it is wonderful to see him again, it is not enough to make the story or other actors tolerable. The actress playing Yaz still need acting lessons as much as Whitaker.

Unfortunately there is little that can be done with this mess unless a good writer were to create a story that has the Doctor in a coma since his regeneration in 2017 and he finds this retconned story just a bad nightmare. However the "woke" crowd to which Chinball caters will never like that so the story of Doctor Who that did exist for 54 years is still dead. Doctor Who was once a fun and enjoyable show but it has now become the feminist platform using the name of the Doctor only and that is pretty sad. Not worth watching. RIP Doctor -2017

Star Trek: Discovery

Worst series of any show titled Star Trek
This is a science fiction show, but not Star Trek. In many instances it is more like a very confusing video game using names, places and objects from the Star Trek franchise. A spinning ship that uses spores to go anywhere and high tech that does not exist in other Trek series for another 100 years or more. Poor writing, acting and feminist overtones add to this mess. The show lacks any emotional connection to the characters and there is no bond between them that makes you want to root for them. In Star Trek (TOS) there was a connection between Kirk, Spock and McCoy, but this show fails any kind of relationships. I hope one day they bring back a Star Trek series again as this is not it.

2036 Origin Unknown

An hour and a half you never get back
An attempt to be thought provoking like Stanley Kubrick and 2001: A Space Odyssey mixed with Colossus, The Forbin Project. Clearly low budget and a sad waste of time. The plot is confusing and the entire presentation was boring. Nothing is captivating in this. Katee Sackhoff was great in Longmire and Battlestar Galactica (2004) but this was a waste of her abilities.

Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth
Episode 1, Season 11

A fantastic series for 54 years is ruined
No spoilers here - Characters and the plot are not mentioned... Well, the first episode is out of a new science fiction show on the BBC. I watched it really hoping it would be a good program. I went over every detail of this 1 hour and 1-minute show. After reviewing the entire episode and trying to be as objective as possible I found the story was weak and the actual script was unbelievable and poorly written. To make matters worse, the lead female character has a terrible Yorkshire accent that made many words indecipherable or it was necessary to pause the program to try to figure out what was being said. (to be clear, I have understood Ozzy Osborne's Brummie at times better than this person). If she needs an accent, she should learn to enunciate! The acting on the part of the lead female was not believable at all and seemed overacted at times. This is really consistent with her other work in Broadchurch, Venus or Trust Me so not entirely unexpected. The poor script probably did not help either. The opening was slow but the pace picked up after about 41 minutes. The episode also required a lot of exposition but that was also expected. The violence was also on the higher end and would probably not be good for a younger viewer. The ending scene was not just unbelievable but plain silly. The production and writing crew are completely new and comprised of a majority of females. Now, this really should not matter in any other circumstance. But the obvious feminist overtones are clear and really are distracting from creating a quality science fiction program. Overall this episode was a big disappointment. Hopefully, one day the BBC will see they need to bring back Doctor Who and not this experiment in poor science fiction.

Lost in Space

You might disappointed!
First the positives, a great musical score! The theme and incidental music are much like what you hear in a major motion picture. Very nice incorporation of the original John Williams theme! Now on to the actual show.

This should be considered "Fantasy" not Science Fiction. Many of the basic laws of physics are out the door for much of the series. But rather than pick apart these elements which are a bit distracting if you are even slightly educated, lets focus on the broader show content and the actors.

It is hard to know why much of the acting is just not that good unless the production was rushed and they were not concerned about the believability of the characters. Also, a major disappointing aspect of the entire series is the blatant "in-your-face" misandry and emasculation of any male character.

Maureen Robinson has become a ball busting overly domineering scientist and John is slammed at almost every opportunity. Don West is a smuggler and a thief and not a likeable character. Will Robinson is mostly a scared kid and not the genius as he was originally written. Worst of all is the character played by Parker Posey. No one could ever play Doctor Smith as well as Johnathan Harris (although the character homage of June Harris in this series was a nice gesture). So her character steals the identity of the real Doctor Smith (a nice cameo by Billy Mumy). This is now making Doctor Smith a female! This just shows more of the liberal Hollywood Social Justice Warrior (SJW's) narrative. Her character is not just despicable, but evil on a sociopathic level. Johnathan Harris was a bad guy but at least likeable!

