
IMDb member since August 2000
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No! No! Why?

Although I hear that "tlc" is funny to those in the medical profession, for the rest of the world, it is a show that makes you want to cringe, and when you're not cringing, you're wishing the writers weren't trying to be The League of Gentlemen. You can see the jokes coming from a mile away, and when they finally do come, they are overplayed.

Reece Shearsmith is disappointing as Dr. Flynn, as he is too giddy (over-enthusiastic?) He does not do himself justice. As for the supporting characters, none really make a splash, except for Nurse MacKenzie, who has absolutely no redeeming virtues whatsoever.

Despite all this, we can't deny that we come back each week for more. If not just to collect ammo for satire.

The League of Gentlemen

Best Show Ever.
Being American and having grown up with disgustingly unfunny sitcoms such as Friends and Suddenly Susan, I must that that I'm so extremely grateful to PBS and BBC America for airing The Young Ones, Monty Python, Father Ted, League of Gentlemen etc etc.

League of Gentlemen however rises above the rest. It's so different from anything I've ever seen. It definitely appeals to the film geek in me, because the film references in the show are brilliant. They're like LoG's own inside joke to their audience. That's really what I really find appealing in this show though- the jokes they make are like jokes you would make hanging around with your mates.

I think the fact that they took Monty Python's ability of putting thoughtful material in a sketch with slapstick and then putting a decidedly disturbing twist on it is so great. One has to be careful in watching LoG along with other comedy, as it tends to overpower the other ones, just as chocolate overpowers lemon sorbet. (Clear as mud?) In other words, watch the other comedies before you watch LoG.

Highlander: Endgame

Great for Highlander fans
I was actually surprised- this was a pretty good flick in general... but it is even better if you're a Highlander fan. There were some disappointments (to say more would ruin the plot!), such as the ending... which, in my opinion, was a bit rushed. But it *did* answer a lot of questions that you were left with after the first 3, and if you have seen the other Highlander films, you will be delighted with a bunch of little tributes to the other Highlander films throughout the movie. Christopher Lambert is aged but still good-- and Adrian Paul (much to my surprise) was actually good as well. So if you're a Highlander fan-- you should definitely see this!

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