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American Pie

National Lampoon style comedy, great!
When I rented the video, i didn't expect such an amusing movie! Characters are funny and actors'performances are better then average. The plot is well written and there are no boring moments. If you did like some Belushi's movies don't miss this one. It's definitely worth the bucks you will spend for renting it!

Snake Skin Jacket

L.A. 1997: a bank employee, whose main interest in life is to collect stars' clothes, has made 2 millions dollars out his clients saving accounts, then transferring the money offshore. But, suddenly, a beautiful girl moves in the apartment just in front of him. She's the girlfriend of a strange psychopathic guy who goes around robbing the liquor stores......Or so it seems. Strange, deranged movie: nothing goes as you might expect. It reminded me the mood I got watching some Coen brothers films. Good performance by the blonde and the clothes pusher. Worth see it.

Les nuits fauves

Nightmare in Paris
Cyril Collard, French actor/director who in 1993 (one year after this release) died of AIDS at 35, made this unique movie in which the emotional burden of a HIV-positive person is perfectly evoked (supposed it's possible). Some scenes are notable (beautiful Paris-la-nuit views), others are less, but anyway it's worth watching it in video, better by yourself alone and thinking seriously about life,love and,ultimately, what's the sense of it ALL! If you want to have a good time, don't rent it! Just in case you feel like you're fixing to die.....:)

Lost in Space

Just five minutes (the beginning)
I just rented and watched the movie. Great start, ordinary plot and awful finish. Anyway, it could be worth the three dollars of renting, just for the little pet (monkey) and Matt Le Blanc performance. Ciao.


A trip in a hippie heaven, 1968
Beautiful Mimsy Farmer travels from Paris to Ibiza during the 1968 riots.Early Barbet Schroeder movie, with a notable OST by the Pink Floyd at their best. Drugs, dreams, sex and violence in a heavenly landscape, with a touch of thrilling. Very appealing for all those who think that the sixties were a kind of a golden age. Hard to find, no video on sale or rent. I eventually watched it in a festival in Milan.

Love Potion

Did you like the Brit Gothic of Rocky Horror? Watch this one.
In a British countryside clinic for drug addicts, Delaware (Nancy Paul) begins her therapy to recover from heroin abuse. Let's call it a pills, thrills and rock'n roll nightmare, with

a kinda Hitchcock touch... Appealing, Good direction(Julian Doyle),nice locations.

Apocalypse Now

The ultimate movie, the best Brando ever....
Apocalypse now has been one of the turning points in many people' life. It's an esoteric movie, in a sense that it really learns something, beyond the rational,even beyond the director's will. I could name it a tantric experience or liberation through the Vietnam horror. I would suggest you to read the original Joseph Conrad novel,"Heart of darkness",located in Congo 1910(the screenplay was written remaking it and transposing in Vietnam 1968). Marlon Brando performance is amazing, Dennis Hopper and Martin Sheen's one are too. Locations are stunning, being shot in South-East Asia in a wild jungle (the making of it is a kind of a legend). Politically correct and beautiful.Perfect vintage soundtrack by The Doors and Jimi Hendrix. What would you ask more than that? My vote is 10.


Tarantino fans: don't miss Curdled.
When Curdled was in the cinemas I missed it, but now I rented the VHS and I'm happy, having seen it. I had a couple of hours of pure fun. This is a very good "black" movie: in Europe we'd rather say "noir with a touch of sophisticated humour"or "black comedy". The actresses are impressive and the plot unique. Just follow my advice: if you loved Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs don't miss it, Curdled it's even better!

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

You need to see it to believe it! Many times directors tried to get the acid's lows and highs on screen, but, trust me, this is the first time it really works! Terry Gilliam got it! For anyone really interested in bizarre and outrè sixties spirit this movie is absolutely NOT to miss. Better in theater than in home video, since one of its best features is the great visual impact. The best thing to do is catch it at your local cinema! Johnny Depp is absolutely great, and so are the other actors. Go and see it, you won't regret, it's worth any single cent you will spend on it! Joaquim

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