
IMDb member since March 1999
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The Parent Trap

Very similar to the old one
I like the way that Disney just basically dressed up the old one and modernized it and came out with this. The comedy, being more up to date, makes more sense to my generation also, which makes it more enjoyable. Maybe in another 25 years, they will make an updated Parent Trap II with the same actress playing the part and dress that one up ever more! :)

The Parent Trap II

Good clean comedy!
Some pretty outrageous events took place in this movie! First, Nicki Ferris and Mary Grand meet and become friends. Nicki's mom, Sharon Ferris, announces they are moveing to New York, Nicki doesn't want to go, so she and Mary put their heads together and come up with some ideas that are out of this world! (Why couldn't I think of something like that?) She gets her Aunt Susan Cary involved and she actually agrees to help! No grown up, especially a married one, would agree to impersonate someone and date a man she doesn't know. This is just too funny!

Saturday Night Live

If you enjoy a good laugh, you enjoy this show!
This show, in my opinion, is extremely hilarious! I love the way the sketches tie in with current events, it provides a good laugh on a news story we are tired of hearing about and I also like the sketches they have done on Jeopardy! and Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the game show ones were great. At times, I do feel uncomfortable with some of the things on here but if you want a laugh, you've come to the right place.

The Parent Trap

This is pure Disney!
If you watch this movie, you will see how Disney is supposed to be. This movie caters to all ages. I can see where childeren will find it funny and adults find it romantic. That's the way it should be too. It should be where people of all ages can come together and enjoy the same thing. I am sure back in 1961, when they duplicated Hayley Mills into two, that was amazing and was probably one of the most talked about things if the subject of movies ever came up in a conversation.

Dennis the Menace Strikes Again!

Better than the first one!
The first Dennis the Menace was funny but this one I got more laughs from and I think it had a better cast because they look more like the ones from the comics. Like, at the beginning of the movie, they show Mrs. Wilson from the comics decorating a birthday cake and then it fades into Betty White making a birthday cake and it looked almost identical! Don Rickles seemed to be a better Mr. Wilson than the guy from the other one. It's just better.


A good series but is missing something.
This is a good series and it is sad to see it go next season but there is just something missing in the series. It's not as funny as The Cosby Show but the cast members on there this last season are grown up and we all liked seeing Cosby as "America's Favorite Dad" as the TBS Superstation says. I guess that's it or there's something else. I just don't laugh as much as I do at The Cosby Show. But all in all, it was a good series and it's sad to see it go. Perhaps Bill Cosby and Phyllicia Rashad will do more work together since they have made a great team on both series.

The $10,000 Pyramid

The New $25,000 Pyramid
I guess this is the place to comment on The (New) $25,000 Pyramid. I think this is a neat game and I like seeing all the panelists and alot of them are from the old reruns that I like to watch! I have never seen a listing for the $10,000 Pyramid on Game Show Network but have seen listings for $25,000 and $100,000 Pyramids and I think both of those are neat games to watch.


Far from the truth but very well done.
This movie was defanately far from the truth. There were not german agents onboard who tried to blow up the ship and sink it and the ship didn't get hijacked and crew members were not shot by german spys. The Britannic was torpedoed off of Greece. So, this movie was extremely fictional so if you are looking for something historical acurate, this will not make your list. But, the story, I personally thought, was very neat and the effects and settings were very well done and looked very true to life. It's worth the time watching but THIS IS FICTION!

Noah's Ark

This movie was by far the most horrible mini series that I have seen and I have been through some pretty stupid stuff but this by far must be the worst. It really offends me since I am a faithful Christian and am strongly involved with the sunday school program and am the organist at my church. I don't usually write negative reviews but I had to speak out this time. This movie is untrue to the story in Genisis of the Old Testament of the Bible! Nobody else built boats to try to catch the ark! Noah's wife wasn't some mentally disturbed anti-depresnet idiot! THE LIST GOES ON! NBC is my favorite major broadcasting network and I have never been so disappointed in them. The previews were good and we even advertised it in church! WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!!

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

It is certainly worth watching!
Who Wants to be a Millionare is a great game show for the whole family. If you read other reviews I have written, you will see that I am a Game Show fanatic but this one is probably our family favorite. It's one of few shows that the whole family can sit in front of the TV together and watch and I really enjoy times like that. Also, I think Regis Philbin is a great host for the show and he adds the drama to the show with the "Is that your final answer?" and before he says yes or no, he kind of stares at the ground and has us wondering for about a second and a half and then jumps up. That's really neat, I think. Who Wants to be a Millionare is a great show and I hope it lasts for a long time to come, and that is my final answer.

