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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Unexpectedly Sherlock
I read all of the Sherlock Holmes stories at once this past year. It was the perfect reading experience--the books I read were reprints of the original magazine editions, down to the illustrations and the name Conan Doyle without "Sir Arthur" looming in front. Doyle amazed me by making Sherlock & Watson my contemporaries. The stories leapt over the decades, over the differences in fashion (wardrobe, philosophy, & vocabulary) to show me these were just a couple of guys sharing an apartment, one of whom being rather eccentric.

Adaptations of literature can deeply offend me. My disgust over The English Patient hasn't died down yet (story and various emphases, not cinematography or acting), for instance. Therefore, after Doyle had made Sherlock so real to me, I didn't believe there would be a portrayal that didn't anger me. At the same time, I had finished all of the stories, and Doyle being long dead, there would be no more. So when my honey discovered some episodes online, I gave some a try.

Jeremy Brett brought together important physical characteristics, the desire and intelligence to bring the character to life, and the acting capability to actually do so. Supported by exceptional writing, with changes only to the point of necessity given media constraints. Brett even added gesture and expression not mentioned in the story, yet fitting as well as if they were.

Fans of the stories should not hesitate to watch this series given the opportunity. Even more, fans of the shows would gain to read the stories because of the greater elucidation of deductive principles.

I actually gave it a ten.

The People vs. Larry Flynt

Free Speech!!
I love this movie because I love my Constitution. H*ll yeah!! I cried with laughing so hard the first time I saw this, and I've cried with emotion a few times since. When the time came to decide whether or not to judge a work "obscene," Justice Hugo Black always reminded his peers, "'Congress shall make NO law...." And I agree. Nothing more need be said.

Higher Learning

Good movie
Even though the characters and story are over-drawn, this is one good movie. Racial conflicts aren't usually this entire, but it's a good dramatization of how they could be. Because it depicts racial relationships in such a manner, it better shows what can, and often does happen. No one is right, that's certain, and we're more than the color of our skin. Still, most of us let that divide us..... We have many lessons to learn.

The Cosby Show

Awesome Show
I watched "The Cosby Show" when I was a kid; I liked it then. Lately it's been showing on a couple of stations and I've watched it again--and I'm SO impressed. I saw a review that called it one of the best sit-coms, and I must disagree--it's the best sit-com ever made, truly. Not only is it funnier than most, it's more real than any sit-com I've ever seen. The kids act like kids, parents like parents, and their interactions are classic! I've also noticed that, even though I was young when it originally aired, I remember so much, even the lesser characters, specifics of most of the episodes, and character traits of everyone. It's so much fun!

Scream 2

not as good as the original
I'm watching the movie, again, as we speak. I think this is my fourth time to see it (while I've seen the first hundreds of times). It's the least entertaining of the trilogy (see my rave reviews of the other two), though still fun if you're a fan. The best parts, really, are the revamped scenes from the first one, as well as such references. If you liked the first, watch it, and then see the third--whether at the theaters if not too late, or at home when it comes out. IT'S A SCREAM BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pump Up the Volume

an all-time favorite
This movie is my therapist: whenever things couldn't seem worse, I pop it into the VCR, and feel a million times better for it. Last I knew, I understood that this was Christian Slater's favorite of his movies. It > angst, certainly, but with a kind of catharsis. Is it a great movie? H*ll no! But is it fun? Completely. And if you're a free speech nut like I am, you'll love it.

Scream 3

it so rocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I've been waiting forever for this. :) It was very, very good. Many details from the previous two were resurrected, for us, the supreme fans. Boots from previous movies, etc. Several scenes from the first two movies recreated and changed. If you are a fan you must (and probably will) see it in the theater. I saw the 11pm showing opening night after having watched the first two again, and I'd bet a large portion of the packed theater had also. The atmosphere was awesome; much yelling when portions of the first two were related. The scene at the movie set was the best--the more so, I think, the more you've seen the first. This was the best of the trilogy, but that would never have been possible without the first two.

Pred dozhdot

I saw this movie in a film class, and am so glad. I can't take brutal, cruel violence, and had I seen it anywhere else I wouldn't have continued to watch. Don't take that to mean that I don't feel the violence was necessary--it was, to bring you into the life these people lead. Truly FEELING for them is required, and feeling the horror helps in that. I read someone contrasting "Before the Rain"'s vignettes with Tarantino's and I completely agree. Here it serves as much more than just a way to make a simple story seem complex. This is one of those movies in which you can truly look at every aspect and find meaning intended to be found.


