
IMDb member since October 1999
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The Blues Brothers

Absolutely the best movie ever made!
I can watch this movie repeatedly and not get sick of it.

Rest In Peace John Belushi We miss you


If I had the option to vote 0, that would be generous
Ugh. Plain Ugh. This movie was horrible in all sense of the word. I caught it late one night on HBO and Ive come to the realization that if you paid money to see this movie, you are one of the most unfortunate persons I will ever refer to in my life on this planet. I cant find one positive thing to say about this movie. Bad acting, lame plot, lame special effects (i dont know what the previous guy who commented on this movie was watching when he said it had good special FX, all I saw was one big blue-screen with a goofy spider)cheesy dialogue(with the exception of "armor piercing, my ass!")I do admit one thing though, It was so bad that I watched the whole thing. Upon finishing the movie, I came to the conclusion that Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was artwork compared to this...dont waste your time unless you want a good laugh.

Wo hu cang long

See the movie. Its got beautiful choreography and the fight scenes explode well on screen. For those of you that think the plot a bit contrived...remember what the word fantasy means. Those people that have beef about Michelle Yeoh scaling a wall on her feet might be the exact same people who believed it possible that Sylvester Stallone could hoist multiple (large) guns and hit moving targets. All others have no sense of relaxation.

Trailer Park Usa has never been so fun.

See the movie. You may not understand it, but it was done extremely well.

3000 Miles to Graceland

To describe in one word....

This movie reminded me almost exactly of another disastrous movie I had the pleasure of watching and getting mad cuz I spent the money on it, remember "THE BIG HIT". I was so disappointed when I left the theatre after watching 3K Miles, for the first time in my life, I actually had to apologize to my girlfriend for the movie being as bad as it was. I mean, because the movie was so bad, I had to agree to go to a chick flick. A CHICK FLICK!!!! What in the hell has happened to society when u cant make an action flick with Kurt Russell and Kevin Costner(?) appear more than a story-lacking glossy shoot out. Dont get me wrong. I enjoy watching bullets fly as much as the next guy, but when a story is as bad as this particular movie's was, I have to put away my love for action movies....and say WHAT IN GODS GOOD GRACES OF GRACELAND WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THEY MADE THIS MESS????

***to say anything positive at all, the opening action sequence is pretty dope though***

Get Carter

Get a half hour shorter
Get Carter is an enjoyable movie with surprisingly good acting by Sylvester "Italian Stallion" Stallone. Unfortunately the movie bogs down with several long, drawn-out scenes...A little editing and the movie would have sparkled like a gem...but as for now...more like a dull glow.

The Original Kings of Comedy

The Kings of Comedy is like rush hour traffic....stop..go...stop...go....then all of a sudden...PEDAL TO THE FLOOR when bernie mac came on!!!!! Geared to a black audience...as most Spike Lee "Joints" are, Kings of Comedy had some hilarious jokes in it...and some that were just the same recycled humor you hear on BET every weekend You have to have a sense of humor going into the movie and cannot be easily offended by off-color jokes and especially (KEY POINT HERE)jokes about the caucasian persuasion..it is just entertainment!!! Steve Harvey does a good job MCing the show..while D.L. Hughley is ok in his bits...Cedric the Entertainer was mostly disappointing as he didnt seem to come up with anything new for his act...but Bernie Mac stole the show! See it just for Bernie...he makes it all worthwhile!

Beyond the Mat

Mick Foley saves an otherwise average movie!
I was really pumped up to see the movie. Really pumped! I was interested to see deep into the world of professional wrestling. What I got was sort of a docu-drama into the life of wrestlers such as Mick Foley, Terry Funk, Jake Roberts, etc. Halfway through the movie, I knew that the movie had disappointed many people as more and more interviews with family members of the wrestlers came up on the screen. The segment with Jake the Snake Roberts and his daughter was extremely long and boring and the audience showed no sympathy. Disappointing but still entertaining...but beware hardcore wrestling fans! The movie is more of a documentary into the personal lives of the wrestlers than a wrestling documentary itself.....The segments on Mick foley make that part of the movie extremely entertaining and do prove that, in fact, FOLEY IS GOD.

Pitch Black

Excellent Sci-Fi flick that doesnt bite Alien too hard....
I had my doubts. Another space movie with people trying to dodge bloodthirsty aliens. I kept thinking back to Outer Space movies like Event Horizon and Alien 3 and wondered why I was giving this tired genre yet another shot at winning me over. I must admit that I was more than pleasantly surprised after I saw Pitch Black. My first thought upon sitting down in the theatre was that the 3 or so movie previews that I saw would have summed up the best parts in the movie, but not in this case. The movie doesnt fall prey to starting slowly and ending quickly as most Space thrillers do (Before you shake your head no, think of the last couple space movies you saw...zzzzz) Pitch Black jumps you right into the action.. Good performances by a virtually unknown cast (at least to me). With the exception of Vin Diesel and Keith David, I didnt much recognize many of the other thespians' roles in movies except for some bit parts. The movie has some excellent special effects but doesnt fall prey to overusing them like in Event Horizon or (to a lesser extreme) Supernova. Overall, this movie has repeat watching written all over it. It isnt the best Ive ever seen, but it did what most others fail at doing.....It entertained me.

Any Given Sunday

It should have been named "NATURAL BORN SUNDAYS" instead!
What the hell was up with this movie? Not only were a few details a bit hazy (touchdowns counting as seven each time instead of six and an extra point, teams playing in almost darkness, 150 lb Jamie Foxx at QB looking almost as thin as Tommy Davidson did on In Living Color, teams with NASTY looking uniforms (yellow with a red cross?)teams playing in the same cities as pro teams (miami) yet supposedly pro teams themselves) but when there was some football action, the camera angles were atrocious. It was like Natural born killers (another Ollie Stone flick) I was expecting Woody Harrelson to pop up with a double barrelled shotgun and start blasting everyone. Dont get me wrong, the acting in the movie is pretty good. Pacino is outstanding as always while the supporting cast does a pretty good job in making you believe that it was a football flick. Diaz, Foxx, Woods, LL, etc all do a commendable job. LT (Lawrence Taylor) also does a pretty good job reliving the days he was breaking Joe Theismann's leg like a stick. Playing a Linebacker probably wasnt that much of a stretch for him. anyways go see this movie if you have nothing else to see



Even with the mechanical shark..this movie scares the hell outta me
Come on..admit it! If you saw this movie before TBS edited it and made a mockery of it on TV, it scared the hell out of you! I live in San Diego, where there is not a Great white shark problem. The problem is..this movie ruined swimming anywhere farther than a couple yards off shore for me! Think about it. What would be the worst ways to die? Suffocation? Burned? Crushed? Or drowning while a shark shreds you to pieces.. Its not too realistic but who in the hell cares? A definite classic even with the cheesy FX. Ask anyone who worked by the beach at that time.. The movie definately had an effect on people! A classic!

The Shawshank Redemption

A movie that is the epitome of a masterpiece
The Shawshank Redemption came out better on screen than it was in print. Brilliant performances by Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, and a stellar supporting cast leaves a lasting imprint on the viewer. With a superb score and dynamic lighting and sets, this movie should be THE example by which other movies compare to and work by.


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