
IMDb member since August 2000
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Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii

Pink Floyd just before it found it's "formula"....
Ever wanted to see Nick Mason actually "play" his drums? Ever wanted to see David Gilmour move and make physical motions with his guitar? You've chosen the correct film. This film marks the time just prior to the release of "Dark Side of the Moon", which forever changed the future of Pink Floyd. Though DSOTM is a great album it paved the way for boring over-produced albums. While I own all of those albums I still believe it does not stand up to the innovative achievements of Meddle, Atom Heart Mother, Saucerful of Secrets, and lastly Piper at the Gates of Dawn. Live at Pompeii shows a Pink Floyd that actually "jammed" and was quite a competent live band given the material.

Doctor Zhivago

Not Lean's best, but the best love story I've seen
Compared to "Kwai" or "Lawrence", "Zhivago" isn't in the same league. However since it's based on a novel, Lean does his best to make "Zhivago" succeed. Based on historical upheaval in Russia, the love story has a larger meaning about expressing freedom on several levels despite the circumstances. Lean is good at balancing the love story vs. the historical events that surround Laura and Zhivago. So the movie is quite enjoyable, though it's just not the great, great films that made David Lean famous.

The Sixth Sense

This gets the same ranking as "Das Boot"??
At the time of this post, 8.6 is the rating for this film... What a bunch of BS!!! I just watched "Angela's Ashes" which was rated a "7" on this website. Let me tell you it killed Sixth Sense.....

How can this cheesy thriller rank with the BEST submarine war film of all time???

The Deer Hunter

It's not a "war film", stupid
Why do we need to compare every movie that dealt with Vietnam?? Full Metal Jacket vs. Platoon, or Apocolypse Now vs. the Deer Hunter??? The Deer Hunter is a film that brings the horrors of modern warfare back to a patriotic steel mill town outside of Pittsburgh. It's a character study about three guys with a group of tight knit friends who stay behind. It goes into the character of each member (Stan (John Cazale) included) until you really find how they tick. Compare that to any other war movie and you're a bit amiss. If you find it boring because of the Russian orthodox wedding reception, then this film isn't for you. It's sad, it's deep it's depressing, but it definitely deserves the Oscar's it received.

Dr. No

Jack Lord is Felix...
Unlike the characters who remained until death or retirement (Benard Lee, Lois Maxwell, Desmond Llewelyn), Felix has been played by several actors. However, the best Felix is at the time future "Hawaii Five-O" star Jack Lord. He plays the most realistic CIA agent compared to the hacks that followed. I'll admit that David Hedison (who played Felix in Live and Let Die, and License to Kill) is ok, but they really missed an opportunity to build the character with Lord. He and Connery were on equal ground, where you don't get that feel with Felix in "Goldfinger", "Thunderball", and "Diamonds...".

Enough about one character. This movie spawned the rest, it was a such a hit that we're now on our nineteenth official Bond film. It's not my personal favorite, but to only dream that the current crew could revert to a movie of this type. It was followed by the hard to top "From Russia With Love", which along with "Goldfinger" and "OHMSS" are my favorites.

Diamonds Are Forever

This movie is sad by Connery standards
Of course it's entertaining, of course I watch it every time it's on TV, but this isn't what James Bond should be. It's a cold, unemotional, gimmicky film. It's almost the anti OHMSS. After YOLT which isn't this bad, they should've offered Connery the world for OHMSS. If he was given that role it would've topped any role he had done before (including From Russia..). Despite that, an unproven actor gets the role and it's still a GREAT film. Connery back then was seen as a meal ticket, so they had to make the film too silly. That is ashame.

Father Brown

A fun movie
A great movie that contains another great Guinness character. Instead of trying to break the law in the "Lavender Hill Mob", he does right by helping his "subjects". He latches on to the most wanted thief in Britian and instead of turning him in does his own work to find and search him out. In the end the thief donates his warez to a museum and Father Brown changes the life of a criminal. Very entertaining.

