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What else is there to say?
What other good can I say about this film that hasn't been said already? Gladiator is simply one of the most impressive films ever made.

Superb acting from the two male leads (Crowe and Phoenix). Brilliant fight sequences. Massive sets and great scenery. Tension building music. Excellent special effects. Erm....did I mention the fight sequences?

Gladiator will go down as one of the greatest films of all time and too right. It is a rollercoaster ride from start to finish and will keep you hooked throughout. The sword and sandals epic makes a welcome return to the cinema and I only hope there are more classics to come in the next few years as we saw with the likes of Spartacus and Ben Hur of the past.

Jaws: The Revenge

Could have been so much better
Ok its a Jaws film. After the classic original, the underated follow up Jaws 2 and the totally dire Jaws 3-D, people were hoping for a lot for this. And they were left with little.

The first 10 or so minutes were alright with the first attack. You are thinking 'oh well its started well.' Now if you take out the next 50 minutes or so and cut straight to the banana boat scene then this film would kick ass.

There is way too much talking in this film. People may argue that the first had a lot of talking in, but at least it was separated by some good shark bits.


The banana boat attack scene is truly wonderful, especially when the camera pans back from the view of the people on the boat and they watch as the women being eaten in the water. You can see her kicking and splashing like hell to try and break free but its not use. This attack is my favourite out of all the Jaws films.

*End spoiler*

Depending on what version of this you get you will be confronted with different endings. The one that makes the most sense is the one where Jake is killed because the shark doesn't explode, simply is spiked with the mast. But the other ending sucks and should be destroyed.

The worst point of this film has easily got to be the shark. You would have thought after all of this time they could have made a better shark. At least 'Bruce' from the original didn't have a whopping big thing stuck in his chest. Again depending on what version you have, if you look carefully in the scene where the shark attacks and then chases Michael can see numerous shots of the shark......with its underbelly missing. You can see the insides of it where its been made with wood or whatever!!!! And then there is gigantic 'thing' hanging from it. This will have been the control panel and where the divers moved the shark along. But the camera work clearly shows this. No attempt to hide it is made and this completely undermines the whole film. The best part about the first was that you were guessing to what the shark looked like and only shown it towards the end. You didn't see any cameras or interior design in it. This shark has got to be the worst piece of construction ever. And its mouth is ridiculous. It's gums are gigantic and there is about a 3 inch gap between its gum and its lip. Why? We know that its because they needed to make modifications like this to make it move easier. But it is stupid.

There is a big rumour about a possible fifth film. After the recent CGI success of Deep Blue Sea's sharks (even though the film sucked in many people's mind..not mine) please lets get a decent scary looking shark....that will make people afraid to go back into the water. If you had watched this and seen a real life shark, you would have probably laughed in its face and looked underneath it to see if had any wires or mechanics attached.

This film had little hints of success in it. Michael Caine does his best to lift the film but even one liners such as 'its probably had a heart attack....humans are full of colesterols' don't save this film from the trash heap.

Still better than 3 though.

Star Wars

Anything Else to Say?
So everything else has been said about.......there's nothing more to say. This film WILL last forever. Everything about it lasts: the characters, the music, the story and the name. You can watch this film time and time again and still marvel at the scenery, laugh along with the banter between the characters C-3PO and R2-D2, cry when Obi-Wan was sliced by Darth Vader and rejoiced when the Death Star blew up.

The special edition may have taken some of the original feel away from it but in the same time it has given it the updated 90s look which will keep it going for another 30 years. Maybe in 300 years time when all the parts are finally added to it then we'll get a full 24-hour film!

Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil

Mad monks? What next!
After the stupid Prom Night 2 and the dire Prom Night 3 comes this gem of a slasher flick. You all know what to expect from the films. But whereas 2 and 3 just downright sucked, this one actually delivers.

The killer in this film has to be the most original and downright scary one of many horror flicks. I mean can you imagine your local priest (or monk) donning a sharpened crucifix and going out to 'purify' the world of wrong-doers? If the idea for Jonas had come to fruition before the silly Mary Lou then maybe the sequels to Prom Night would have been better.

Nikkie de Boer gives us a good performance and really is too good for a film of this quality. The rest of the actors....well we all know what happens to extras and no-named actors in movies like this!

Some gore in this........not too bad a body count. Haunting music. Some scares here and there. Overall not a bad film and certainly the best Prom Night sequel, although maybe that is not saying much. Ideal for a popcorn night in with the lads (or lasses).

