
IMDb member since July 1999
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    IMDb Member
    24 years


When Friendship Kills

How this changed my life
This movie was such an inspiration to me. I have struggled with an eating disorder for the past 8-9 years now. I have seen this movie many of times, but the first time that I saw it, it made me want to get as sick as Lexy Archer did. That was my choice and my choice only! The last time I went into treatment, I went to the extended care progam. One night I was watching tv and flipping through the channels and this movie was on. I of course watched it, and it hit me. I actually got to the point to where they were tube feeding me, and watching this movie made me realize that I don't want to go back to the place where I was before. This movie, A Secret Between Friends, Is the truth about eating disorders, and the only one that I have seen that tells you really what happens and isn't stretching the truth at all. Thankyou so much for this movie! It has changed my life forever!

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