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Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar

A fun, entertaining, sci-fi action adventure film.
I had a blast with this film. Indie sci-fi films are often limited in story, scope and VFX. But here, we're treated to a galaxy-trotting adventure that accomplishes so much on a limited budget.

An interesting set up with an interesting moral question at its core, Dead Star, is its own story and delivers the goods with humor, action and some amazing aliens.

I love my big-budget sci-fi films, but alot of them feel like they're made my soulless machine. Not this one. If you're looking for a film that harkens back to the sci-fi films of old...made on a limited budget, but brimming with imagination and a clear love of the genre, definitely give this movie a look.

Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father
Episode 10, Season 1

Ended How It Had To
This episode kept me guessing and on edge the entire time. While the finale wasn't felt rushed...who was the millionaire...Dexter didn't have to kill the cop - it was the ending that Dexter had to have. On the plus side, he got to feel the love of his son. He redeemed himself by realizing the wreckage he'd caused and the people's lives he had ruined. Yes, Dexter had killed innocent people before. Innocent people died because of him. He also, for better or worse, abandoned Harrison. Is Harrison's dark passenger real, or is it what he said...was he screwed up because Dexter left him with the horrible suppressed memory of his mother's murder? I like happy endings, so I say that Dexter's death has set Harrison free.

As much as I love Dexter, there came a point he was going to have to pay for his crimes. It was either run...again and stay trapped in the life of a fugitive serial killer, or face what he'd done and give Harrison a chance at a better, hopefully passenger-free, life. The finale was about Dexter's choices catching up with him. And instead of going on a murder spree to escape them, he accepted them and his fate. Dying at the hands of his son, rather than in prison. I found the finale to be satisfying and bittersweet. As much as the character is beloved....he had to die eventually. And I think they made it count.


Fun indie flick
Automation delivers on what it promises. It's a fun, bloody indie film that shows what happens when automation goes awry. When Auto, a friendly robot, threatens to take over jobs at a local plant...he's not well received. He develops a bond with a troubled co-worker. But after being threatened and bullied, this friendly robot seeks revenge.

I went into this movie expecting fun, some heart and some good, sci-fi action. And the film delivered.

2001 Maniacs

Great trashy fun...
I have never seen the original, so I can't compare the two films, but 2001 Maniacs was one of the crudest, raunchiest, bloodiest films I have seen in years and that's a compliment.

With it's tongue firmly planted in cheek, this film was a hoot...and a holler...from start to finish. Previous comments have giving you the plot, so I won't rehash it. But I sat through the film...alternately laughing my *ss off for how far it went...and being amazed that they got away with it. Over the top gore...check. Gratuitous nudity...check. Southern stereotypes turned on their head...check. Guy in love with sheep...check.

If you're looking for a bloody, fun movie that's guaranteed to make you go, "Oh my God, I can't believe they just went there," this is the film for you.


A woman tries to survive in a world ravaged by a zombie plague.
I saw this film years ago and it's stayed with me. I saw it again recently and had to comment on it. DRAG is well done across the board. The directing, acting and cinematography are top notch. It grabs you from the opening frame and doesn't let go until the harrowing final shot.

Mark Pavia does a great job in creating a constant sense of dread and fear. He has a strong voice and knows how to film horror. With DRAG, he succeeded in creating a short that's more terrifying that most of the zombie features I've seen. I hope to see more of his work.

Definite recommend.

Roadside Attractions

I had the pleasure of seeing "Roadside Attractions" at the MEIC Conference in Kentucky. The short has won numerous festival awards and I can see why.

"Roadside Attractions" was well written, well acted and well directed. It's a slick piece with a great visual style. I won't spoil the plot, but it grabs you from the first frame to the last. Even though it's laced with humor, the short has an ominous undercurrent that leads to a twisted climax.

It's one of those shorts that entertains and makes you think.

It's hard to balance humour and suspense, but CJ succeeds. He has a great sense of style and a solid grasp on story telling. Keep an eye out for this guy. He's got I see a bright future ahead of him.

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