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

This movie rules!
I first saw this film when I was about 9 (I shouldn't have but my dad saw it first to see the content of it). And I loved it. I had it taped but as with most films when you grow older I taped over it.

Fast forward to the present day. I had forgotten about the film. Never heard of it since. And then whilst checking out a horror site I came across a little vault of horror films that had been declared rubbish by the site owner. And what should come up: this film! After reading it I went out and bought it straight away (it's still available to buy in the UK). And I loved it over and over again.

The first thing that strikes you about this film is it may look crummy and a B-Movie (well it is) but it is very professionally done. The budget can't have been too high but the money is really well spent.

The plot: well it's an 80s movie so don't build your hopes up. Some aliens who look like clowns arrive in a little town and start to kill the population by turning them into cotton candy so they can eat them. And some teenagers have to stop them before it's too late. OK? Oh well it's a lot better than it sounds. The movie is basically played all the way through for laughs.

From the opening credits with the twisted fair ground theme 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space' sung by the Dickies this film has an excellent sound score to add to the atmosphere.

The film is totally tongue in cheek as you would expect with a title like Killer Klowns From Outer Space and the writers use this to the full with the different ways the clowns kill people. I won't spoil anything but hand shadows and Punch and Judy take on whole new meanings!

Gags are not 'ha ha' funny but some of the things that happen are hilarious. Look for a scene with the little clown and some bikers!

The clowns are terribly realistic and frightening at times although their dress sense has a lot to be desired.

If you can get hold of this, do so. It's a cult classic and VERY hard to find in the USA. Let me tell you it will be worth it and you won't look at a clown the same way again! (Or cotton candy for that matter).

Halloween H20: 20 Years Later

20 Years Too Late
Ok so the first was a classic.....probably the greatest horror film ever made. The second wasn't bad, probably because it was set on the same night as the original and wasn't some dumb '4 years later' setting. Then the rest. After the recent successes of Scream and Scream 2 it was obvious they would bring back the killers of old, hence Halloween H20 and the new Friday the 13th movie(s including Jason Vs Freddy).

That is basically what it is: it tries to capitalise on the success of the recent horror flicks but fails. What we get is a good opening and a good ending. But basically in between is just talking. Some may say that it is good to have some story....but this is a horror film! It's supposed to be scary at least. And of course would have helped with a bigger body count (even another 1 in the middle would have made it worthwhile).

Michael Myers was so much better in 4,5 and 6 than he ever was in this film. No disrespect to the guy who played him in H20, he just had the worst mask of the series.

However the redeeming aspect of this film is the amazing performance of Jamie Lee Curtis. She hasn't lost her touch for horror films and proved that she was still the scream queen. She comes over convincing that she has had a hard, tormented life. Turning into a drunk, swapping her name.....basically a new life but it didn't work: Myers is back.

This doesn't scare anyone except the film critics who have to review it.

And hopefully this spells the FINAL end for Myers after the ending. I mean how can he come back after that? Well they brought back Freddy and Jason many times after death......please leave Myers to rest.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Pleasant Dreams....
One of the scariest and most innovative movies ever made. I mean we've seen the tried and tested formula of killers, stalkers, etc. bla, bla, bla. But this was one with an edge.

First of all the killer himself is great. The knife glove is a scary looking instrument of doom. He looks bad. Sounds bad when he speaks. And IS bad.

I mean coming into your dreams....the only place where you thought you'd be safe and up pops someone trying to kill you.....if you can't sleep you'll die. If you do sleep you'll die. Scary thought.

A well shot scene covering Freddy's face in darkness and just showing his outline in the alley was a truly gripping moment. You were like 'Oh my.....what the hell is that?'

Again the characters take second fiddle to the story and they are basically there as fodder for Freddy. But the girl DOES look scared and frightened at some times.

You'll think twice before sleeping for a few nights after seeing this for the first time.

The series best moment....long live Freddy.

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood

New twist in the tale
Ok. We all know the story by now. And before I begin my comment I have to say that when people give these films a bad name...they know what to expect before so why bother watching? You know a lot of teenagers are gonna get killed in various ways with a generous array of weapons, with lots of gore. So you knew in advance.

