
IMDb member since June 2000
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    23 years


The Good Girl

Boring story about boredom
A Hollywood film that wants to be indie, but ends up as neither.

Plot and theme in themselves are cliche as can be (ordinary dead- end lifes, adultery). The film needs strong characters and good

craftsmanship to make it come alive - it has neither. Well, at least

the director is honest enough to refrain from pouring on the usual

gratuitous sex and violence to try spicing it up.

The two men especially are the two poles that hold up the tent for

the heroine to do her trapeze act - and they are totally flat.

The Gen-X punkette/comic relief is wasted - she was so

completely disconnected from the rest of the picture that she might

as well do her scenes from inside a fishtank.

Oh, and did I mention the totally gratuitous Texas-bashing? How

would the story be any different if it were set in Westchester County

or North Hollywood? Geez!

Don't waste your money on this one - stick with "Ghostworld" and

"American Beauty".

Da wan

I don't know how anyone can fail to see - this satire is hip and wicked to the bone. Not at all a mainstream Chinese production you would expect!

The closest comparison for this baby would be to _Diva_, but for its viciously funny stab at dot-com money madness, there's no equal.

Within all the whirling satire, Donald Sutherland held down the movie's emotional anchor admirably. He made the movie more than just an average comedy. And the way director Feng used him showed me that China today can make films as sophisticated as any in the world. He made Zhang Yimou and Ang Lee look utterly out-of-date and irrelevent.

Alma gitana

Hey, it's no worse than Hollywood ...
Sure it's cliche, but so is _Dance with Me_ ...

At least the scenery is fresh, and the flow is good (no small thanks to the music).

Granted I am biased - I study flamenco myself. But check out for yourself. I say it makes for a great party movie.

Cómo ser mujer y no morir en el intento

Women On the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - lite
Carmen Maura does a retread of that movie, and her character. Despite the incidental difference in plot and character, you don't feel any difference - it's star vehicle for Carmen Maura as Molly Bloom.

Never have I seen an actress that made a more fascinating Bitchin' Middle-aged Broad :) She has that old-fashioned Hollywood charisma that no other actress seems to have in the last 20 years. This is good because besides her, this movie has very little to recommend from music, cinematography, plot to characterization (in the order that I noticed them). A point-to-point comparison to the Almodovar masterpiece would serve as a quick & fun Filmmaking 101. And the ending? It feels like the screenwriter flat ran out of idea and screen time.

When is someone going to film Ulysses and cast her in it???

Gadjo dilo

i loved the veracity of this art work. especially the passionate sexy attraction between Sabina and Stephan. i loved how children are part of the community life in all aspects, and they are cared by all members. as i read from another viewer watching this film is like travelling with Stephan into the uncontaminated world of the gipsies. Carmen

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