The New Tic Tac Dough

An example of a Classic Game Show
I would just like to say that if you haven't watched Tic Tac Dough on Game Show Network, you are missing out on a neat game! I think that Hollywood Squares is a revival of Tic Tac Dough and it has the same concept where you answer questions to gain an X or and O but you don't have stars as panelists, you have an electronic board, sort of like Jeopardy!. I really like it, perhaps you will too.

Wheel of Fortune

Pretty Cool!
Wheel of Fortune is a fun Game Show to watch. I watch it every night on my local NBC affiliate and I enjoy the old reruns on the Game Show Network. It's always been my dream to be on Jeopardy! but if I can't get on there, I wanna try for Wheel of Fortune, if it's still around in 5, 6, or 7 years. I think it will be because as Charlie O'Donell says at the beginning of every episode "It's America's Game!" It must be the most popular game show on Television. I hope it stays around. Pat Sajak and Vanna White are great hosts for the show too! I have versions of the game on Nintendo 64 and for my computer and I enjoy playing it myself. It's a fun game and I would really like to appear on a game show because I've always enjoyed watching game shows and thought they were neat.


Brings back childhood memories!
I still like to watch reruns of Lassie on Discovery Kids network and it brings back memories of watching it as a child. Every sunday, my dad would bring me home from church and while we were haveing lunch, he would turn on Nickalodean (which was a good station back then in my oppinion) and we would watch Lassie (The episodes with the Martins, Paul, Ruth, and Timmy) He would tell me how he watched it as a kid. I really enjoyed those good times. Now that we have Digital Cable, we have the Discovery Kids Network and they have the Lassie episodes on with Jeff Miller on at 1:PM EST on sundays so we always watch it to remember the good times. I would have to say that I enjoy the episodes with Timmy Martin the most because those are the ones I grew up with.


Very Historically Acurate
I have to compliment James Cameron on this movie because this is probably the most historically acurate movie I have ever seen. It's interesting watching these fictional characters rub elbows with history like John Jacob Astor, Molly Brown, Benjamen Guggenheim, etc. I am a huge Titanic buff and certainly enjoyed this movie. A movie theater in my area had it on until the day it came out on video. Of course, I was going to be in line at Suncoast Pictures in my local Mall for my copy the day it came out but three days before it came out, I had to go back and see it on the big screen one more time because it was so impressive and so realistic. I felt like I was there, really there. This is definately one of my favorite movies!


Good Job CBS!
I thought this was a great mini series for a Titanic Buff like me! It was very dramatic and they couldn't have picked a better cast. George C. Scott did a great portrayal of Captain Smith and I liked the way they did the sinking. GOOD JOB CBS!


Been watching it since 1987
I am 16 years old and I still think that DuckTails is like the best cartoon on TV! There are others at my school who agree with me. I have always been a Disney Fanatic and this was one of the best series that disney ever made. When I was little and didn't understand the difference between cartoons and real life, I used to ask my parents if they would take me to Duckburg so I could met Scrooge McDuck and Hewey, Duey, and Lewey. I look back on that and laugh now. Mother would say "Oh, no sweatheart. The McDucks and DuckBurg is in Cartoonland and that is too far away to visit!" Then I would say "Oh darn." Back in 1988, I even had a DuckTails Birthday party with DuckTails decorations and Hewey, Duey, Lewey, Webby, and Scrooge on my cake. I still watch it whenever it is on and remember watching it as a child.


What a fun game!
Every saturday, I watch the reruns of Password on Game Show Network. I think this is a fun game to play and I like to make up my own games and play it with my family. Allen Ludden (God rest his soul) was a very good host too.


Nothing tops it.
There is no game show that could top Jeopardy! Not even Wheel of Fortune (no offence meant because I like Wheel of Fortune too). I like Alex's smooth voice and the way he expresses himself in reading some things. I can't picture anyone else hosting Jeopardy. I love to play Jeopardy on various Video Game systems and I like to shout at the TV all the questions. My little brother (11 years old) thinks I am nuts sitting there at the TV at 7:30 in the evening shouting at the TV.


The Cosby Show

While watching this show, I pratically die laughing!!!!!!!!!!
The Cosby Show is one of the funniest shows I have ever watched. I have seen alot of funny shows but this one by far has to be the funniest! I watch it every afternoon on the TBS Superstation after I come home and almost every afternoon, I practically die laughing. All the comedy has made Bill Cosby, by far my favorite actor! I find it hysterical when he questions things and I chuckle when he sneaks in tiny little funny comments. Like one time, little Olivia said "May I be frank?" and Dr. Huxtable said "Sure, go ahead frank!" And I almost died whenever he was playing hide and go seek with the grandchildren and knocked over the grandfather clock. He said to them when they doubted that he could fix it, "You see, it's called a grandfather clock because only grandfather can fix it." And when he made up that rhyme for them for the "secret club" so they wouldn't tell Claire about the broken clock. He said "Hickory Dickory Doc. Grandfather didn't break the clock." and "Hickory Dickory Doc. Nobody Broke the Clock." That was too funny! This is just an example of the comedy I enjoy in the show. KEEP THE RERUNS COMING!!!!!!!

