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A Walk in My Shoes

In My Shoes (2010)
This made for TV movie surprised me. I had very little expectations for it but ended up finding it to be a very light, yet entertaining plot mainly due to the cast. Trish (Nancy Travis) is a mom/school teacher, who has lost touch with her family mainly from taking her job too seriously. Meanwhile, Cindy (Jana Lee Hamblin) had a husband who was killed in Iraq leaving behind two sons for her to raise, one of which has to write a paper for the teacher (Travis) on an event that changed his life yet can not seem to do so due to spending too much time focusing on the basketball team. When Cindy goes to talk to Trish about the problem, the teacher ignores her plea telling her to be more of a mother to her son and not enable the situation. Through the work of a female angel watching over them all, this leads to Trish getting into a car wreck bumping her head which instantly puts her in Cindy's shoes as a mother to realize what an easy life Trish had compared to her. This is where the actress (Travis) switches roles and becomes Cindy with the angel telling her she has a lesson to learn "all through the blink of an eye". The movie offers some humorous situations of the somewhat above-middle-class school teacher switching to the life of a mother who works in a café as a waitress especially when she learns her "new" son is the boy she was actually failing as a school teacher. Some heartwarming scenes when she learns the real reason why he can't write his paper is due to the very last words the boy told his father before he left and was killed in Iraq being, "I hate you!" In the end after her lesson is learned, Cindy/Trish returns back to her body with the only time lost being "a blink of an eye". The plot is a different form of "It's a Wonderful Life" only not as strong with only a few light traces of Christmas lights mixed within the plot.


Effects better~Movie NOT !!
I was disappointed the first few minutes of the film soon as I saw the ship called "Poseidon" instead of the "SS Poseidon". Did ships do away with the "SS" for some reason? (lol)

However, I was amazed by the special effects in this new version when the tidal wave (oh wait, it's been changed to "Road Wave" in this version -lol!) actually hits the ship, effects that I wished the original had especially when the ship turns over. But the special effects is about all this new movie had going for it.

The original had an all-star cast, which I knew nearly every single one of them. In this one, I knew only a few, none of which give an impressive performance as the original cast did.

There were only two cast members I was impressed with and neither one of them are that famous. The young teen who Richard Dreyfuss has to push off his leg in the shaft order to survive. (I take it he was the Roddy McDowall role, only without an accent.) Okay, that scene got to me. I really felt for that character.

Also, the boy, Jimmy Bennett played excellent as a "boy in distress", even though his role was the exact opposite character wise than the original boy (Eric Shea), who was a fearless cocky genius type kid.

I found all of the women in this movie dull and boring---nothing compared to any of the feisty women in the original.

Why was Fergie (of the Black Eyed Peas) left behind? In the original, the singer, Carol Lynley goes with them. This left us having a cast of all brunettes and not one single blond. There were so many brunette females, I was getting their characters mixed up.

Speaking of the singer, there is no "Morning After" song even attempted or recreated to even think of making the top 100 on the BillBoard charts---and this time we had an actual real female singer unlike the original, who was only an actress.

Was any of this movie actually thought out? Where were all the creative brains when this movie was made?

The industry already knows and is fully aware that just because a movie has spectacular special effects, it is nothing without "heart". And I found the new version to be missing exactly that.

I also thought I heard mention of the spectacular scene from the original movie where the man falls from the table all the way down into the glass window below then am explosion occurs was going to be recreated in this scene....but the victim's scene was missing.

I believe it was that scene that helped the original with it's Oscar Award.

I don't look for the new version to get any nominations for any Oscars at all---or any other awards for that matter.

The most the movie may get is the kid being nominated for a YAA. Pathetic. (lol)

Walk the Line

No Orange Blossom Special~no Boy Named Sue??
How can they possibly make a Johnny Cash song without "Orange Blossom Special" the song that had that famous harmonica sequence and Johnny's most famous line, "I don't care if I do die, do die, do die..." And then there is no "A Boy Named Sue" probably one of his popular hits.

I just can't help wonder if they might do a sequel with all the success the movie has received.

Both leading actors do a tremendous job playing the characters. I would have never expected Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon to make these characters practically their own while still seeming like the real actual people.

Excellent movie except for the things it's missing.

I am also stunned at some of the deleted scenes that should have been left in the movie. Some of the deleted scenes are a part of what would have made the movie so good.

The Boy Who Cried Bitch

Powerful performance all the way through~
HARLEY CROSS gives an amazingly powerful performance as a young boy with a psychotic mental problem. This is a movie that will have you on the edge of your seat one minute and almost crying the next. It is beyond belief at how the most amazing movie performance of the young actor's career would get absolutely no recognition. The movie goes deep inside the boy's crazed mind through some heavy suspenseful scenes which if anything helps one truly understand someone with a mental problem a little better. Also it's probably the first time JASON BIGGS has ever been seen in a movie at a very young 9 years old. If you ever find the rare chance to watch a copy of this hard-to-find unreleased movie on video----do not pass the chance. The shock-ending will blow you away.

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