
IMDb member since February 2000
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The Hard Easy

liked vera farmiga
just wanted to say, that the score is absolutely terrible. even in mid-90s this was dated. and, yes, some of the actors do a good job, mostly it is just average. thank god vera farmiga was in this one. i won't really recommend it. really not. what else. this e.t.guy is quite okay in it. the plot: starts okay, but the characters are just way to plain, and it gets worse every minute. one good thing about it, the robbery scene is well cut, time leap forward and backward, well done, but again sucking score and to thin characters. actually, the longer i think about it, the thinner the people get. add some violence and ready you are. won't complain about the f-words, didn't disturb me.


wink and renneberg have chemistry
well made German drama. deals with drug abuse of the leading female, renneberg. who is quite convincing. photographer wink wants to help her, well, one knows, where that can lead. have seen this years ago, but still remember, that i thought, that wink and renneberg do very well together. very promising at that time. anyhow, renneberg is mostly known now for her role in the donna-leon-series, and where the hell is steffen wink? give this 7, because it is very intense and calm. it takes its time, you really get to know the characters and that's the biggest strength of the movie, you feel for them. worth seeing. should be able to be catch it on television.

En som Hodder

heart-warming movie
it wasn´t easy to watch this one in german cinemas, only showing on early afternoon for about two weeks. that is definitely too short, because this flick would have earned a larger audience. it´s about good and bad times of schoolboy hodder, and how he is treating with those times. actually it´s about not giving up what you believe in, but stick to it and do what you feel is right. i liked all of the cast, and each of the characters is believable and very well-written. a film to watch with your kids or your partner or whoever. absolutely recommended. 8 of 10.


i watched this movie because i´m a big annett renneberg fan, and therefor i sat through the whole flic. but it was terrible. i wondered if there could have been one more cliché in it! i guess, with a little more knowledge, this ridiculous story could have been easily turned into a parody. actually it was one the whole time... markus knüfken did a good job anyway and annett renneberg wasn´t so bad, when you keep in mind, what terrible lines they all had! whoever thought of that story must read a lot of cheap literature. don´t waste your time!

King Rollo

for kids and parents
i noticed that king rollo is going to be shown this summer in german television, and i´m so glad about that. this show was just so full of good ideas. i still don´t know how someone could characterize those figures in this short time. i mean, every episode had only 5 minutes time. i´m happy to see it soon

Matt and Jenny

great series with a different view of the wild west
this series about matt and his sister jenny showed the search of those two for their uncle, who lived somewhere in the wild west, or was it canada? probably. their parents had died. really liked it, when it aired in the mid80´s in germany. the journey through the green woods was full of dangers and adventures, the kids stuck together, often the stories were somewhat spooky and the kids were left alone, which frightened me at that age. but of course they had some paternal friends, who arrived just in the right moments to save them and make up a new episode. great! i admit, i´m nostalgic and actually liked megan follows a lot that time.

Fast nackt

the feelings of a girl in an indoor swimming pool
i liked this one, saw it already two times in german television.

captures in a fine way the mood inside an indoor swimming pool, and the feelings of a young girl (not?) in love with a boy. very good pace in most of the scenes. it is quite deep and detailed, i guess the director thought a lot about it. you can see that. there´s also a well-known german tv-actress in it, who is normally doing a daily soap. yeah that´s it

Die Konferenz der Tiere

ironic, political piece of erich kästner
konferenz der tiere is a very 60´s-style movie. made after a book by erich kästner it is very avantgarde for the time and combines funny animals with a political underline. if you like animation movies, that do not look like the japanese tv-kind,watch it.

Piratensender Power Play

thommy in a movie? yes, and he is not the worst...
with a distance of almost 20 years this film can really be fun. hilarious story, some talented actors, famous names and the feeling of the 80s this flick is in tradition of 70s nonsense films. without thomas gottschalk in the leading role no one could watch this film to the end, but otherwise it´s so bad that it´s getting good again. but don´t consider paying money for the rental, wait for tv.


Just another funny Celentano
Well, i like adriano celentano a lot. and this film is made for him. i think he can´t act very well, he´s just always himself, like in grand hotel excelsior, or in his films with ornella muti, but i like his style, and it seems that in the early 80s, many people thought the same. if you don´t mind the sometimes stupid gags, i recommend this film to anybody who likes celentano. and: absolutely wonderful soundtrack.

The Disappearance of Finbar

somehow aimless, but fascinating
I saw this one accidentally in the morning in tv. it was ok to watch at breakfast, i thought first. the film didn´t seem to have a goal, it just went on, with nothing really happening, just "real-life". but it somehow got me, and i went on watching. the story was as aimless as danny´s search, but it had its magic moments. i bought the soundtrack today (it was reduced!) and i like it, because it is as calm as the whole film. 7/10

Holy Man

Does Philosophy sell?
I just saw Holy Man, called Guru on this side of the ocean, and I had a good time watching it. Well, I liked the cast, I liked the message the film delivers and it`s funny. I am one of those guys, who likes watching the shopping channels, maybe that is necessary to like this film, but if you like films with humour and love, then why not rent this one.

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