The individual episodes contain action and good special effects but that is about it. The plot line is pretty predictable and a setup at the series end clearly shows an intent for more episodes. I grew up watching the original series in the 1960's and looking back we can all agree some of it was just plain silly. Aliens with painted faces and fake fur were all that was available then. However, the actors did know how to act! Perhaps that is why I was truly scared by some of those episodes as a kid. It was not the silly aliens but the believing the actors really were terrified. In this current incarnation of LiS, the acting does not measure up.

Bottom line, it is an investment of 10 hours of your life and yes I watched every episode. I had high hopes up to the end. I tried to have an open mind for every episode. If you are not bothered by the scientific inaccuracies, poor acting and the misandrist agenda, you will probably enjoy this show. If any of those things are important to you in a program, you may want to skip the series altogether. You cannot compare this show to the original (or the failed movie). But if you are expecting elements of the original characters and concepts, you are probably in for a disappointment.

Star Trek Continues: Fairest of Them All
Episode 3, Season 1

Mirror Mirror continues and it is great!
As a fan of the original series (TOS) from day one, I cannot say how grateful I am to Vic Mignogna and the cast for completing Season 3 of the original series. This episode in particular was fun to compare with the original Mirror, Mirror. I truly liked the opening taking the original script line by line and setting the stage for this episode. Todd Haberkorn did an acceptable job in recreating Spock. And Christopher Doohan truly channels his father as Scotty. It was good to see what might have happened in the alternate universe after Mirror, Mirror. Clearly the budget of these episode is lacking but the set design and CGI is wonderful. Also, it is clear to see that all of the actors want to do their best in recreating TOS. There are minor issues with costumes and some inexperienced actors but nothing that makes this or any other "ST:Continues" any less enjoyable. I am saddened to learn there will be no more episodes made of this but everyone that loves Star Trek as it once was should view the work and efforts of this project.


Hoping it gets better.
Having watched every available Doctor Who episode from the beginning, K9 (2009), The Sarah Jane adventures and Torchwood I have seen a wide range of stories from the Doctor Who universe. This series is an odd mix from the SJA and Torchwood. It is geared to a younger audience but not too young. The blood, violence, and partial nudity seem out of place for a viewer too young. Overall the series feels like kids from SJA being thrown into Torchwood but without Captain Jack. That said, previous programs had an anchor that makes the show interesting and is a focal point. The Doctor, Captain Jack or Sarah Jane all fit that mold. This show lacks a leader or a team effort (so far). This may change since at this writing only three episodes have aired. The plots are pretty basic and the characters have a long way to go in development. However, this is true of any new show (case in point Star Trek: TNG took two seasons to hit it's stride). The brief appearance of the Doctor also felt very forced and not well written. The board on the school wall of student names was a nice touch though (freeze frame it to see several names you recognize). The show has potential but right now it is fair at best. I am hoping for better writing and character development. I even grew to like Matt Smith a little after he grew into the part of the Doctor after David Tennant left so there is hope if the production team put some effort into this.

Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

Definitely worth seeing before voting!
Knowledge is the key to making informed decisions. It is sad to see reviews here that discount the facts and history pointed out in this documentary because of their inability or lack of desire to seek out truth. This film is a good overview of the history of the democratic party and culminates in how that party has brought Hillary to where she is today. If you refuse to have an open mind, view this film, and also do some research on your own, then you will remain with your head in the sand. People that think Hillary walks on water sadly refuse to look at history or facts. This film provides a good start to understanding history and the future if Hillary was elected. If you take the content of this film seriously, then do real research you will see we cannot afford to let the Clinton's back in the White House. D'Souza tells this story pretty well so anyone can understand it. It can be a little dry at times, but the points are valid. This has NOTHING to do with Trump or promoting the GOP. It does have to do with learning history. Turn off the biased media TV, watch this film and learn!

