
IMDb member since July 2000
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    23 years


Queens Supreme

Witty, amusing...and canceled
This was one of the most fun shows I've ever seen. Instead of concentrating just on courtroom procedures, this series focused on the politics behind the courtroom. Sure, the episodes may have been a little unrealistic, but they were fun and interesting. I'm not huge on authenticity. CBS did us a great disservice by canceling this great show for (gag me) "Star Search."

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Instant classic
CSI is simply a show that's fun to watch. The investigators use actual forensic techniques (I think), so it is not just entertaining, but informative. Also, the investigators feel like real people, without overly dramatic lives and with actual personalities.

Star Trek: Voyager

Improved over time
At the beginning of the series, Voyager was pretty bad. Then, I compared it to "Gilligan's Island." Recently, it's become much better, more entertaining, and much more like its predecessors; although it differs from the others in a new, fun way.

Cry Freedom

There is a new light on racism.
This is an absolutely incredible film. It shows South African racism from the perspective of the victims, and provokes a feeling of anti-racism in everyone who sees it. It is the best historic film I have ever seen.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Peak of Star Trek
Of all the Star Trek series, Star Trek: The Next Generation was the peak of the intelligence. If Gene Roddenberry kept the show, rather than handing it to Rick Berman, it would probably have kept going, rather than spawning another series, then quitting to clear the stage for a show that isn't half as good. It, without a doubt, is one of the best dramas ever made.


Pure Genius
M*A*S*H is pure genius. It successfully combines comedy with drama, which very few television series can do. I commonly find myself quoting funny lines from the show. Its angles on medicine during war creates so much feeling for the characters that you feel that you're there, even for people who were born after the Korean War. It shows the human condition under stressful situations, and still has lines that would make anybody laugh.

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