
IMDb member since April 1999
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    IMDb Member
    25 years


El abuelo

A rich and rewarding experience - not to be missed.
Wonderful, lovely, warm, rich story of an impoverished, very old, Spanish aristocrat (El Abuelo - the grandfather) whose son is dead, and whose daughter-in-law has two daughters. One of these granddaughters is the son of El Abuelo, and one is the product of an affair - which has highly affronted the old man's honor. And he wants to find out which is which. Ultimately, he discovers he loves them both, and with a little help from another wonderful character, decides that love is more important than honor. Absolutely terrific. Leisurely pace, good cinematography complement story line and excellent performances. (In Spanish with subtitles).****

Cane Toads: An Unnatural History

Marvelous - hilarious and cautionary at the same time!
This is a serious review of the ecologic trauma Queensland, Australia, has suffered after the scientifically foolish introduction of Cane Toads. And, it is a gut-busting look at people (Michael Moore style) talking about the Cane Toads with which they share their corner of the world. And, it is a pretty good parody of some sci-fi monster movies.

A total delight!


Remarkable, original and delightful film.
As the film's poster promises, Levinson has faithfully adopted a surrealist approach, often in the fashion of Rene Magritte, and created this astounding film. It is full of humor, and should remind us of the value of childhood, of fun.

It is one of the best - a real original.

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