
IMDb member since April 1999
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Sleepaway Camp

Nasty Little Shocker with unforgettable chilling ending!
Great horror films are great when they can take something that is done to death: in this case slasher movie and create something different and memorable.In this case the director, has taken the hokiest horror movie cliche, mad killer at the summer camp and created a horror classic! Ricky and his very quiet cousin Angela decide to go to summer Camp and soon regret it as the kids there are targeted by a brutal killer! The director,Robert Hiltzik has created a low-budget nasty little shocker that explores the themes of homosexuality child abuse and abnormal behavior.Now stir in some gruesome murders, and last but not least unforgettable ending and you recipe for horror classic guarantee to chill the blood! The ending alone is worth price of admission because spotting the killer isn't that hard but the killer's secret(Oh boy what a secret is it)is what makes the film so memorable.This film also is quite controversial because most of the victims are preteens and the methods of their demise isn't for the squemish.

Tales from the Crypt: 'Til Death
Episode 4, Season 2

most terrifying episode
This is scariest episode of the series with one of my favorite plot devices:VOODOO Where a con man gets his just desserts when he uses a voodoo spell to get a rich woman's heart with disastrous macabre results!

Game of Thrones

Let the Game Begin
" The Best show on TV which was based on Best Fantasy series in Print. The Show like the books have it all: intrigue on grand scale, treachery, murder, betrayal, war, terror, dark magic and darker deeds, brutal violence and steamy sex with cast unforgettable characters that live and breath!

Tales from the Darkside: The Last Car
Episode 19, Season 2

Most terrifying episode!
This is by far the scariest episode of this entire series. I've seen it twice and both times it made my blood run cold! You got a young woman trapped on the train of the dead with no exit! Tales from the Darkside was the scariest story anthology show to ever grace TV and this episode is best example. Other chilling episodes 1. Geezerstacks 2. TrickR Treat 3. Halloween Candy 4. Season of Belief 5. Circus

I'll Bury You Tomorrow

A Masterpiece of the Macabre
Kudos to Alan Rowe Kelly for creating this rather sinister shocker of murder, madness and depravity! I bury you tomorrow is one of the most twisted films I've seen in awhile about a mysterious young woman who comes to the quiet town of Port Oram to work for local funeral parlor headed by Beech.Dolores Finley, the young woman has peculiar habits like her men rather stiff and some chilling skeletons in her closet and add some grave-robbing and other sources of mayhem and you have recipe for masterpiece of the macabre! I love the memorable characters like dolores who seems quiet unassuming woman who has a suitcase full of dark secrets and who's madness which she is hiding is slowly coming back with a vengeance. Jake Gerald, the sheriff's screw-up brother who works for Beeches and who has a rather deadly job on the side, supplying fresh corpses to a businessman. Nettie Beech, a religious fanatic who sees her dead daughter in Dolores and who will do ANYTHING to keep her. The film stars out slow but not boring as you are introduced to the players in this chilling tale so when they do die (always quite bloody) LIke some of the other reviewers of this film I love the black humor of this movie.Unlike alot of shot-on video movies this one looked more professional in tone and in plot-wise miles ahead of the usual slasher genre with it's idiotic teens and unstoppable killers.What makes this film work is how makers quietly let u enter it's twisted world and you discovers all of it's gruesome secrets. So if you want gory but well-made shocker join Dolores and Beeches and Jake Gerald and REST IN PEACE!

Strange Things Happen at Sundown

vampire gangsters what a concept!
I was kind of surprised about some of the negative reaction to this wonderful movie. If quentin tarrantio and anne rice got together and made a vampire movie it would be similar to this film. The makers of the film have made vampires something to fear again in their descriptions of these sociopathic bloodsuckers who live on to feed on the blood of their victims.Another I love about the movie is some of the characters like the reaper, a chilling vampire hit-man who's frightened of his neat freak psycho wife. Reaper's wife

profanity-laced tirades against her husband are hilarious!The heroine of this movie, a vampire hitwoman who has vendetta against brutal vampire marcel and his girlfriend Amy who turned her into a vampire are chilling in it's intensity.I love the dialogue of vampire gangsters Jimmy fangs and his crew who sound like they come straight from a episode of the sopranos.the scenes with Marcel and Amy and their hostage, a born again Christian who seeks to save Amy's soul are great as well.There are no wimpy soul-searching vamps in this movie.All of the vampires in this movie are bloodthirsty who revel in their killing of the victims.Another plus of the movie is sometimes gorgeous camera-work in the movie and the scenes of bloodletting and gruesome violence are shocking but appropriate for this film. This is one of the all-time best vampire movie I ever seen with over-top violence, memorable characters, witty humor and great photography all add up to classic tale of vampiric horror with a dark comic edge.


First Female James Bond!
what could I say about this show that not been said before? This show is stylish and plot twists are quite incredible.It reminds me of the X-files in quality(back when the X-files were good)What I like most about this show is the heroine and the actress who plays her! Ms. Garner makes everything possible. I also love the Locals that are shown in the series and violent action sequences are first-rate.Alias has it all: a sexy and resourceful heroine, lots of intrigue and deception where nothing is what it seems! I really believe the makers of the Bond films could use the writers of this show in creating plots.

The Ring

Ultra creepy!
I loved this movie! Kudos for the film makers for creating truly eerie horror film that has dreamlike quality of the best of nightmares.I love gruesome and gory horror films but I was suprised that I loved this nonviolent but chilling horror film!

An American Vampire Story

awful! truly an insult to vampire movies!
Avoid at all costs! This was the probably the worst vampire movie I've ever seen.Any movie that has Adam West as a surfer-dude called The Big Kahuna is something you should miss.

Saving Private Ryan

Unforgettable War Movie
This the most unforgettable war film I've ever seen.The depictions of the horror of war and what is did to our brave soldiers with always linger with me.The battle scenes were so brutally vivid that I thought the director had built a time machine and when back in time filmed the battle scenes as they happened. Profound and haunting are the adjectives that come to mind in this film and it's images will linger long in my memory.

Bride of Chucky

A witty shocker
This was a witty shocker with equal emphasis on attitude and gore.I especially like the surprise ending that gearing toward a sequel.


A great epic fantasy adventure
This is a great epic fantasy with all the right ingredients:marvelous special effects, great battles scenes, humor and unexpected romance!


Ultimate King Arthur movie
This is by far the ultimate Arthur movie.I love this film with it's theme of paganism and magic of the old world leaving to make room for Christianity of the new world.Now add sweeping battle scenes, stirring musical score and beautiful cinematography and you have a movie experience to enjoy again and again.


Gripping Historical Film
This is a gripping historical film.The makers should be commented.Intelligent script, fine acting, dark atmospheric cinematography and art direction all add up to memorable film experience.The movie also has the pacing of a thriller and assassinations at the end was a great ode to Coppola's Godfather saga.

The Grave

A sinister little thriller
This is a sinister little thriller with diabolically nasty twist at the end.I especially like the macabre humor that the script uses and location gave it a great atmosphere. It reminds me of Tales of the Crypt

episodes that I enjoyed.

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