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Star Trek: Obsession
Episode 13, Season 2

Not quite right..
As I watched this on Netflix yesterday and I realised it wasn't the next TOS I was expecting! For some reason this episode is in fact the original TOS and not the remastered episode. All the graphics from start to finish are the original oddly which is the most obvious difference . I wonder why?

As I watched this on Netflix yesterday and I realised it wasn't the next TOS I was expecting! For some reason this episode is in fact the original TOS and not the remastered episode. All the graphics from start to finish are the original oddly which is the most obvious difference . I wonder why?

As I watched this on Netflix yesterday and I realised it wasn't the next TOS I was expecting! For some reason this episode is in fact the original TOS and not the remastered episode. All the graphics from start to finish are the original oddly which is the most obvious difference . I wonder why?

The Silent Sea

Brain Dead
Don't bother watching this.

They come across dead people and immediately decide to remove their helmets. No education is required to know what happens next...

Time Trap

Where's part 2?
A decent film script-wise. But it's like the crew suddenly realised they've ran out of time. With the last 5 minutes cramped into a tiny space with no explanation of what's happening and you're amazed that that's the end and you're left hanging. It would have made a far better film with just an extra 20 minutes.

So many films these days have this annoying habit of refusing to explain or give a satisfactory ending. Timetrap is sadly in this category too.

Carlton-Browne of the F.O.

Very much of it's time
This is one of those films that has a host of Stars from the Fifties and you'd think it would be a success. But sadly these days it's just a bygone relic only worth watching to see your favourite actors and tick it off your seen list..

It's really about the Foreign Office. The F.O. in the title.

So kind of like a Private Eye film looking into the buffoonery of British oversea politics and it's jargon.

The script isn't funny or even witty these days. Probably at the time (1959) it was topical. But barely understandable today. So despite lots of decent actors, the script is just bland and hardly raised a smile.

Restless Natives

Edinburgh comments
The two heroes are shown living in Wester Hailes housing estate (just down the road from where I live) and riding their motor bike around Edinburghs countryside. This film shows two likeable Scot lads having a great time escaping the boredom of living in one of Edinburgh's less desirable housing estates by commiting a few crimes politely.

I think you might just need to be Scottish or live locally to get some of the jokes made in this film on the Scottish Tourist Industry.

A good feel-good film, with a great sound track. If it was on DVD, I'd buy it in an instant!

Trivia - My mate Liam Rudden was an extra on this film and now is Editor of the Arts and Media section of the Edinburgh Evening News Newspaper. Good on ye son!


One of the true classics of the genre
If you like pure fantasy films then you can't really beat this film. Tim Curry, who steals every scene he appears in, plays 'Darkness' and is the ultimate devil (who can forget that amazing costume?!).

You'll never regret watching this film, it is a true 'feel good' movie that you'll want to watch whenever you are feeling down.

If only Hollywood would make more of these kind of movies!

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