Scream has been my favorite movie for well over a year. I have probably seen it hundreds of times and analyzed it beyond belief. I have made many friends sick to death of it. If there is anyone out there who hasn't seen it, buy it now. If you're one of the friends for whom I've ruined this wonderful movie, get over it. :)

M. Butterfly

Having read the play, I felt that the movie was incredibly lacking. None of the complicated themes of the play really came through. And I don't think it was possible, since the play is so... unusual. Not just in the story and themes, but also in style.

The Stepfather

Pretty good
I just happened to run into this on tv one afternoon. Very cheesy horror flick. Terribly predictable. Pretty scary, nonetheless. I pretty much like that in horror movies, so I liked it. The title character's actor is fairly impressive.

The White Shadow

Great show
This ranks as one of the best tv shows I've ever seen. Timely, even today, and very well-acted. I watched this while it was on TV Land and very much enjoyed it. Not at all cheesy and very honest. The title character was not always nice or good, but believable, and there was always a lesson to be learned.


Realistic Picture of Over-Drugged People
When asked by a friend what this was about I said, "Drugs and misogyny." I then added that the movie does not approve of the characters' lifestyles. Many people have said that Hurlyburly was awful because the characters spoke too intelligently through the drug haze and too unlikable. It's obvious to me that, while these characters are very intelligent, despite the drugs, everything they say complete b.s., meant to be pseudo-deep, much as most people on drugs are wont to do. Sean Penn's character comes closest to being a good person, but the drugs and his lack of a backbone get in his way. His and Kevin Spacey's acting are superior as always. Since I haven't said it yet today, Kevin Spacey is a god. Thank you.

Primal Fear

I consistently tell people two things about this movie: SEE IT! and Edward Norton is a god. An acting god, that is. I won't say anything else about Primal Fear, because little else can be said without possibly ruining it. Well, one more thing: if you don't like it initially, stick with it.

The Lottery

I've read the story...
When I was in junior high school I had to read the story on which it was based and write about it--I said it was awful and sick and a waste of paper. My teacher responded, "But it made you think, didn't it?" And she was right. As far as tv movies go, this one's not bad. It's greatly expanded, of course, from the short story, which I think adds to it slightly. It certainly added to what I remembered from age fourteen, although I might get more out of the story now than then anyway. The story has many parallels to superstition and mindless persecution in the world. Worth watching.

What Dreams May Come

This movie really knocked me out. I cried through most of it, and let me assure you that few movies move me to tears. After the first time I saw it, I would cry occasionally just thinking about it. Mind you, this is not crying with sadness, but over the beauty of the movie's love story. And the images. This is one of the most beautifully filmed movies I have ever seen. Knowing that the movie took place in an afterlife, I originally felt that I might not be able to get into it, but let me tell anyone who feels the same way--you WILL be able to suspend disbelief. See it.

Four Weddings and a Funeral

Grew on me
I saw this movie and hated it. Then I saw it again and I thought it was okay. Again--I liked it. Now I love this movie. Go figure. Very funny, very clever. I love Andie MacDowell--especially the scene where her character rattles off the men she's slept with. A must see movie--and if you don't like it, keep trying...

Say Anything...

The Most Romantic Movie of All Time
If someone's not sure whether or not they've seen this movie, I always say, "It's the one where the guy stands in the street playing music for the girl." That reminds people every time. If you haven't seen it, I don't think that will spoil anything--there's probably a picture of the scene on the movie box. But I won't say anymore about what happens, only that Lloyd Dobler is one of the most endearing characters in any movie.

The Usual Suspects

I'd seen previews for this and didn't think it was my kind of movie. But I kept hearing about it from people I trusted when it came to movies. Boy were they right! I can't think, let alone watch The Usual Suspects without grinning. Kevin Spacey is brilliant. This is one movie that you will want to rewind and watch again immediately.

Basic Instinct

not very good
I saw Basic Instinct the first time before I had much taste in movies. I thought it was okay. Let me say also that I find Sharon Stone distasteful as an actress. The whole Oscar thing with her left me with a bad taste in my mouth. However, despite both these beliefs--I saw this movie again a few months ago. Boy was it terrible! At the same time, I have to admit that the one thing it has going for it is Sharon Stone. Her character is very believable--the only believable part of the whole movie. She steals every scene that she's in--not just the famous one. Just had to admit all of this....

Sex, Lies, and Videotape

Great flick
I think I was 14 when I first saw this film. I was expecting something salacious, but thinking about it now, what I got was the movie that spurred my now-obsession with great movie-making. It knocked me out. Great character development, great acting, great writing. Very personal. And the title is very well-chosen. It's also a wonderful love story--and nothing like what most people characterize. Its world is very real, with all of the complications that mark the real world. Would I make a tape with Graham? Definitely, I'd love to. I think that most women would. Just a thought....

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