
IMDb member since December 1999
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Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain

The plot started well, but...
The story started out okay: A teenager from the big city moves to a small town and begins a friendship with the girl no one likes, who is physically abused by her stepfather. Then both of them decide to set out to find gold on Bear Mountain.

However, early in the movie, it takes a turn for the worse: it starts looping in an endless chain of clichés, which I'd like to point out.

(WARNING: the following might be a spoiler for whoever hasn't seen the movie.)

When Beth can't use the breaks on her bicycle, she screams for Jody to get out of the way - however, she refuses to take this advice, and runs forward - and faster than the bike - and falls in the river.

Later, Jody tells Beth that she found an old book with the story of Molly Morgan. The book is later revealed to contain everything on how to get to the gold, and even a map! Yet, no one ever went searching before.

Jody and Beth wait on the boat for the exact time when the sunlight will bounce off the gold and reveal the mine (for only ten minutes). Coincidently, the beam lands EXACTLY where the girls have their boat - and the it looks amazingly like a spotlight.

Jody moves in to the cave - which has naturally formed stone furniture - and reveals to Beth that she killed her stepfather the previous night - with a fishing pole - and says that she was sure he wasn't breathing. Yet, in the latter scenes, he reappears, perfectly okay and unbruised.

Beth nearly drowns when she gets her leg stuck under a big rock and the water level rises - did it ever occur to her that she could sit up? It was her LEG that was stuck.

Jody never tells the police that her stepfather abuses her - even though she has the bruises to prove it.

In the scene where Beth tries to find Jody in the mountain, she finds a particular cave with awesome lights moving on the walls. These lights are revealed to be reflected by the natural - and lapidated - crystals in that cave.

Jody and Beth find the gold! But when they reach out to grab it, they discover they're larvae. Golden, glowing larvae.

And finally, Molly Morgan appears and saves them both from Jody's stepfather. Then, later, Jody and Beth receive a pack of gold from a lawyer "whose client wishes to remain anonymous". But it's never explained how Molly Morgan has a lawyer - and just why she gave that gold to the girls.

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