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They Live

Very relevant movie these days!
What an awesome movie about mass hysteria / mass deception. Although it's aliens that created the whole deception, to me it's very relevant to the times we live in right now!

Yes, the fight scene maybe overlong, but it also represents how difficult it is to make people awake when they've been deceived for such a long time.

Great film by John Carpenter!!!

The Fountain

One of the greatest movies ever made in my opinion!
The music, the cinamatography, the visuals, the very dramatic screenplay, the acting, the costume and set designs, etc. Such a stunning movie!

Everytime I watch this movie, I'm meshmerized!

The X Files

Love The X-Files, but hate the political stuff in season 11!
Love The X-Files, but hate the political viewpoint in episode 4, season 11! Was it really so hard not to involve current political affairs into the show? Anyhow, I still love the series, but this was a bit of a letdown to me.

The X Files: I Want to Believe

Why make a movie out of this story?
I've just seen The X-files: I Want To Believe (2008) after watching seasons 1 through 9 and the first movie. And...I'm really wondering...why make a movie out of this story?! I find it to be so much worse than the first movie!

Anyhow, to me it's a huge disappointment. The most worse episode of the TV-series wasn't as bad as this!

Ok...and now I'm going to watch seasons 10 and 11...

Staying Alive

Good movie!
I mainly don't see this as a sequel to "Saturday Night Fever" (1977).

I see it more as a quite enjoyable movie that gives us some insight into the world of professional dancing. "Saturday Night Fever" (1977) certainly was more of a movie that tried (and succeeded in parts in my opinion!) to give us some insight into the nightlife of the late seventies.

Anyhow, I enjoy this movie for what I think it is. It certainly doesn't deserve the negative crap it has gotten throught the years. I give it a 7/10 :)

(2018)'s ok...
It's not one of the worst sequels ever! But, throughout the film I kept having the has its moments...but's so far of the original!

The last 15-20min. of the movie's the best part!

I've to admit I've more sympathy now towards Halloween: H20 than this latest installment. sorry :(

Transformers: The Last Knight

Jeez...where to start?! :(
My conclusion when watching this movie: It's an horrible embarrassment to my intellect!!!!!!

I love the 80s Transformers cartoon TV-series so much!!!!!! And the wonderful toys that came with it of course!!!!!!

I wasn't a fan of the first live-action Transformer movie (2007). The second and third movie were to me...mweh!!!!!!

But this franchise really got bad with the fourth movie :(

I could have never imagined that the fifth movie would even be THIS worse!!!!!!

So disappointing this...remake this franchise properly someone who understands the 80s cartoon TV-series?!


First hour or so was mweh! But then the twist which made the movie so much better!
The first hour or so I had a "The Darkest Hour" / "Skyline" / "Cowboys & Aliens" / etc. kind of vibe when seeing the movie. I don't think these movies are bad, but they had so much more potential then what was presented.

Anyways, a twist occurs after an hour or so into the movie and it made me turn around in really liking the movie :) It becomes a very thought provoking movie...excellent :)

Beyond Valkyrie: Dawn of the 4th Reich

Fun WW2 movie!
When I watched this movie, it reminded me a lot about the videogame series "Commandos". I think the director must have played these games himself :)

Yes, it's not a very realistic movie, but the acting and special effects are ok, the action is fun to watch, the story was interesting enough for me to watch the whole movie, etc.

The movie also reminded me of older war movies like: Where Eagles Dare, The Guns Of Navarone, The Dirty Dozen, etc.

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

Certainly entertaining...but quite unoriginal!
Saw the movie yesterday and found it to be entertaining, but at times quite annoyingly unoriginal!

The special effects were (no doubt here) outstanding, but the story structure and other plot bits were just rehashes from the earlier movies, especially "Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope".

Especially the end battle against the "new" super weapon. They really should have left this whole stuff out of the movie. Must have been f%@king Disney that forced it into the movie!

Also, part of the light saber duel should have taken place in one of the later movies. That way, it would have been so much more believable than the way it plays out right now.

I also found it quite irritating how fast a certain character learns about "The Force" by her- or himself.

Come on...did you see how difficult it was for Luke in "Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back" to use "The Force" on his light saber in the Wampa cave?! He also wasn't able back then to use the "Jedi mind trick" ability.

I thought the villain Kylo Ren was pretty cool. The jokes were mostly pretty good too. Especially Han Solo and Chewbacca had awesome chemistry.

