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Beau Is Afraid

Not sure what people see in this film
I enjoyed Hereditary, it was interesting and well worth a watch I enjoyed Midsommar, it was beautifully weird and well worth a watch.

Beau is Afraid is just a 3 hour mess. Maybe it was some sort of psychotic delusion brought on by the new medicine but if it was we are expected to come to that conclusion on our own.

What I got out of this was Beau was a virgin because his mother made him afraid that sex would kill him. The other 2 hours and 55 minutes were just a mess.

We had a first act that was far too long that made no sense. I have yet to understand why we even had the story with Nathan Lane and family.

The second act was somewhat interesting and very short.

The third act was far too long and once again made no sense.

I can't imagine ever trying to sit through this mess again.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon: Deux Amours
Episode 5, Season 1

They don't have zombies in France?
Why did Genet send a cargo ship to America to harvest zombies? Weren't there already enough in France?

And why did they bring people around to feed them?

So Genet's plan is has been to create a "coked up super" zombie that they can vanquish her opponents? What happens after the opponents are vanquished? Do they have some Narcan to give them to bring them down or will they just surrender when these super zombies turn on them?

Then of course they all want the idiot kid for some reason. Daryl would have been better off just tossing him in the river and going off on his own. I don't know why I'm wasting my time.

The Idol: Jocelyn Forever
Episode 5, Season 1

Quite possibly the worst 60 minutes of TV ever aired
The title says it all, Quite possibly the worst 60 minutes of TV ever aired.

What was this mess I just watched? People sitting around listening and applauding to Izaak "singing" and gyrating about?

And the ending? What was that?

What could have been a look at young pop star trying to recover from a traumatic experience just turned into a vanity project for The Weekend

Hopefully this doesn't derail Suzanna Son's career opportunities as Red Rocket seemed to be her big break but then she had the misfortune of accepting a role in this mess.

Anyone involved with the writing and production of this mess needs to be sterilized. Any of their progeny already in existence needs to be sterilized in order to prevent the genetic line from continuing.

Fear the Walking Dead: All I See Is Red
Episode 6, Season 8

What a truly dreadful episode
What a truly dreadful episode, where do I begin? First of all how did Morgan get out of the train car that he was chained inside of, Oh that's right he saw red which apparently gives him super powers.

Does anyone giving this a good review understand that this whole Padre junk is happening in Texas and yet they somehow move back and forth between Texas and Virginia without a second thought?

One minute they are in Texas, then next scene Morgan is burying Grace in Virginia alongside the guy that taught him how to fight with a stick. How in the world did he travel about 1,000 miles with a dead body?

Fear the Walking Dead

Did they create a transporter?
I have watched this show from the beginning and all through the ups and downs but it has just gotten beyond ridiculous.

Season 1 started in California and made it's way to Mexico, Then they made it up to Texas.

Last weeks episode had Morgan travel to Virginia where Duane died so he could bury the body (after 10 years) and somehow the people from Padre knew exactly where he was going because of something about the song "Dock of the Bay" so they also traveled to Virginia to get Morgan.

And why does that b**** running Padre need Morgan to clean out the walkers in the port? They're behind a fence, Just makes noise at the fence and stab them in the head through the chain links until they're all put down.

None of this makes a lick of sense.

None of this makes a lick of sense.


I never heard of this until a few weeks ago
I never heard of this until a few weeks ago until I saw a promo for Season 2 so I decided to give it a shot.

I've finished the first 7 episodes so far and I'm hooked.

I can't wait to see where it goes. Hopefully the writers had a story arc in mind when they first started so we don't get into a LOST situation where the show just starts spinning it's wheels without any direction.

I should have the last 3 episodes of Season 1 completed by the weekend. Then I can start Season 2.

How do I see so many short reviews when I have to keep typing and typing to get to the minimum number of characters?

Cocaine Bear

I really wanted to like this movie
I really wanted to like this movie but I just can't. I was hoping for some sort of non stop crazed coked out bear but what I really got was just boring.

After the opening bit we get 30 minutes of drawn out "set up" which wouldn't be too bad except there was no pay off.

I might have chuckled one time during this snooze fest that wasted far too much time on scenes like a lame fight in a bathroom, a police officer and his new dog and a park ranger that is dolling herself up to try to hit on the gayest man in the world.

If you've seen the trailer you've seen 90% of the best stuff this had to offer.

Red Rocket

How does this have so many positive reviews?
Why are there reviews talking about how funny this movie is? There is nothing funny about it.

You would think that maybe this would be a story of redemption but no, Instead we get a self absorbed loser as the protagonist that doesn't have a single redeeming quality.

And lets talk about the elephant in the room, what was that ending? I re-watched the last 30 minutes to see if I could catch anything that indicated the ending was all his little fantasy but didn't see anything. It should have ended with him waking up naked in the street in a pool of his own blood and busted teeth.

Hopefully this movie serves as some sort of springboard for Suzanna Son as she was the only bright spot.

Terrifier 2

I wanted an unapologetic gore fest
What I got was an unapologetic snore fest.

I loved the practical effects but there wasn't enough. Why introduce the father's sketch book if you aren't going to at least try to explain why he was sketching all this.

Far too long for what it was. It was like a bad afterschool special with intermittent scenes of gore.

