
IMDb member since February 2000
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The Langoliers

One of the few likeable Stephen King movies
I dunno, maybe you just have to hate Stephen King. I've never read a SK novel I like, nor have I enjoyed his movies, until now. The Langoliers, though not scary, was a very enjoyable look into Stephen's imagination, and in my eyes, redeeming.

It's been awhile since I last saw it, so I'll give you a vague plot (also hopefully not giving anything away).

We see an early view of the main characters. All of them, of course, scheduled for the same flight. The plane takes off, they all fall asleep. And then they wake up... to an empty world. I won't tell you anymore, as it's all about them exploring and discovering where they are, but I think it's at least worth the price of the rental.

So this, along with two other movies of SK's (The Stand and Shawshank Redemption) has my approval.

The Wild World of Batwoman

Confusion... pain.... horror.....
Dear lord this movie was terrible! And I watched it with the aid of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and I *still* couldn't watch the whole thing! I mean the costume that Batwoman wore literally *scared* me when they first showed her. And the girls are trained but completely helpless. And they keep drinking the same stupid potion over and over and over. And there's bad music and worse dancing. And the bad guys keep being complete morons despite the fact that Batwoman is an airhead and her followers even more so. And.... and... and..... *sob* Excuse me whilst I try to recover from the memories by watching Manos: Hands of Fate again.

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