The acting of almost all of the characters in this movie was a lot better than the acting in the prequel trilogy. I think Daisy Ridley was the best of the young new cast members who were in this movie.

Anyhow, I hope the coming movies will rely less on the stuff that happened in the earlier Star Wars movies.


Certainly not my kind of Bond movie!
I was never really fond of Daniel Craig as James Bond, but I wanted to give this one a shot, because of all the positive reactions I read and heard in my immediate surroundings.

I didn't really like Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. The main reason was Daniel Craig and the Bournish Identity feel of especially Quantum of Solace. Also the villains were very weak.

To me, a Bond movie doesn't need to be too realistic, but also not too unrealistic of course. Furthermore, humor is really really important in these type of movies.

Well, what can I say after seeing Skyfall...pfff just plain horrible! I really liked the opening sequence. That was just brilliantly filmed (easy to follow) and Adele's score was just magnificent. Judi Dench...well...just no comment in a positive way...she's just such a great actress! Chavier Bardem...great bad guy until we all find out what his plan really is. And that is to just kill M...very lame :(

Daniel Craig must be the most stiff and humorless and unattractive/elegant Bond there is. Amazing how his Bond gets the most beautiful women in bed. And these actresses can't act at all. Well, the one that becomes Moneypenny was OK...but the girl from Shanghai...jeez.

The biggest letdown of this Bond movie were the last 40 minutes or so. You let twenty something heavily armed men and a very heavily armed chopper come to your birth home in Scotland without backup...really?! And you construct, like The A-Team, trap devices to stop these men and the chopper. Than the whole place gets blown to bits, but you manage to get all out alive?! Well...M was shot once...not by the chopper, but one of the twenty men...pfff :( I know Bond movies are not supposed to be all realistic, but I found this to be so stupid for James Bond to do.

Even bigger than the biggest letdown, is that Daniel Craig is most likely gonna do two more Bond movies...dear heavens!

My favorite James Bond still is Sean Connery, followed by the very humorous Roger Moore and the elegant and humorous Pierce Brosnan in (especially) Goldeneye.

One thing they really should do better next time, is find a really really menacing villain. Mean, Chavier was great until we all found out what his big plan was. Where is the new Hugo Drax, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, 006 or Auric Goldfinger?!

Super 8

Setting was well captured, the rest...hmmm!
Saw Super 8 a couple of days ago and was really looking forward to it. But, I wasn't really happy with the end result. Although the setting of the movie, the late 1970s, is well captured and the tension build up until the train crash incident is pretty exciting...when the monster's on the loose, it gets kinda boring. The alien monster wasn't interesting at all. I thought it looked too weird to be such an intelligent lifeform. Furthermore, I hated that the monster was almost always present in a very dark setting. We didn't really get a good look at it. Why's that?! Mean...when Jurassic Park came out, most of the dinosaurs were CG-animated in a dark setting, but that was because CG technology wasn't as far as it is now (they did this by way of masking the CG flaws...although I didn't really see they were bad). I know they said in the movie Super 8 that the monster liked to live underground, but that's a bit of a weak excuse not to show the monster in broad daylight. But they did, probably also because it's more scary when a monster only appears in the dark. Well, that's more or less true, but there are also a lot of examples as to when a monster is also scary at broad daylight (see for instance Jaws). Anyways, my conclusion is that this movie could have been so much more!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1

Do people really like this film?! It was so utterly boring!
After I'd seen the sixt Potter movie, I thought they would improve on the pace in this (part 1) seventh movie. But boy, was I wrong. I was so bored after the very well done beginning of the movie. Voldemort's meeting and the motorcycle chase were very exciting, but then it started again just like in part six...the very very slow scenes about how Harry thinks he's so alone and he and his friends don't know what to do...blablabla. Really, I have to see the second part of the seventh book, just because I have to know how it all ends, but the director is giving me a really hard time. I like the wonderous world of Harry Potter, but not like this. Personally, I think the fourth part was by far the most exciting of the Potter movies. OK, now let's sum up what I liked about this seventh movie: -The beginning (Voldemort's meeting and motorcycle chase) -The overall look of the movie (sets, lighting, etc.) -The Deadly Hallows story sequence -The casting. Helena Bonham Carter is one of my favorite actresses Now, things that I didn't like: -The pace...ow my goodness. And I thought Gone with the Wind was slow or for instance Dr. Zhivago or Signs. -Ron thinking Harry has the hots for Hermione and fighting about it. Jeez...this was so forced. I mean, Harry already knew in the 5th and certainly in the 6th movie that Ron liked Hermione and Harry already had it going with Ginny. This was so stupid and boring. -How many items do they actually need to kill Voldemort. 7 Horcruxes that can be destroyed by a sword and than you also have the 3 Deadly Hallows. My a computer game OK...but in a movie?! -When it became clear the neckless was making people angry I wanted to shout: "Cast the ring into the fires of Mount Doom!" Damn, this was such a rip-off of Lord of the Rings. -And yeah, there we have it again...all those damn unoriginal references to WW2. As Basil Fawlty would say: "Don't mention the war!" -There were so many moments in this movie that it seemed like the story progressed simply by chance. -The introduction of Dobby again and his utterly useless and overemotional death. He dies and the movie tries to make us feel so sad because he was such a lovable and important character...NOT! Maybe in the books, but when you've only seen the movies like I have, Dobby's not really a character that I established an emotional band with during the last six movies. -The movie took itself too serious, but that's probably what the tone of the book is too. A little more wonder and innocence would have been nice. The humor was so scarce. As The Joker said in The Dark Knight: "Why so serious?!"