Now back to the film. Actually in my opinion one of the better installments....certainly the best of the last 5 anyway. It has an original plot: a young girl with telekinesis kills her father when a small child. Years later she returns to the lake with her mom and a doc to try and help her overcome her powers. In guilt she tries to bring him back to life but instead revives the body of Jason Vorhees who embarks on yet another murder spree.

Like I said we all know what is gonna happen: teenagers getting sliced and diced. But now the focus for people like myself is not when they are killed but how. And this film has some different ways: a girl is smashed against a tree in her sleeping bag, there's a hedge trimmer sort of thing and more. The girl is a match for Jason and tries to stop him with her telekinesis powers. And there's a throwaway scene when one of Jason's victims actually tries to hide in his weapons shack!

Kane Hodder is simply brilliant as Jason. His lurching figure is terrifying as he strolls through the woods. His teeth nash together and he stares ominously at his victims. But when his mask is taken off he looks more like Alien than human: although after being killed, buried, struck by lightning and stabbed numerous times in the head and chest by knifes and axes you would look like that too! He is merely a walking zombie: no longer is he the revenge killer he was in Parts 3-4. He is now along for the ride.

A better effort and by now we knew what to expect so its hard to come up with new material. They tried to give the series some depth and they didn't do a bad job. Not the best but by far not the worst. And the ending spoils the film.

Friday the 13th

Cha Cha Cha....Ha Ha Ha.....
Ok. So we have a killer. An eerie place in the middle of nowhere. A bad history of killings. Booze. Blood. And last but not least a group of horny teenagers with nothing more on their minds than getting each other's kits off.

The first time I saw this I thought why did I just waste the last hour and half watching this rubbish. I had seen Halloween before this. I had seen a Nightmare on Elm Street. I'd seen Scream. So this was just scraping the barrel of trash. There was no atmosphere to it. I didn't feel scared at all. I knew what was coming (although after seeing about 19 horror films if you don't know what to expect then why bother). I knew who was going to get sliced next. A good aspect however is if you like gore.....maybe watch this.

But when I watched it again I didn't think it was too bad. And the underlying motive for the killer is one of the best and most innovative in the history of horror films.

Obviously made for a sequel it is a worthwhile watch but don't build your hopes up. The series got better before it got worse. This was just the start.

Jason and the Argonauts

A true classic
They don't make them like this anymore.

Jason and the Argonauts has it all. The usual hero. The usual beautiful princess (this case a priestess). A sort of villain. Sword fights. And most importantly the monsters.

Talos, the bronze giant, must rank as the greatest ever stop motion monster. The scene were he appears from around the cliff is a true movie moment. Breath taking it is.

The Harpies don't look excessively frightening but they do their job.

Finally the skeleton army. Another masterpiece from Ray Harryhausen.

Stand by for a wild ride with Jason and the Argonauts. This is one of those films that stands the test of time. And believe me it will.

The 7th Voyage of Sinbad

I wish that there had been 8, 9 or even 10 voyages like this
I can't really describe this film. I saw it once when I was about 5 or 6 and I loved it. I had it taped off TV and used to watch it loads. Then my dad taped over it. Big mistake. I was devastated. I never saw it for about 10 years. But one fateful day in 1996 I saw that it was on TV one lunchtime. I thought great. I'll watch it for a laugh and see how bad the effects look. I was severely disappointed.

The special effects in this film are absolutely brilliant! The Cyclops must rank as one of the greatest stop motion feats ever (together with Talos from Jason and the Argonauts).

This film has the hero, Sinbad. It has a beautiful princess. It has a BAD magician (Torin Thatcher was excellent in these old flicks as a villain). It has monsters (loads of BIG ones). It has magic. It has a genie. It has angry sailors. It has sword fights. Skeletons that come to life. I could go on for ages.

I have to say forget the modern day films such as Godzilla, Independence Day or other big special effects laden so called block busters. This film is a true classic. No other film can match it. I would say this is my favorite film of all. It is so good you'll want to see it again and again.

Films like this last for decades. I only wished that there had been more like it. They stand the test of time. I'd like to see Godzilla in 30 years time. This is a film that you NEED to see as a child to take it seriously. Show it to a grown up and they'll laugh. But show it to a kid and they will grow up enchanted by it. I did and there thousands of people like myself just reading over reports in Amazon.

Deep Blue Sea
(1999) thought it was safe to go back into the water!
Wow! That's all I had to say when I left the cinema. I saw it on the opening day in the first showing and I was one of the luckiest people in the see this great movie before most others.

