
IMDb member since May 1999
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    25 years


Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

This will go down in history as one of the best films. Certainly as one of the better in the Star Wars films. This is a MUST SEE!! I dont want to give away too much since we have 4 days left before it opens, but I will say that if you hated Jar-Jar in the first one you will REALLY hate him in this one. Stunning performances all around and the effects are even better!



I am feeling the pain...
I saw this movie about 4 months ago and loved it. It was funny and compelling and as I have found out, so true. This week I was in a dealership trying to buy a new car and the only thought that kept going thru my head was character Reggie. Sitting there listening to the salesmen pitch to me I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. This movie is excellent and if you plan on EVER buying a car you have to watch it. You will never look at car buying the same way again.

The Alien Dead

If are looking for a movie real bad, this is a real bad movie
I bought this movie on Ebay for $5 and watch it about once every 6 months or so. If I would have paid more than $5 for it, I would have felt cheated. This is a movie that you would watch just for the cheesy laughs you get out of it. There is gratuitous nudity and Buster Crabbe which was pretty much the reason why I bought this movie. This is a movie that cant be taken serious. Rent it or buy it purely for the lame "effects" and the terrible acting. It would not surprise me to find out that this film was made on a budget in par with some 10 year old kids milk money.

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