All in all I just have two words for this movie...too bad! :(


Entertaining movie...bad character writing though (contains spoilers!)
The movie was pretty entertaining until the last half an hour or so.

It was totally unnecessary for Gordon to die. I was pretty mad when it happened...ruined the movie for me quite a bit. I mean...the kids loved him, his girlfriend loved him, he saved John Cusack's character and his (ex-)family 3 times while flying the planes (even a AN-225...while he was only familiar with one-engined planes :) ). He was a fun character and should have ended up with the kids and girlfriend. Maybe John Cusack's character could have ended up with the Russian girl.

Other characters that didn't have to die...the Russian girl. The frickin' dog survived it again...boehoe :(

That big Russian guy. It was such a strange character...he seemed like a good guy...had a couple of funny scenes...and than suddenly he turned bad for a while...ah, stupid.

Damn you Mr. Emmerich for all of this bad writing...

Nonetheless...the effects were awesome and Woody Harrelson rocked :)

Live Free or Die Hard

Best summerflick of 2007 I've seen so far!
I didn't have high expectations about this 4th Die Hard movie. But boy...was I wrong. Certainly, it's not as great as the first one, but it's still pretty darn entertaining. The plot was also kinda unbelievable, but still acceptable. I was a bit disappointed by the movie's villain. But than again, who could ever top Alan Rickman's performance as Hans Gruber in the first Die Hard?! I liked a lot of the oneliners ("Did you see that?!" (Justin's reaction when he sees this badguy on a fence flying around) "Yeah I saw it, I did it!" (Bruce's aka John McClane's reaction)). Justin Long was a fun and cool sidekick. I wasn't really surprised that Justin would do a great job, because I'd already seen Waiting... and Accepted. He's great in those two flicks.


Great special effects...and that's about it!
I really loved the original Transformers series. I owned and still own a couple of transformer toys (such as: Soundwave, Optimus Prime, Cosmos, The Stunticons, etc.). I also used to have the "original" Megatron toy, but it got broken and I had to throw it away ( it's priceless at E-Bay). I really hated the way Megatron looked and acted in this movie.

The good things about the movie: 1) The special effects; 2) I liked some of the comedy of the human characters; 3) ?????? No, I don't know of any more good things...sorry!

The bad things: 1) The story was so lame...they should really have taken more time in fleshing out the story! 2) Some cube that you can use to make robots out of almost anything that's made from metal and such...stupid s@&t! 3) The editing...who did this! It was unbelievably terrible! 4) Megatron and that little decepticon that transformed into a radio, later a cell phone. That little robot was one of the most annoying things I've ever seen on screen. Jar Jar Binks was even more likable and that's saying a lot! 5) I childhood sentiment is pretty much destroyed by this movie!

I had high hopes and doubts about this movie. The summer movie for which I had the least of hope was Die Hard 4.0, but it turned out to be the best one of the summer movies I've seen so far. The others I've seen are: Spiderman 3, POTC; At World's End, Die Hard 4.0 and Transformers. I hope Harry Potter is any good...nah, I already know it's gonna be a lot better than this piece of junk (as said by Luke Skywalker)!

I's a pity that they will probably make more Transformer movies!


Best hockey movie?!
There aren't many movies about ice hockey. The ones I've seen are: The Mighty Ducks, Young Blood, Miracle and Mystery: Alaska. One of the better ones until Miracle came along, was Mystery: Alaska I think. In this movie a local village ice hockey team is challenged by the New York Rangers.