To start with...Jaws it is not and never will be. Jaws was a classic because you didn't see the shark and it was more suspenseful. That was the scary part. The scary part about this was you actually saw the sharks! And a lot too. The Gen. 2 shark was absolutely amazing......a credit to its builders.

Now the plot has come under criticism. The actors have come under criticism. Well what do expect with a movie thats main stars are the sharks? The plot wasn't that bad. If you criticise then you have to criticise Jurassic Park too for being so ridiculous. The actors can come under stick (except LL Cool J who steals the show). Saffron Burrows, while good to rest the eyes after a bloody death scene, isn't as bad as everyone makes out. Its just her British accent that spoils it. Thomas Jane was alright and definitely one to watch for in the future. Some have likened him to a poor man's Harrison Ford. Well if this does to Jane, what Star Wars did to Ford then we are looking at a good star. Samuel L Jackson does his part well. And the rest are just shark fodder so no one really cares what they act like.

After a good opening scene (a real twist to the tale) it goes downhill for a bit but kick starts into life as soon as the storm hits (yet again similar to JP so if you criticise this then you criticise that too).

Now I've read some of the other comments by people. Don't believe what you hear from others. I mean the facility is called Aquatica, not Argonautica as someone mentioned. They criticise the fact that the sharks can smash through steel doors yet not get through the wire fence surrounding the facility. If you were actually watching the film you'd know why.


Because the sharks want the humans to flood the facility so that the fence is below sea level and escape. Otherwise if they tried to get out then the fence would act as a net and hook them up. Thats why they don't just break through at the start.


Stand by for shocks galore as the sharks pop up and out here there and everywhere. They attack with such ferocity and speed that you will never go into the sea for a while after this.

This is the first and only movie I have seen twice at the cinema. And I've seen a lot of good films. I just can't wait for it to arrive on video.

If there was one disappointment to the film (and I may be being a little critical and morbid) then it is the body count. I was expecting one or two more. But the sharks can't eat too many people and get so full they can't kill the rest now can they. And of course we have the obligatory bra and panties scene which is classic viewing in itself!

Go and see this before its too late. Ignore the critics. Follow carefully and you'll get the big picture. I only hope that there were actually 4 sharks and not 3 and that the fourth escaped and could is Hollywood. I mean they resurrected Siguorney Weaver in Alien: Resurrection. They created another dinosaur complex in the Lost World. Why not have another one? This time the sharks do get out into the sea! If wishes could come true.

Tomorrow Never Dies

Shaken and Stirred
Right from the start you can tell this was going to be a good Bond film. The opening sequence is great, if not predictable and we get an early peek at some one-liners......'Back seat drivers.' Pierce Brosnan really comes into his own in this film and although not the best Bond, he still has time to reach Connery's level. Disappointing though were the Bond girls. Michell Yeoh is great for action but we need beauty aswell in a Bond girl and she just didn't have that 'come and get me' feel that some of the earlier Bond girls did. And Terri Hatcher was wasted, although she did give birth during production so her part was cut. It remains to be seen whether she could have gone on to better things. Carver was an average bad-guy and how long was he waiting for the sea-drill to chop him up at the end? But I liked the idea of him starting a war for ratings. It proves that you don't need to blow up the world to control it like Blofeld and Drax. Henchmen.....well the fight scene in the sound room was excellent, the chase through the press factory was exciting and the car chase was a bit cheesy. But I just felt the baddies weren't putting in as much effort as they used to be. Carver's men were always on top in numbers yet failed to take the advantage (although it is Bond we are talking about). Mr Stamper had the potential but failed to live up to it. It seems as though the main bad guys in the last 5 or so films have not been getting the right people to help. First of all I hate women henchmen like MayDay and Onatop in Goldeneye. They lack the physical contact. I'd prefer it if we went back to the old style henchmen like Oddjob, Jaws and Red Grant. Hopefully we'll see a better one in the World is Not Enough (Renard I believe).

TND is a very good Bond film, although like many of its kind it is filled with gadgets and action scenes. What about that wire-cutter that appeared from Bond's car to slice the metal wire that had been tightened across the road? That was cheesy.

9/10 though. A must for Bond fans and I don't see how anyone can claim it to be otherwise. It is far superior to Goldeneye, both the Dalton films and many of Moore's efforts (not including AVTAK). Bring on the next Bond.

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