
IMDb member since March 1999
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    25 years


Terror Train

Well, I have to say Terror Train was an excellent film. Like Prom Night, the suspense takes alittle while to get going, but it's worth it. The real scary parts are the first mask the killer wears, and the big chase at the end. Even though Prom Night is thought of as a classic, I think it's nothing compared to Terror Train. Of course it's no Halloween, but then again nothing is. And for those who say this was just to cash in on Jamie and HAlloween, your wrong. There is no relavance to Halloween except Jamie and the killer wears a mask. This is an out of print movie, so if you get a chance to rent it or see it on tv, go for it you won't be sorry!!! If for nothing eles, get it for jamie. This is a mystery too, and the killer is never who you think. It's obvious when he is revealed and you'll kill yerself if you get it wrong. I sure did. Jamie once again prove she is, was, and always will be, The Scream Queen!!

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