
IMDb member since May 1999
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    25 years


Picket Fences

Awesome thought-provoking show
With all the pap that's passing for entertainment these days, this show stands out all the more. Week after week this show tossed out thought provoking questions in all areas of our society - medical, criminal, religious, philosophical - any aspect of our society and lives was fair game. And it wrapped these questions around the lives of a hugely talented cast of fully realized characters. The show also had the courage to not play it safe. It routinely tackled "hot button" issues from abortion, to homosexuality, to belief in God, to constitutional protection of rights. Is there ANY show on TV now that comes close to this??

Ironically, I "discovered" this show while on vacation in the Midwest when I came across a full page advertisement by a religious organization, decrying it's blasphemy. The advertisement described some of the situations dealt with in the show - and I knew right away this was a show for me.

Entertaining, intelligent, funny, exciting, involving. If they ever get around to releasing the 5 seasons on DVD - jump on it!

Cop Rock

Totally Underrated show
No one takes this show seriously! Perhaps for SOME cause, but not for good cause. First of all, remove the singing (which took up what? maybe 20% of the screen time?) and you have a GREAT cop show. Peter Onorati's performance/character is one of the best cop characters ever presented on the screen - he walked the ambiguous line between good and bad perfectly!

AND - the songs weren't ALL that bad! I'd say on an average show you got 1 stinker, 2 mediocre, and 1 good/very good song. In particular, I recall fondly the final episode of the series which had 3 very good songs, including one by a racist politician dreaming about being lynched and one by the jury deliberating on a trial.

Hey - if they're ever showing this on TV, feel free to let me know - I'd LOVE to see these again!

The Rapture

Fascinating, thoughtprovoking movie
This movie examines the logical path upon which Christian fundamentalism may lead its believers. The results are utterly chilling - and provoke the viewer to examine what these beliefs really mean - and the repercussions of such beliefs. This movie is a real treat.

Falling to Peaces

Terrific film!
Smart, witty, and poignant- it's obvious that these filmmakers have a future! The screenplay is particularly sharp- well-defined characters- plot keeps you involved - and I loved the Star Trek riffs! Hope to see this one on the big screen soon!

Under the Skin

Lovely little movie that stays with you
I was surprised at the fact that this movie has stayed with me several days after I saw it. The plot isn't anything special- and the writing didn't really affect me either. But somehow two elements of the movie HAVE remained: Samantha Morton's sweet and strirring performance as a young girl dealing with the pain of a lost mother and the music. I don't know who wrote the score, but it really helps to complement to sort of melancholy mood that embraces Ms. Morton. Ms. Morton's performance, which ranges from joyful, to needy, to desperate, to erotic is powerful. And her rendition of Alone again Naturally at the end of the movie is soulful. Surprisingly, the movie works.

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