Mama's Family

Considering how kooky the characters are, this show is pretty darn funny!
I just have to laugh everytime I watch this show. Old Thelma is a mess and she cracks me up! Eunice is a riot and I get laughs from Vinton with all his silliness! I can even do a perfect voice of Iola. The main reason I started watching the show was to see Rue McClanahan and Betty White because I think they are funny actresses and I use to only watch those episodes but I grew attached to the rest of the cast. This series provides plenty of laughs! Thelma seems very sharp tounged and she says nasty stuff about her family but deep down, I think she really loves them and she has even shown it in a few episodes considering she is not one for showing her emotions and acts grumpy all the time. This show is definately a classic and alot better than alot of the shows today! I like 80's and even 70's sitcoms alot better than the new stuff because I think they are funnier.

The Golden Palace

It was a perfectly good series! Why did they have to cancel it. I still have episodes on tape but haven't seen all. I know Dorothy's loss in 1992 was a hard one and I am glad they tried to keep the other three going. Just because Dorothy was gone, wasn't a reason to "kill-off" the other three! I was outraged when this show was cancelled! I wish someone would air reruns like, once a week! Once a week because there were only 24 episodes and it wouldn't repeat as often. Or lifetime could show it after they show The Golden Girls finale and then start The Golden Girls over again! COME ON!


And then there's Maude!
I am only 15 years old and was not even thought of when Maude was on CBS but I love to watch this show on TV Land. It is so funny! I am a Bea Arthur fan and I like to watch The Golden Girls and Mama's Family too so I know Bea Arthur and Rue McClanahan from Golden Girls and Rue McClanahan from Mama's Family. When I first tuned in to Maude, I was suprised because I saw Rue McClanahan and her mouth was moving and I heared a womans voice but through my TV Speakers, it didn't sound like her! I eventually got used to her northeast axcent she was doing on Maude. I was so used to a southern axcent from The Golden Girls and Mama's Family. My favorite character on Maude (Other than Maude obviously) is Mrs. Naugatuck. She is too funny! I think we all recognized Hermione Baddley from Mary Poppins! She seems to be always playing a maid but I really liked the episode when Mrs. Naugatuck first came, she and Maude were useing the word "Oppinion" alot when they weren't getting along at first.

Mrs. Naugatuck: "You're very oppinionated!" Maude: "That's your oppinion."

and so on! We were filling out a survey at school on our favorite TV shows so I filled out a less obvious show for me and put Maude. Some kid in the next desk looked over at my ballet and sayed "Maude? What's that?!" My algebra teacher sayed "Oh, that's some messed up TV show in TV land. That actress is a witch! I hated her on Maude and I especially hated her on The Golden Girls," he sayed. "Also, that show is a knock off to All in the family." What I was trying to say by that is, I am glad I found positive comments on Maude because not many people in my town like that show. There is only one lady I know of that likes it, she is also a Golden Girls fan. I have alot of Golden Girls fans at my school but none for Maude. Alot in my town say they like The Golden Girls but they don't like Dorothy. I just don't understand. Well, I hope TV Land never ever ever takes Maude off the air because there is really no place else that would air it! LONG LIVE MAUDE!

Ladies Man

This show rocks!!!!
I just got finished watching the Pilot episode on CBS and I think this show rocks! It is so funny seeing Jimmy Stiles living with all these mouthy women and finally they have a baby boy, now! I hope the show lasts a long time because I want to see the baby boy get older and see how he reacts living with all these women. The only thing I don't like is the part of the gay friend who acts gay but says "I don't have what it takes to be gay." I think his part is simply unnecessary. Need I say more?... :) Well, anyway, this show was great! I hope it lasts a good long time!

Full House

One of the better sitcoms ever made.
I really like Full House and I think it's funny but I don't care for the lectures and mushy music that goes on at the end of each episode. I think more like the other show I watch, The Golden Girls, it should have had more funny and oukward endings where someone makes a funny comment and it ends in laughter. I like the series twords the later seasons and towards the later seasons, I also grew to like Jodie Sweetin (Stephanie).


Nothing tops it.
There is no game show that could top Jeopardy! Not even Wheel of Fortune (no offence meant because I like Wheel of Fortune too). I like Alex's smooth voice and the way he expresses himself in reading some things. I can't picture anyone else hosting Jeopardy. I love to play Jeopardy on various Video Game systems and I like to shout at the TV all the questions. My little brother (11 years old) thinks I am nuts sitting there at the TV at 7:30 in the evening shouting at the TV.


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