
IMDb member since September 1999
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    24 years


Ling mo da jue dou

pass the vomit bag!
With a story line that has been 'done to death', action which appears to have been inspired by my nan's old folks home, and the effects of some primary school annual play, this film is definitely not for watching, I feel sick even thinking about it.... I have to go (quick).

Death by Misadventure: The Mysterious Life of Bruce Lee

A very detailed documentary surrounding the life and death of Bruce Lee
He was the greatest master of unarmed combat the world has ever seen. How could the self proclaimed worlds fittest man die so suddenly at the very height of his career? could foul play have been involved or even murder? 'Death by Misadventure' goes in depth behind the scenes as it unfolds the greatest mystery of the martial arts movie world. It also highlights a profile of Bruce Lee's only legacy, Brandon Lee, which charts the rising stars emergence as a major force in action cinema of the 90's until his tragic and untimely death in march 1993. Featured in this documentary is ground-breaking new evidence concerning Lee's death. Exclusive clips from many of Bruce Lee's childhood movies. Colour footage of Bruce Lee's Long beach 1967 karate tournament, and a interview with Brandon Lee.

Karasu tengu Kabuto: Ôgon no me no kemono

Kabuto lets the side down :o(
I felt that this was a tacky attempt at classic anime, not only was the story line unoriginal and boring, the animation was undetailed and cheap. This film had low budget written all over it, and to make things worse the dubbing was rediculous, with accents ranging from brummy, to Scottish (bearing in mind that this was a Japanese set movie!!). A definate let down.

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