In The Netherlands ice hockey isn't popular and not shown during regular sportprogrammes. I find this to be a big disappointment, because to me ice hockey is the fastest and coolest sport to watch and do.

The reason why the movie Miracle got on videotape so fast in The Netherlands (it wasn't shown in theaters), is because the movie is very pro-American and chauvinistic. I myself am pretty pro-America and I think that we could use some more patriotism in The Netherlands. There aren't many people in The Netherlands who are actually proud of their country.

What I liked about the movie Miracle was the winnersmentality amongst the players. In Dutch sports this mentality is often absent. Take a look at the Dutch soccer team during the last few world championships and European championships.

Anyways, Miracle is the best hockey movie there is right now.

The Time Machine

Good remake!
Although I still find the original version of 1960 better than this remake, they've done a good job. The original movie followed the book very closely, while this remake is filled with some fresh new ideas. The only thing I didn't like about the remake: 1) The CGI effects of the Morlocks. Last year's remake of Planet of the Apes had the apes jumping in very unbelievable ways. The Morlocks in The Time Machine remake jump even more unbelievable and sometimes very woody (you just can see clearly it's CGI). The only reason why I think that the makers of this remake made the Morlocks jump so high and move so fast is because it should look more scarier. Well, NOT!!!!!! What did I like about this remake: 1) A lot of the CGI effects, but that figures, because it's ILM. 2) Jeremy Irons' performance. 3) The setdesigns. 4) The costumes. 5) The acting. What did I like most: 1) Guy Pierce's Alexander Hartdegen had better reasons for building the timemachine than the Alexander of the original movie; 2) Guy Pierce's Alexander Hartdegen had also better reasons for staying in the year ?????? than the Alexander character of the original movie.

Overall, I would give this movie a 7,5/8. Well done!

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

10/10 for people who haven't read the books, 9,5/10 for people who have read them!
Well, this was the movie I was waiting for this year and, it's fantastic. I do have to say that if you've read the books (I read them twice) like I did, you will discover a couple of minor flaws in the movie:

1) The journey from The Shire to Rivendel went on too fast. They got to Bree too quickly, I missed Tom Bombadill and "his" forrest, not even a short explanation was given to the three cave trolls that were turned to stone in one short scene in the film, Arwen's introduction and rescue of Frodo. The movie would have been like three hours and fifteen minutes if they would have included these things, maybe the DvD will solve this problem. 2) Some special effect shots weren't very well done. A couple of times you could see clearly that some members of the fellowship were computeranimated. The highpoint was when the fellowship got out of the mines of Moria, it seemed as if the members of the fellowship were walking above the rocky ground. 3) The "hostile" relationship between Gimli and Legolas wasn't really explained. Gimli just said some hatefull things about elves and at the end of the movie he suddenly is befriended with Legolas. I hope the second movie will show some answers to this. 4) The Lothorien scene was a little too short. 5) I know the books tell about great wars and there are a couple of heavy battles between the fellowship and the crazy Orcs. But, I had the feeling that some of the fights were a bit over the top and that they were a bit more important than the actual story.

All in all, these minor points can't make me dislike the movie. It was excellent. The three hours were over before I knew it. I can't wait for the next installment!


A huge disappointment!!!!!!
Before I went to this movie, I read a lot of reviews and even led myself be advised what to do. I really had high doubts about this sequal and I must say they were very right! Let me first put forward the good things about the film: 1) I have to admit, the black humor was very ok! 2) How the film was shot. 3) Anthony Hopkins' acting. 4) The death of Pazzi! The things I really hated about the film (in a random order): 1) It was never really scary. The only thing I did find horrible was when Mason Verger and some other guy were eaten by pigs (I don't know what you call them in English). 2) The acting of the other actors and actresses was absolutely horrible! 3) Mason Verger's make-up was very badly done (overdone actually). I

wanna know, who did the make-up anyway? 4) The last ten minutes, is that what you call extreme gore?! It's always the same, everybody thinks brains look scary, it's a fobia mankind has had for such a long time now! I would've called the last ten minutes extremely gory if Hannibal and Clarice would have completely eaten (alive!) Paul Krendler and if director Ridley Scott would have shot this in extreme close-up with Krendler horribly screaming with pain! 5) I didn't really like the music, but that's just a matter of taste. What everybody must've really hated about the film is that it was almost constantly (loud) in the movie, it really annoyed me. There were just too few more silent (scary) moments in the film.

