
IMDb member since September 1999
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    IMDb Member
    24 years


Addicted to Oil: Thomas L. Friedman Reporting

I agree clean generation of energy is possible
Low prices of solar photovoltaic panels fighting the $2 per watt range make it possible for investors to build economically efficient, profitable solar power plants and installations.

The prices of solar photovoltaic panels has fallen dramatically in recent months. News about manufactures starting to feel oversupply of production despite the growing activity in solar power plant construction has made many of them lower prices of modules that are commercially available.

While there are rumors and constant news reports about companies especially in the newest of the photovoltaic technologies trying to deal with the $1 per watt barrier the panels that are available commercially are still above $2 per watt peak. By commercially available we mean a purchaser fro a solar power project can pick up a phone a order them with at most a month to two months lead time for delivery, including possible production lead time for orders above a couple of tens of kilowatt (kW). Google for ... Low prices of solar panels allow investors to build profitable power plants ... to get the full story.

Local Hero

Great, Great Movie (and your kids can watch it)
Well take this as a fact. This is probably the first movie I am writing a comment about. And I have seen many good movies. So I must have liked this one.

My friends know me for being bad about stocking up on cheap DVD's. If I see those piles in Wal-Mart with DVD's for $4.96 I try to write down some of the names or remember and then check the rating on IMDb. I buy a lot of them either because they are high rated here or because I know something about the movie. So anyway I got this movie from one of those clearance DVD's baskets. It stayed on my shelf for may be a year or two before I unwrap it.

I normally find fairly good movies that way. But this is a brilliant movie compared to many I have seen ever.

This movie is: - beautiful (picture, scenery wise), - funny, - full of general goodness, - a great story, - you can watch it with you kids (id this with everybody? - I find it so difficult to find movies to watch with my 12yo daughter).

Eyes Wide Shut

Top actors play in a top realistic and teaching story.
Top actors' play in a top realistic and teaching story. Isn't that what we lately miss on the wide screen. If you are fed up with semi-sci-fi, semi-vampire, semi-hard-to-believe teenage-addressed screened tales, you will like this truly "it-can-happen-to-you" story about close reach accessibility of "things we might wish" in our modern world, and how careful we might choose to be. See it, you will believe it. Amazingly simple presentation of the amazingly real world. Amazingly beautiful too. Also, another proof you do not need to spend billions on machines and effects to make a totally attractive picture.


Good play of the actors in a typical drama
Good play of the actors in this typical drama about women involved in the armed forces (appropriate?/sexual harassment etc.) (That's almost another genre in the 90's, isn't it?). The story even tries to go to the complexities of a crime/detective investigation plot. The few almost unrealistic scenes will not make it a story hard to believe. You will be able in general to predict the next 10-15 minutes of the movie but at many stages it will hold you in tension.

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