
IMDb member since November 1999
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The Kids in the Hall

Sketch comedy brilliance rivaled only by "The State"
"The State" being, you understand, the yardstick for all sketch comedy before and since.

KITH is the only series I've seen that equals such a level of brilliance. It's a twisted little inspiration to aspiring comic actors. For that matter there is little more wonderful than sitting down at the end of a tough weekday to have five good-looking young Canadian men make me laugh for an hour of rerun bliss (thanks Comedy Central). The icing on the cake is the wit and the boldly weird charm of Dave Foley. (Dave shares with me a birthday and gapped front teeth; in my book this qualifies us for kindred spirit status.)

This is one of the best imports American cable ever actually got behind.

Hey Dude

Adorable in every facet.
This show is one of my brightest childhood memories. I fondly remember even the theme music. The goofy juvenile humor was classic in its purity...I'd sell a kidney to find out whatever happened to Galkin or Torres, for that matter. It's really a crying shame that kids today don't have goodies like "Hey, Dude" of their own. I would have settled for a rotating cast and horrible laugh tracks just to get it back.

Your Face

Stellar example of Plimpton animation
This cartoonist is absolutely brilliant. His work is more fun than nitrous oxide and more beautifully disturbing than the root canal that comes with it. This piece is a must-see for anybody pursuing a career in the animation/cartoon field, and probably also for anybody who ever liked looking at stuff.

Random Play

Hilarious sketch comedy.
I was pleased to see old regulars from "The State" back in their old domain. This show had me laughing hysterically--a treat for anyone who loves music and humor and knows a thing or two about both. Of course, it was probably doomed from the outset by a deadly time slot on VH1--heartbreaking. Delectable fare, though.

Mars Attacks!

Spoofer dooper goofer fodder. Yum.
Didn't like Mars Attacks!, eh?

*FF's unsolicited advice* Come on, you've got horribly, wonderfully cheap humor, Michael J. Fox (purrrrr), little computer-animated green's not supposed to be Oscar fare. Let yourself enjoy it for the delicious cinematic junk food it aims to be.

The American President

A jewel of a film.
This is one for the budding DVD collection! Few are the romantic comedies out on the shelves that don't provoke the gag reflex, and political ANYTHING has a tendency to poison all art forms it touches. AP dodges these bullets effortlessly and still maintains its poise for the entire duration of the story. Douglas, Dreyfuss, Bening, Fox and Sheen pull together some great character dynamics, Sorkin knows just where to put a joke and just where to jerk a tear, and Reiner's direction is gorgeous. My only regret was the "Wisconsin" scene cut from the script that gave an extra human touch to the delicate issue of differing beliefs within a family. Truth flash to the extremists out there: we don't all have to agree all the time!

Rent this. Rent this now, and get a set of dumbbells while you're at it, because when it's over you're gonna want Annette's biceps!

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Sometimes this is just what you need.
It's a sequel. Of Austin Powers IMoM. You expected high comedy?

You went to see it in the wrong mood. No wonder you hated it.

The best time to see APtSwSm is when you feel out-and-out icky and are in that state of sleep deprivation when moving objects kind of freak you out. Preferably, you have just seen some reactionaries on TV telling you who to vote for and you're just aching to do something that would tick such people off royal.

You would do well not to be blindfolded, as this might impair your chances of seeing the luscious Seth Green in yet another great performance. And for good measure, bring a date who is in an equally goofy, cheap-humor kind of mood. (The best route to take here is a wonderfully perverted casual friend or a longtime squeeze, not some high-maintenance type you're trying to impress with a class act.)

Sometimes it's just easier to like cheap fun for what it is, rather than hate it on a bunch of pesky, pretentious principals. Sometimes the real intellectuals are amused by the simplest of things--simply on a higher level.

That Thing You Do!

That Thing It Does to YOU!
If a movie has a pulse and entertains, it has done its office. This one not only kept me entertained for the full length of the film, it got me doing horrible '60s dances more than once. The characters, story, and not least of all the soundtrack were put together nicely. Who never dreamt of superconcentrating their fifteen minutes of fame into one brilliant flash in the pan? And who can really resist the work of Tom Hanks? Well, I mean...who and how many of his friends?

Promised Land

I think it's great to see that someone out there promoting strong values (a term I hesitate to use because it is so often abused for corrupt political intentions) understands that morals are about love and compassion rather than hate and judgmental, holier-than-thou attitudes. You don't win people over to strive for good things by creating negativity and it's nice to see that recognized. Additionally, I've worked as a background actress on this series and everybody on the set put a lot of heart into what they were doing. That's the way TV ought to work, because it's not just about communication. It's an art form too. PL did a nice job with that.

Mr. Holland's Opus

Good fare for anyone who's ever been inspired.
The arts do a lot for us. As creatures we worship beauty, simply by nature - and beauty of all kinds. This movie explores just how special the pursuit of creating beautiful things really is. It's also a good reminder that you can make your (beauty) mark on the world in whatever you choose to do, and that anyone can appreciate that art - whatever kind of artist you may be. The performers, for that matter, did a beautiful, perfectly human job, the writing and aesthetics were superb. Bring this one home with a bag of your favorite comfort cookies and feel good for an evening.


Worth it just for the gratuitous Seth scenes!
This movie was, admittedly, the big-screen equivalent of Nickelodeon immaculately conceiving Disney's baby; however, the "I'm Too Sexy" fashion show was worth every second of my life spent on all the rest. I confess that the thrill was cheap, but it was no less a thrill.

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