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6 Underground

Weak storyline and too much unnecessary gore bloody violence
This is a big budget Hollywood movie for sure but it's just too much unnecessary violent and super weak storyline. Guess it's trying to "promote" Ryan to be the next Tom Cruise to come up with another genre of "Mission Impossible" franchise, but for me it's just not working - too much unnecessary sex and violence

Soul Surfer

Wonderful movie that every family should watch it together!!
I highly recommend this uplifting and inspiring film for the entire family.

The film is based on a true story (Bethany Hamilton), you could google about her to read more about the story of the real girl that lost her arm to a shark in an accident.

Again, I really really hope that Hollywood could come up with more of such uplifting films, which encourage people to have more positive attitude, hope, and uplifting spirit.

I also think that the script writer and the director did a great job transforming this true story to a movie without sacrifice the details and doing it without exaggeration. The acting is top-notch too. Soul Surfer, while formulaic in design, is an authentic and heartfelt movie. The scenery (shot in Hawaii) is really awesome, you should go watch this movie yourself!

I would watch this movie with my entire family again! When the DVD comes out I'm going to buy one too!

The Departed

The original (Hong Kong movie) is much better than "the departed"... there are just too many Fxxx words and too much unnecessary violence in this movie...

The Departed comes by its puzzle pieces honestly — the movie, with an outstanding script by Kingdom of Heaven screenwriter William Monahan, is a relatively direct adaptation of Infernal Affairs, a great 2002 Hong Kong crime thriller steeped in Chinese conundrum and Hong Kong aesthetics. But where Infernal Affairs is less interested in psychological nuance than in Eastern-style elegance of action, Scorsese and Monahan showcase Western-style, actorly character building at its most enjoyable. DiCaprio's adult intensity as a young man agonizing over the disappearance of his real identity under the weight of playing someone he isn't is matched by Damon's thoughtful restraint. Wahlberg — a charismatic, always underrated natural — digs into his own Mean Beantown Streets background and comes up with surprising fury. Sheen, freed from West Wing presidential responsibilities, imbues his cop captain with a surprising pathos. As the one woman in an all-male saga, Farmiga's Madolyn hints at female secrets and personal sadnesses probably not necessary to the film but welcome nonetheless. The learned (or, in the case of Wahlberg, resumed) Boston accents sound ripe but right, with Baldwin adding his own audience-pleasing oomph to the exercise.

That said, however, as I said at the beginning, just too much unnecessary violence, and the cast is not really "believable"... I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. :(

Cold Mountain

not a bad movie, but not really "original"
In short, I think this movie took a lot of success elements from most "epic" type of movies, such as Titanic, "Saving Private Ryan", and so on. But in itself there are not many "original" elements in this movie that worth talking or remembering about. That is, for some of the slow "pace", I felt that it was copied from the "Gladiator," for the love story build on top of a real historic war (or a historic disaster), it seems to be from Titanic, and for the Alabama chapel music, it seems to be just a variation from the "river dance" scene from Titanic too. Anyway, it's not really a bad movie, but I would love to see more "original" movies coming out from Hollywood..

Donnie Darko

What is this??
Man, and you people call this movie "creative??" What's wrong with you guys?? Not only this movie is kinda sick, with a lot of bias, but it is nothing else than a typical "South Park" american type of stuff. Geez, I think our country is going way down, because of these sick films..

The acting is good though, but I just don't like the script and the story, oh man, and so many people vote for more than 5 for this movie?? What's wrong with you guys??

* out of *****

Red Dragon

90 mil to make such a movie?
I guess probably 60 mil went to the cast, the rest of the 30 mil was spent on production. This movie is *NOT* original at all. It's a combination of 'The Silence Of The Lambs', "Psycho" (the old woman), SEVEN (the "dragon" metaphore in this movie), and other classic movies. Absolutely NO NEW ideas at all. I guess I was expecting too much as the average rating on of this movie is around 8?? What a big disappointment. :(

Well, at least the actors tried their very best, although, again, good acting (they tried), but just NOT convincing!! Edward Norton do not look like a agent, Ralph Flennes, boy, would you believe such a handsome guy who would become insane just because of the tiny mark on his face? I don't think so. And Emily Watson is a bit too "pretty" for her role, I mean, come on guys, would you believe a blind pretty woman like "she" would have such character and working for the kind of job that she had?? The only character that is conviencing is, again, Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), but then again, boy, he had played this type of characters for so many times that it is simply not original or new to the audience at all.