6) The film should have been more believable and realistic as the first (or second if you count Manhunter as a Hannibal-film). I didn't really like the way the film presented itself as not to be taken too seriously. 7) The love-affair kind-off relationship between Hannibal and Clarice, oh come on people! 8) How the FBI was portrayed! 9) The ending! Hannibal still lives, my God what a cliché! 10) etc., etc., etc.... Overall I'll give this film a 3/4 out of a 10. I strongly recommend to everyone, who has access to the means of making a film, not to do another film about Hannibal. They should have stayed only with The Silence of the Lambs.

Road Trip

Great Flick!!!!!!
Just like American Pie, this is a very enjoyable film! I especially liked Tom Green and the scene in which he gets bitten by the snake. I knew it would be coming, but that it would be that fast and direct, excellent! I further liked the ATARI T-shirt, where can you get such a shirt?! They really have to make a lot more of these good screwball-movies! A 9 out of a 10!

Mission: Impossible II

One of the worst movies of all time!!!!!!
I already had doubts whether this would be a great sequel, but that it turned out to be so bloody bad, I couldn't have known! This is not Mission Impossible, but some sort of cheap (it wasn't cheap to make of course) James Bond rip-off. I really wondered why Tom Cruise finished this movie! It is totally dumb in comparison to his extremely well acted role in Magnolia. Personally, I think that John Woo is a good director when you look at the action sequences, and I know that he uses a lot of slow motion in these sequences. But, he used to much slow motion for me so that it became irritating and the action sequences looked too unrealistic! I liked John Woo's Face/Off and Hard Target, but this was a total flop and even more worse than Broken Arrow! Barbarella is still my number one worst movie ever seen, but this one will certainly enter the top ten of this list! What was Anthony Hopkins doing in this movie by the way?! I will conclude this extremely negative review by saying that I'm glad I only saw it on VHS for 2 dollars (I've had a bad feeling about this! (see Star Wars)) and that a lot of people were fooled by going to the cinemas to see this stupid piece of junk (see Star Wars)!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.s. The first Mission Impossible wasn't nearly as bad as this, but certainly not perfect! Positive points about this film: the mountain climbing sequence!

Hollow Man

Less good than I expected!
I went to this movie for in the first place the director Paul Verhoeven. In the second place the special effects and the third the story and keyplayers. Only my second reason was completely fullfilled, the other reasons certainly not. What didn't I like about the film: 1) The very very "hollow" story; 2) The film was overpredictable; 3) The last 40 minutes was very awful (the film went from a SF-movie to a horror and die-hard-movie); 4) The acting certainly was not extraordinary; 5) I especially missed Paul Verhoeven's touch in this film (raw sexscenes (except the tittysqueezing of course), splatter- action, Verhoeven's criticism about for instance American society, a clear message so to speak); 6) Not everything was explained clearly in the film. Like why did Sebastian go mad (what sort of substance in the invisibility serum for instance did effect Sebastian's mind). What did I like about the film: 1) The special effects (excellent!!!!!!), even better maybe than in The Matrix; 2) The first hour, an excellent opening; 3) Elizabeth Shue; 4) Some camera-use reminded me of an old classic, namely Halloween (and Child's Play); 5) The music was great (Jerry, Jerry).

Overall I'll give this movie a 6,5 out of a 10, no more. Starship Troopers was way better than this film. Anyway, I hope Verhoeven's next film will be less commercial as this one was.


I almost loved everything about this movie, accept Joaquim Phoenix (alias Commodus). I really hated it in the first hour of the film when he came in the picture, his acting was really horrible. But, the last 40 minutes he did a better job. The fightscenes were the best I've ever seen and I never did feel bored during the movie. I was pleased that in the movie the fightscenes didn't play a leading role. The story was excellent but a bit cliché at the end. It wasn't that hard to find out how it was going to end. The film's score was good, but not the whole time, but that's I think a matter of taste. I hope Russell Crowe will get an Oscar and that this movie will be nominated a lot of times. Great!!!!!!

Sleepy Hollow

One of the best horrormovies ever made!
When I saw the trailer I was immediately interested in this film. It's visually overwhelming, the story's great and complex and it had some great acting in it. But still, I had a few problems with the plot. Why for instance did Lady Van Tassel cut her hand and what were all the demonic signs about?! Well, overall I thought it was a great film.

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