Rough Riders

A great movie made for TV
I don't understand Ted Turner. He admits he a "socialist" and demonized old B&W movies by "colorizing". Yet he can front movies like Gettysburg and Rough Riders. I call that an enigma. This movie is not only inspiring but thoroughly enjoyable. Berringer plays TR well! You understand how TR's voice and manner was a bit out of step with the regular's. However, you grew to respect him as a leader because he did his best to become a leader.

The Godfather Part II

The greatest movie I've ever seen
"The Godfather" introduced to pop culture the inside of a fictional mafia family that many drew connections. The big secret is that GF II better's the original. It may be the only sequel in movie history to accomplish this feat (The Empire Strikes Back is debatable). For three hours and twenty minutes we are shown a two prong plot where Michael Corleone must deal with his current enemies while at the same time driving a wedge between his family. The other plotline is the rise of Vito Corleone. This is well played by Robert DeNiro, who received an Oscar for his performance. The movie viewer has a complex soap opera that does not disappoint. It's deep and dark. It shows that unlike his father, Michael has to sacrifice his wife and children to hold the family name. Meanwhile, Vito shows his ability to lead by taking out the local boss and establishing his own racket. Michael is seen as the tragic figure, the one member of the family who wanted to be legit and turns out to be more ruthless than his father. It's a shame this wasn't the original Godfather. Many love to mimic Brando's great performance, this movie is pure genius.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

If they only gave this to Connery in '66
Unfortunately this movie had to be made without Sean Connery. With an unknown actor, the director can run the show and make this the most interesting Bond film ever. Lazenby grows on you. You cringe at the "this didn't happen to the other fella'" comment but by the middle of the movie you're convinced he IS James Bond. I love this film. Of course we have Diana Rigg as the wife. You cannot top this dead on casting. If they allowed Sean Connery to act and not apply gadgets and gimmicks to increase the appeal of Bond this would've been the film everyone would point to in his resume'. Anyone who has seen "Marnie" knows Connery can be the strong sensitive guy. Without him this still rates a nine on my chart.

Saving Private Ryan

A movie with balance
What's interesting is that we have a meeting of the war movie minds with this film. SPR has attracted the John Wayne/Audie Murphy fans with the realists aka. Coppola/Stone/Kubrick lovers. Both camps will find fault with this movie, but an open mind will really appreciate what Spielberg achieved with this film. The action in the first half-hour is top notch. You will not find action of this kind in any war movie to date. Now we come to the plot. War films and plots are usually blurred or non-existent (unless they are non-fiction/attempted true to life films). In this case we have a fictional story with a plot. Compared to Platoon and FMJ, this movie HAS a plot. The movie has peaks and valleys, as do most films. That is how one builds a climax. The hype of this film has jaded many to believe that you can achieve 2 hours and 49 minutes of intensity to match D-day. Spielberg captures peaks and valleys of soldier combat. It's intense battles with a lot of boredom.

to sum it up:

Patton: better character development

Platoon: uses personal experience to judge a period of time, too much bias to show one side of Vietnam. Deer Hunter makes Platoon look weak.

FMJ: Characters a bit disjointed, realistic combat

The Longest Day: a puff piece, the only redeeming aspect is the German perspective.

A Bridge Too Far: weak screenplay for a true to life drama, a good war film nonetheless

Trojan War

This movie would've been better 10 years ago.
If this movie was supposed to be a typical plotline 80's teenage throwaway film, it missed its audience. The "Austin" nametag on Lee Major's police uniform went over the heads of anyone who wasn't born before 1974. I caught this flick on HBO about three months ago. I thought Lee Majors as a cop was funny (named Austin a.k.a. Steve Austin from the "Six Million Dollar Man"). But I'm sure it didn't register with those who actually cared to see this film with the very attractive Jennifer Love Hewitt.

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