Jessica Jones

Gritty, Dark, Violent and a good show!
I started to watch this series totally on the basis that David Tennant was in it. Iw was a roller coaster ride to say the least. It is a great change of character for David from Doctor Who, but he is very believable as Killgrave. I found the rest of the cast very talented as well. This really is a dark, gritty, and violent series, but many shows are. My only dislike was that the plot did become predictable as the series progressed. I could probably watch anything with David Tennant in it as he is a truly wonderful actor. It does take an ensemble cast that meshes well to make a good story and overall this cast does just that. Overall, it was a good series.

Django Unchained

Yes this is a Tarantino movie, not really the best.
Yes this is a Tarantino movie. That said, you expect a bit of blood and gore, but this was to the point of not remotely believable. The squibs they used and the following blood splatter was over the top. I suppose a teenage boy that loves bloody video games would find this "awesome." But it actually detracted from the suspension of disbelief. The script was predictable and the story pretty weak. Now Pulp Fiction was also another offbeat movie, and it was QT too. Now that was a much better script and the humor in it was better. On the plus side, I really enjoyed the performance by Christoph Waltz as the doctor. He is a good actor. So, for almost 3 hours I will never get back, I am a bit disappointed. QT can do better, he has before. I am glad I did not see this in a theater, that would be not just a loss of time but a lot more money.

Doctor Who: The Snowmen
Episode 6, Season 7

Good Stuff and still not so good stuff
Since Steven Moffat has taken the helm after RTD left producing the show, I have been repeatedly disappointed in the direction of the series. Of all actors that have played the Doctor, I find Matt Smith on the same level as Colin Baker in "entertainment value." I should clarify my favorite actors as the Doctor were Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison and David Tennant in that order. The scripts are also hit or miss as well. That said; I enjoyed this episode more than others from the past season. First, the opening credits are FANTASTIC! The orchestration is wonderful coupled with a return of the image of the Doctors' face in the very well done graphics! The story was okay although I expected Clara to say "Spit Spot" to the kids at some point and pull a tall lamp out of her bag. Also, using a Sontaran as comic relief seemed a bit silly. Killer Smowmen from outer space with a floating spaceship (TARDIS) in the clouds seems like a bad B-Movie plot from the 1950's and the conclusion to the episode is a bit confusing. And if we must have a villain, I don't think the "cute, sexy and lick-the-mirror handsome" Doctor Richard E.Grant was the best choice.

I am sure there was an intent of a cliff hanger but it was more of a "what in the heck just happened" moment (IMHO). There was good action, great music and Clara (Oswin) is really a perfect companion for the Doctor. Hopefully, she can hang on for a regeneration and a better Doctor will be cast in the role...soon! I long for the days when RTD brought excellent stories every week, or even when John Nathan Turner was in charge. I should clarify that Steven Moffat has had some good episodes such as "Blink" but nothing consistent.

Doctor Who is something I look forward to on Christmas Day, and I am hopeful that future episodes will improve. I would not want to see the Doctor go back on the shelf like it did in 1989.

The Starlost

Interesting for its time
I took the time to watch the series and I understand why Harlan Ellison distanced himself from the project. The production was similar to a cross between Saturday morning's "Land of the Lost" and "Doctor Who" during the Tom Baker era. It is too bad that the budget was so low. The show could have been so much more. With the technology we have today using computer graphics it could be amazing. The most noticeable "bad graphics" are with the Color Separation process or "green screen." That technology alone has become pretty seamless today in such programs as the current Doctor Who, Sanctuary or Warehouse 13. Harlan Ellison was a brilliant writer and the story has great potential today if someone would produce it.

Doctor Who: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
Episode 0, Season 7

Most of the classic & current Who stories are interesting and occasionally try to educate on some level. But the real test of a good episode was if it was entertaining and allowed the suspension of disbelief. This story was full of distractions from the beginning. Being in outer space without the TARDIS and still breathing and shouting?? Falling to the Earth and catching a spacesuit to offer protection as if it were a parachute caught while from a falling airplane? Puleeeze!

