
IMDb member since May 1999
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    25 years



Very dull
This is an "art film" narrative gone wrong. While I appreciated the cinematography, I am afraid that this element alone is not enough to succeed to make a commercially viable film. One needs a story that elicits some kind of reaction. It is as if the actors sleepwalked through this film. Keira Knghtly, while attractive and talented enough, was particularly ill - suited for this film. Michael Pitt was, well, kind of lazy - at best. I do not want to get a posting that says "spoiler" - but I truly mean that this film was simply surprisingly completely "vacuous." Even the 'period' town was inauthentic. These producers raised a lot of money and produced a very very dull uninteresting film. While this is not a crime -- maybe it should be. We wait and wait but nothing really ever happens . . . and throughout, I am afraid to say, the lead actor mumbles his way through about 109 minutes of profound pain for the viewer. SILK could be an insomniac's newest best friend.

One Tree Hill: With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept
Episode 16, Season 3

Did not like this program
I thought that this show was a blatant rip-off of intense and profoundly tormenting 'reality news' turned to fiction. The offense here is not that the cast is at least, admirable, but rather that the writer and the writing steals from the pain of others. This is a script lacking in ethics with an abundance of lowest common denominator morality. Perhaps a third season was too much. Nonetheless, I feel sorry for the real victims in the schools of America. The second half of the first season and the second season were going somewhere prior to this stall.

All-in-all, where are some new ideas that are fresh and original?

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