
IMDb member since February 2000
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I Married an Angel

Such a cute movie...
I know a lot of people don't like this movie, but I just think it is adorable. There's not much I can say, but the movie is a feel-good movie I guess. The songs are beautiful, the costumes are beautiful, the voices are beautiful, and there are a lot of funny lines in the movie, especially as Briggitta learns about the do's and don't's of society. If you like musicals, I'd say you'd like this one!

Seven Years in Tibet

It Really WAS Seven Years in Tibet...
Perhaps I should watch this movie again. When I saw this movie about 3 or 4 years ago, I fell asleep...I have never done that before or since!! It was just very slow, and not too interesting. I was at a sleep over and some of the other girls liked it, and some (like me) did not. Like I said, maybe I should watch it again...

The Slipper and the Rose: The Story of Cinderella

What a great musical!
This is probably one of the best written, and well casted movie/musical I have seen yet. Every character is played by the perfect person, even the characters like "the singing guard" and the "Cowherd and Milkmaid." The songs and lyrics are beautifully written, and the people who sing them sing beautifully as well. I thought it was going to be a boring movie, until i heard the first song, then I was hooked. Once I even watched it three times in one day!! It's that good. "Tell him that it wasn't love," "Secret Kingdom," "Suddenly," "Once I was loved," "Protocoligorically Correct," "What a comforting thing to know," are just a few of the wonderful songs in this wonderful movie. Let's just hope we get a CD soundtrack soon!. I definitely give this 10 stars!

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