
IMDb member since January 2000
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Rain Dogs

Unique British series
I'm an American and seeing the struggles of the underbelly of England's working class was very interesting and sad. I didn't know Daisy May Cooper before this though I'm simultaneously watching her other show, Am I Being Unreasonable. She's really talented, so real and has a very difficult character to play in both shows. She drags her daughter (the amazing Fleur Tashijian) from living place to living place. Most of them not very appealing as the character has no money and is relying on the government. She loves her daughter but in many of the episodes, you feel her daughter is there to take care of her. Her mutually co-dependent friend played by Jack Farthing shows many heartbreaking situations between them. They're both struggling. They love each other but it's a very dysfunctional relationship. The guest characters who come in are great. Each episode takes you on a different journey for Daisy and her daughter. I found myself rooting for them to make it but there is a lot of self sabotaging. It's great to see the lead in a series, not Hollywood glamorous looking but a real person, who lets it all hang out. She's just trying to make a better life for her and her daughter. I can't wait for each new episode.


Scary and thrilling
I love horror films and I found this exciting from start to finish. Love the Covid tie in and the mask lines, brought me back to the pandemic. I thought the acting was really good. The two leads great and it was great seeing Jane Adam's in such a different role. The scene in the car with the mask was so funny. If you like horror, check it out.

Oh no, I have to add another 300 letters!

The direction was really good too. The scenery was cool and it took place in a beautiful house. I thought It had a great twist but not going to spoil it. So many horror films leave you yelling at the screen because they make stupid decisions. This one didn't.


Funny funny funny and heart!!
It doesn't matter gender you are, this is a hysterical heart warning movie. It's a laugh a minute and you're so invested in the main characters.

It's well acted, written and directed. I'm really hoping and believe that the word of mouth on this movie will make it more and more successful. So few movies are laugh out loud funny these days. Yes, there is sex and it's graphic but no frontal nudity, in case you're bothered by that (no judgement). We all need a hood laugh these days and Billy and Luke's chemistry is great. Please go see it (I have no personal connection to it), I just love to support really good movies.

The Good House

Movie genre that should make a comeback
Loved it. Everytime, I thought It would take an obvious turn, it didn't. It was funny, touching, fresh and watching the chemistry of Sigourney Weaver and Kevin Kline was off the charts. The acting, direction, production values were excellent. Movies of this genre have been rare in recent years . It was refreshing. It's a must see! The small town setting felt so authentic to New England, though shot in Nova Scotia.

I found myself holding my breath in so many scenes. All of the characters felt very real and if you've ever dealt with an alcoholic, many things might hit home. There are two adorable dogs in it too!

Resident Evil

Knew nothing about Resident Evil till now
Normally, it's not my kind of genre but I thought it was beautifully shot and acted. I really cared about the characters and I'm planning to watch the whole season. I love the personal relationships.

Escaping the NXIVM Cult: A Mother's Fight to Save Her Daughter

Well done great acting
Thought the cast was great and very believable. The story was told really well. It's an imp subject, handled well!

Green Book

LOVED IT!!!! Run when it opens to see it.
Funny, heartbreaking, hopeful and heartwarming. This movie has Oscar all over it, from Viggo Mortensen to Mahershali Ali to Peter Farrelly, who directed it. It's the best movie I've seen in years!! Viggo gets to play a totally different role and he's funny!

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