Jack's Cold Sweat

IMDb member since August 2000
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    23 years


Crash Zone

Childish, but entertaining.
Following in the strain of children-based adventure shows (eg. Round The Twist, The Wayne Manifesto, and *shudder* Lift-Off) The Crash Zone is a show with the "edge" of having teens teamed with computers and a wacky computer-based entity (didn't see that one coming)

But seriously, for a show that, on the surface, seemed childish and stupid, it's hard not to like characters with a real human attitude, as compared with Lift-Off, a show whose cast needed only to speak Grade 2 English to get in (forgive me, i just really hate that show)

And also, does anyone see the resemblence between Nikolai Nikolaeff and Nate Richert (Harvey from "Sabrina The Teenage Witch")? It's damn scary.

Overnight Delivery

Kevin Smith's Best Non-Credited Work
Picked this film up one day at the video store, and was surprised to note (through the IMDb) that it was written by independant icon, Kevin Smith.

Having watched Smith's "Jersey Trilogy" before, I was pleasantly surprised to note that the references to other KS films had been kept down to a minimum, but this could obviously be due to the other writers being around.

In short, this movie's merit came from the wacky, off-beat humor that is so lacking in some films today. Not just a barrage of sexually-orientated jokes (although there were a couple), the film actually made room for a storyline amongst all it's humor.

In short, Overnight Delivery is another good, funny film to come from the mind of Kevin Smith, and actors Paul Rudd and Reese Witherspoon have just enough cool, hip bravado and wit to pull off the roles.

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