B & M

IMDb member since June 1999
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Szabó's view of history, through a family that survived it.
Sunshine is one of the best movies I have ever seen. The way Szabó tell us a kind of biographical story, and at the same time tell us his view of three different regimes, is excellent and accessible, because although it is a long movie, you don't feel it that long. All the characters are very well done, but Ralph Fiennes is extraordinary, he plays three different characters, three different personalities although they are of the same family. The way his characters are contrary in ideologies, and how he manage to confront them during the movie is excellent. The photography is very very good, the story is told through three generations, so they had to shoot three different periods. The music is also excellent. In short, Sunshine is a must see movie, a very good experience. A story told by a jewish family, the story of a family told through history.

Así es la vida...

It's a very good "experiment"...
Así es la vida is the first latin american digital film transfered to 35mm. For those who didn't understand it, it's a contemporary version of Sénecas' Medea, a greek tragedy. So don't complain about the script because that was the intention of all that complex language. Based on this story, the film is excellent, the scenario and the ambient are very well mixed with the movement of the camera, so you get long scenes but not monotonous. For me, displaying the trio as a the chorus of a greek play was an excellent idea. Although is a little strange film, a Ripstein's film, for me the way they treated the character of Julia wasn't that strange. How she remains homeless happens at least here in Mexico City, how she is cheated, etc. So it's curious how a very old tragedy it's well adapted to our days. So, finally, it's a very good experiment in digital video, it's a simple story maybe, but with a lot of details on it.

Året gjennom Børfjord

Excellent work!
An unique work, an unprecedented short-film in his period. There are some things that aren't said, for example that it took eleven years to be done. Hundred and fifty days in shooting, with an special computer program in those days where technology wasn't exactly what we know. Imagine this: between each frame in the film are 16 centimeters, the complete trajectory of the road is two and a half kilometers. If you can see it in some festival go, I really recommend it, the music is also excellent.

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