
IMDb member since November 1999
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Dungeons & Dragons

Long awaited fantasy does not disapoint!
I wanna start this off by warning each and every one of you to go into this movie as blind as you can possibly be. Avoid all spoilers that have anything to do with the actual plot, because that is a huge chunk of the fun of the film.

Now that that is out of the way.. I know your dying to hear.. what does Donsimus, after spending a year of his life on covering the film, what do I have to say now that I have seen the entire thing there on the big screen, with a very good sound system. I'll try to keep this as spoiler free as possible, and because of that I'll have to be more general..than specific, but DON'T think for a minute that I'm leaving any thing out cause I don't like it. IN fact, I'm really only bringing out the things I think you will most interested in or this review could go several pages!

I knew the story in advance. I already loved the story, but all through the movie I find myself wishing that I hadn't known anything.. DON'T read the novel before you see the movie. The novel actually contains scenes that for various reasons did not end up in the finished film, and when those scenes were supposed to happen, I mourned their loss, because there was such good stuff in them. I can't write an honest review with out mentioning that fact.

That said, what is left over is a helluva lot of fun..looks very cool..and in some places kicks some serious ass. It's a rousing, spirited romp of an adventure story that never slacks for a second. It's really hard to pin down in terms of what other fantasy movies it best fits with. I think the world is much better realized than most any other fantasy film. It has the derring-do of Willow..combat is fast paced and often brutal, even though there's no blood thrown around, people do get stabbed, slashed, and brought down hard. My only complaint on the fight scenes is similar to X-Men, what we get is great, but they don't last long enough..and with the exception of a very satisfying climatic battle they all ended too quickly for my tastes. Combat is the bread and butter of D&D after all. It may have been because I also knew of fight scenes that were filmed but got trimmed from the film for time purposes, so again if I hadn't known about them, I wouldn't have missed them.


Best superhero film that has been done to date.
No spoilers here. ..just wanted to let the purist know that as someone who collected the comics for years and knew the 'official comic" mythos, this movie's newly created mythos fits like a glove and you will love it. Bryan singer has just launched a big career as he directs this so-not-like-a-super-hero film that we never have to suspend our disbelief..we buy everything thats happening at all times. You also care deeply about the characters.

The doubts are over. Hugh Jackman IS Wolverine..younger maybe in his looks but every bit the Wolvie we all know and love..and gives a fantastic performance. Anna Paquin does great as Rogue as well..and they make great use of her original mutant power throughout the film.

The effects are top notch and die hard X fans will go nuts as the individuals powers are showcased very well. Make no mistake..the action when present is breathtaking..and you get some really great scenes. But the movie doesnt rely only on the eyecandy by no means. Like the Matrix, they do a great job of creating this other world that exists within our real world.. I hope they get crackin' on the sequel right away. Its going to be a long wait!

Galaxy Quest

Perfectly on target..never misses
I had anticipated this film for some time..and I was not dissapointed. As a closet trekky (one who never dresses up or goes to conventions)and huge scifi fan..I was very pleased.

The show displays a perfect balance between humor and loving homage. It's predictable when it should be predictable, though it twists out from under you on many occasions!

A fine performance from all cast members, especially the supporting cast. Superb special effects..attention to detail..and high dollar production values.

Even a typical but fresh "John Williams" style musical score perfectly accompanies the film and sets the mood well. Loved this movie.. for all the right reasons!

Kull the Conqueror

This is the reason people thought the fantasy genre was dead
This is a text book example of how not to do a fantasy movie. Sorbo is wasted..and its a sad comment that the writing for his hit show Hercules is 20 times better than this dreck. From the cheesey rock music sound track at the opening credits you realize they are not going to give the genre any respect..and great movies like Army of Darkness..can make fun of the genre while still respecting it.

Kull is nearly devoid of any intentional humor. Though you will find yourself laughing out loud at various points due to the incredibly lame dialogue and ridiculous performances. I think this is also a film that clearly had no art direction and it offends the chronological senses even worse than Hercules and Xena to the point at which you began to think the entire thing took place in a world of cheesey movie sets instead of some time in our distant past.

No effort is made to build any characters or make us care about anyone..and no one is likeable or cool enough to care about them at first sight.

I'm not even sure this would be good WITH the MST3K crew riffing on it. When its not being stupid just drags.

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