Reviews (10)

  • This was a well made show, one of the better prime time animated sitcoms I have seen. The voices were superb, and most of the jokes and parodies on target.

    The characters also grew and changed, rare for an animated sitcom. At the core of it all was Duckman coming to terms with his wife's death. The whole sequence of the crass, extremely horny and manic detective dealing with a loss of someone he obviously loved a lot was much more believable then you'd expect.
  • Well, this is an ok movie. It's not great, I don't regret spending $4.50 to see it at a matinee time, but I would of regretted $8. Of course, I'm not HAPPY I spent it either.. I recently finished the book (3 days ago as of 5/12/00), and saw it mostly because of that (or vice-versa, take your pic). Needless to say, the cliche works: "The book was better". The characters are more limited, of course. They rushed things a lot, making it far less realistic. Just about everything is worse here, and less entertaining. In fact, the action scenes are even worse! How's that: a book beating a movie in action scenes. Perhaps the sequel will redeem it in this department (this is only about 1/3 of the book), since the best action sequence, the fight with the Brigantes, is in that chunk.
  • This is a good movie, quite simply. It's very scary, and hilarious at some points. Many people miss the funny parts as they take it way to seriously. Evil Dead, whilem more serious then the other two movies, is not like the Exorcist or The Omen. It has it's moments, and is definetly one of the better horror movies of the 80's. One other thing I should mention: the budget is not around $50,000. It approaches $250,000, some estimates put it over the $300,000 range. So Halloween was actually made for LESS, but it looked slicker. I think this was an intentional (least partially) thing on Raimi's part. Kind of an atmospheric feel to it, this rawness. Of course, it might of just been his inexperience...
  • While by no means inspired, this is an OK movie. For direct-to-video, it's fabulous. Of course, it pales in comparison to the original, as most sequels do. It's worth a rental, especially if you liked the original (which I did, of course).

    Another thing, I heard some guy mentioning how it didn't follow the supposed "Vampire Rules". You forgot something: these are MEXICAN vampires, which is a different ethos. Why did you think the black guy (forgot the name) from the original could rip the one vampires heart out? Or how the one had a mouth on her stomach, or how they ALL had bizzare faces when in vampire form?
  • First of all: Titanic did NOT tie Ben-Hur. It got 11, Ben-Hur got 12! So there. Ben-Hur is also infinitly better. Anyways, Titanic is an OK movie. Try reading a longer review of it and ponder what the critics were thinking. They usually mention a mediocre script, poor acting and a ridiculous villain yet still call it things like "A masterpiece" or the "Best movie of the decade/century" etc. Seems odd. Titanic is an OK movie, though much of it's impact is lost on the small screen. Disaster movies will and always will be best in the theatre. I just wish I could of seen this at an Imax, it'd be close to real life size in the ending ;)
  • Considerably lesser sequel to Rich and Famous, the bad brother gets his revenge in this one, and Chow Yun-Fat and Andy Lau go for some payback big time. Two good action sequences, both of which are the only highlights of the movie. However, the seemingly goodness of the Triad folk from Rich and Famous is destroyed when a loyal CYF soldier shoots about 5 or 6 police officers rescuing him.
  • While much better then the sequel, this is still by no means a great movie. Every once in a while it approaches greatness, but one thing or another keeps it from achieving it. The character development is better then usual, and Alex Man gives a very good performance as the ambitious, bumbling brother. The two action sequences are excellent, and the surprisingly low body count finale actually has some feeling and emotion in it.
  • While there is little of the type of John Woo gunplay in this one, the action scenes are still awesome. It's also really cool seeing Chow Yun-Fat fight 3 guys with machettes with a 3-inch butterfly knife :) The basic plot is the same as Point Blank, or Payback. It is, after all, a remake of Point Blank. The plot concerns a guy betrayed and looking for revenge. The other comments go more in depth :) All around, very cool. Well worth a purchase.
  • I love this movie. I might as well just say it :) It definitely holds my record for most viewings in one year (around 80). I wore out the tape I watched it so many times. Everything is perfect about this movie. It is one of the best of all time. How can you not like a movie where a guy fights his own hand? Or for that matter, a spoof of the "arming" scene in Taxi Driver?
  • You probably know the story from the other comments, concerning a rift between brothers and a disgraced gunman. This movie is one of the best of all time, and I never understand it's so-so to pretty good ratings. It's a definite GREAT movie, not a pretty good one. Everything in it is perfect, except perhaps the end where in some parts you could tell they were on a somewhat limited budget. The gunfights are excellent, even if short, and Chow Yun-Fat acts in this one better than any other actor in any part.