The original was what I expect from a slasher, A killer that stalks and kills it's prey in a depraved manner without any real reasoning as to why.

It's almost like Art the Clown saw this movie and decided to just go out and eliminate anyone that was associated with it.

9 more characters.

Tales of the Walking Dead

Tales of the Walking Dreadful
This anthology series is a real dud. Awful stories with characters that no one cares about.

I'm not sure why so many people are talking about the 3rd episode. It completely changed the origin of Alpha.

I just watched the fifth episode and I while it wasn't as bad as the 2nd it was close.

Being an anthology series there really isn't time to build a character but somehow some of these episodes are able to create characters you don't like. I'm looking at you episode 2.

Just plain lousy all around. I guess I can watch it in the morning while drinking my coffee because I've got nothing else to do at that time.

The VICE Guide to Bigfoot

Needed more DirtyDolla$ign$
Needed more DirtyDolla$ign$ On the plus side at least it was better than Terror at Blood Fart Lake.

Did I say it needed more DirtyDolla$ign$. He was the best part of the movie.

The Walking Dead: World Beyond

This really makes no sense
I just finished watching Season 2 episode 1 and I really can't figure out where this story is supposed to be taking us.

There are really only 2 compelling characters (Hope & Huck). Season 1 was bad enough but season 2 is off to a really bad start.

How does a plan to save humanity consist of killing thousands of innocent survivors? Do these soldiers just blindly follow whatever cockamamie idea their leader comes up with?

Fortunately there are only 9 more episodes to struggle through while I have my morning coffee.

The White Lotus

Is there a bunch of studio shills on here?
How are there so many reviews praising this piece of junk?

No story except a week in the lives of extremely unlikable people with a few bland boring ones thrown into the mix.

Fortunately there are only 6 episodes so I can get through the last 2 while drinking my morning coffee.

Good Boys

I love this movie. Anyone that doesn't find it funny must be some up tight reppressed loser.

Resident Alien

Great writing, greater cast
I originally decided to give this a try because it starred Alan Tudyk. What I got was a well written dark comedy with an outstanding cast.

I fully expected Alan Tudyk to give a great performance and it turns out everyone else has been outstanding as well.

Corey Reynolds, Alice Wetterlund, Sara Tomko and Judah Prehn have all stood out.

The Invisible Man

Not bad but I don't understand
Not bad but I don't understand why somebody would be all obsessed over such a hideously ugly woman.

Your Honor

Gets dumber with each episode
I'm 6 episodes into this series and it gets dumber with each passing week.

How many lives can this idiot kid ruin. 1. The kid he killed in the beginning 2. His father that is trying to keep his kid from being offed by the mobster 3. His teacher, who was dumb enough to be screwing the loser so I guess that is on her. But now she will have to tell the police about his involvement in the death of kid #1 thus having to admit to her own indiscretions. 4. Kofi Jones 5. The lawyer that is trying to do the right thing unfortunately under false circumstances. 6. The idiot that was blackmailing the Judge. Why did he decide at random to video some idiot kid at a gas station?

Judge, Just sell your kid out to the mobsters and end your misery and ours as well.

The Dead Don't Die

This movie sucks balls
Not a satire, not a spoof just an awful movie that some people did for a paycheck. Not funny, not amusing just crap

The Onion Movie

Who is paying people to give this good reviews?
This is one of the worst unfunny movies ever made. How does anyone with a sense of humor watch this garbage?

The Gallows Act II

This movie makes time stand still
Basically a young lady desperate for online "fame" gets it by performing a viral challenge and things go downhill from there. You'll want to kill yourself just to make it end. And how can every light be on in a house yet still be so dark?

Perfect Skin

How long is this movie?
One hour and forty two minutes transformed into a lifetime. If you want time to stand still watch this movie


Wasn't this movie done just a few years ago?
Wasn't this movie done just a few years ago with a better script and a far better actor? I'm still not understanding how anyone can watch 5 minutes of Adam Devine and decide to have him in any movie, let alone star in one.

90 Day Fiancé

One long continuous rain wreck
You have to giver TLC credit, They have figured out how they can take about 2 hours of content on 4-5 couples and stretch it out over several years showing the exact same clips over and over ad nauseum. The majority of these people are jobless yet seem to be able to save enough money to travel back and forth to other countries to meet a person that they met online and decided they wanted to marry after a couple of face time conversations.

Pure trash but like any train wreck, you just end up watching the horror.


Very Disappointing
I'm shocked at the current 7.1 rating on IMDB as this was just a disappointment.

I had no idea what to expect when I went to see this but what started as an interesting movie turned into something else.

It's like they got halfway through a WWII movie, got bored with it, did some acid and came up with a whole new second half.

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

A big FU to the American Midwest
The more I think about it the madder I get.

This movie is a big FU to the American Midwest. If you notice the white people are all portrayed as drunken angry racist xenophobes that can commit crimes without worry of arrest. The only people that seem to have a bit of decency and common sense are the 3 black people in the movie. This is Hollywood's way of getting back at the Midwest for not falling in line with their ultra liberal ideals.

When the movie started I thought the terrain didn't look like any I have seen in Missouri and realized it was filmed in North Carolina. I guess the filmmakers and actors didn't want to get dirty actually coming to the Midwest.

Well acted movie with a story that made little to no sense. I guess they were more concerned with the intended insult than making a coherent plot.

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