**1/2 out of *****

Le Cinquième Élément

Why put in Chris Tucker??
This movie was OK in terms of the visuals, but with a lot of tasteless cheesy entertainment elements. First off, why put in Chris Tucker?? His acting is just so disgusting with the radio D.J. character and so tasteless, not matching with the style of the whole movie at all.

The best scene is probably the Diva Opera, which is kinda creative and visually stunning, but then again, a lot of the visual "ideas" was from a lot of Japanese animes. Poor Japanese anime designers/artiest would never get credits for these as their animes were NEVER been able to make it to international market (political/cultural reasons? Geez). Anyway, it's an OK and entertaining movie, but again, it could have reached a higher level of achievement if it was created a bit more "realistic" and not just with a lot of visual effects.

Spy Game

Wow, cool movie, great acting, and SUPERB MUSIC!!
Harry Gregson-Williams and Tony Scott did it again!! Wow, I was totally blow away with the music, it was a total amazing music arrangement!! Gotta love it! Brad Pitt and Rebert really did a great job together as a duo, the set was realistic and amazing, BUT, wait.. can you fly a UH-1 heli to SuZou, China?? Even from a air carrier, I don't think so.. there are some plots that are not that "logical" and so on, but then again, well, it's just a movie, and for a movie and for entertainment, cool!! This movie really really did a great job to put all the pieces together!! 9 out of 10.

When you watch the movie, pay special attention to the music!! No wonder the Japanese game company (NAMCO) wanted Harry to do their heavy-weight game title Metal Gear Solid, Harry IS one of the best film composer in hollywood right now!! Great job Harry!

The Others

Copied from "The sixth sense"
Well, if you haven't watched the movie "The Sixth sense", this might be a great movie for you (unexpected ending), but if you already watched the sixth sense, I think the basic plot of this movie was copied from it and just made some new tweaks. The first hour was really really boring.. I almost fell asleep... THE ending: hmmm.. very similar to "the sixth sense..." nice try and nice music though...

Forrest Gump

I think it's great
some really creative camera techniques and great story.. don't know why some people didn't like it and it didn't make it to imdb top 100 movies. I personally happen to love this movie a lot. Can't wait until the DVD come out.. best,


A very very must see
This is one of my favorite movies! I really think this is under-rated. Anyway, I could still clearly remember the story and the acting was really great! THe music is great too! Ah.. no wonder, it's James Horner (THE composer of Titanic).. funny thing is, I think Horner did a great job on The Mask of Zorro, and Titanic (1997) but NOT the "Deep Impact" (for some reason, I didn't think the music in that movie was really impressive).. anyway, this movie (DAD) is a must see, highly recommended.

Lola rennt

Creative, passionate, lovely acting and story
Love this movie. I think this movie was one of the best foreign films (as oppose to Hollywood) in the past 10 years. Very creative (sort of inspired by "Go" maybe?) and the story and acting was just excellent!! Highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.


A very very must see
This is one of my favorite movies! I really think this is under-rated. Anyway, I could still clearly remember the story and the acting was really great! THe music is great too! Ah.. no wonder, it's James Horner (THE composer of Titanic).. funny thing is, I think Horner did a great job on The Mask of Zorro, and Titanic (1997) but NOT the "Deep Impact" (for some reason, I didn't think the music in that movie was really impressive).. anyway, this movie (DAD) is a must see, highly recommended.

The Mirror Has Two Faces

Great movie
I'm a guy, but I still like this movie. I think Babara handled the movie pretty well and the story is "believeable." Acting is great too. There might be some parts that is a little bit "over-done" or too much but overall a great movie to be remembered.

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