I give Dr Who a lot of latitude where science comes in, but this was not a very well thought out story on any level!! The plot is all over the place and while the trailers temped us with a CS Lewis Christmas feel, it failed to deliver. It would be great if RTD came back, they found a replacement to MS and wrote better stories. As a fan for over 40 years, I hope the show gets better...It needs a Doctor!


Very Entertaining!
When this program was first released, I was put off in the previews by Amanda Tapping with a British accent, so I skipped watching it. She may have been born in the UK, but her American accent seems to pop out at times. However, I decided that after three seasons on the air, I would watch the program. I was not disappointed. The story is a very interesting look at the Sanctuary that Dr. Helen Magnus operates to protect "Abnormal" beings.

The program uses probably more CGI and green screen (CSO) than any I have seen in awhile. Some of it is very well done and in other places it looks like a scene from a PS3 game. However, the effects seem to add more than distract from the plots. Another bonus I liked was seeing SG-1 alumni pop up now and then like Michael Shanks (Dr. Jackson) or Gary Jones (Walter). My favorite line is when Gary Jones says. "I knew that British accent was fake."

Christopher Heyerdahl is brilliant in his roles as is Robin Dunne as Will. Another treat is seeing cast from Highlander such as Jim Byrnes and Peter Wingfield. Overall the casting is very good and believable. Most of the shows so far have had some substance but I do wonder how long that will last. Hopefully, it can find good writers and continue on!

Human Target

Amazing show! A MUST SEE!
This is one of the best shows Fox has put on the air in a long time! I would love to see this show for years to come, but unfortunately I understand FOX axed it. Very unfortunate, since this show is interesting, entertaining, and great fun for everyone! Mark Valley truly fills the role of Christopher Chance in every way. Kind of an American James Bond. Also seeing Lee Majors in the series was icing on the cake as his part reveals part of the legacy of Chance. If the show is truly gone, I think the networks made a HUGE mistake! Anyone I know that has seen this show thoroughly enjoys it! I would hope the networks will see how great this show really is and perhaps it will appear on one other than FOX.


Intense and thought provoking
"Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few (or the one)?" to quote from Star Trek. But the question is valid here. A very gripping and intense film that makes us look at ourselves and ask, what would I do if I were in the same position? I don't know if I could answer that. The story is told very well by great actors! The film draws one in to the drama and I like that. Yes, the torture and violence is not easy to watch, but it is portrayed in the context of the movie appropriately. People should be aware of the graphic nature of the violence before watching, and probably not watch it if they are offended by that type of content. I also think the ending could have been a bit better, but that's all I will say and not give it away.

Reggie Perrin

OK. But not great.
Average is how I would describe this series. Yes, I did really enjoy Leonard Rossiter as Reggie but times have changed. So Reggie passes by Sunshine Des erts and is now into Groomtech. Unfortunately, the comedy here is somewhat lacking. There are amusing moments but not enough. Mind you, I love Martin Clunes as Doc Martin, but I think the good writing is what is missing. Remaking any older series like F&R of Reginald Perrin, The Bounder, Only when I Laugh, Manor Born etc, is a challenge but it requires thinking outside the box for the times we live. I hoped for more from this series. Now I am looking forward to the next series of Doc Martin!


Great Series!
Russell T Davies really took the elements of Dr Who and made a much more "adult" or darker side to th whovian universe. I have loved Dr. Who since William Hartnell and my favorite Dr.s are Jon Pertwee and Peter Davison (from the original series). But anyone watching TW must remember this is NOT Dr Who anymore than it is the Sarah Jane Adventures! The SJA is to kids what TW is to adults. RTD made this pretty clear in the early episodes such as an alien that kills you is you have sex with it. I doubt that plot would be in a DW episode. Torchwood is very well thought out IMHO. It is worth viewing from the beginning if you have the chance. Now lets see the NEW series! :)

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