
IMDb member since February 2000
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Peace One Day

A truly inspirational film that reminds us there are good people in the world.
Sure everyone wants world peace. Who doesn't? Often times I've asked myself "What can I do to make a difference? I am merely one man." Jeremy makes a believer out of me. This is a man who plays the game of life on another level. In this documentary he has taken on the challenge to establish a day of peace that is recognized around the world. This movie documents his years of travels to distant lands meeting with countless heads of state and Nobel peace laureates. He is met with obstacles that would discourage most anyone, yet he forges on. After years of work the UN general council pass the amendment. There are moments of bitter irony when the declaration was to be held on the morning of Sept 11. In my lifetime, I hope to see his documentary extended to include footage of the day where we all have peace one day. Mark your calendars it's Sept 21.

The Matrix Revolutions

I feel like a kid that just realized there is no Easter Bunny and Santa Claus
In the original Matrix I left the theater asking myself all sorts of questions. It was a point of many discussions at the diner booth. The concepts were so fresh and exciting. I'm saddened to announce to fans the last two movies have been made to capitalize on the unexpected popularity of the first. If you're expecting an ending with a bang, prepare yourself for a mild sizzle. There is NOTHING innovative about this movie (except the marketing that went into the hype). Sure there were good action sequences that wows you superficially. It helped immensely that I watched it on a 8 story IMax screen. The fact remains the story was weak at best. I'm left feeling so empty. I didn't care about the characters like I should have. Merovingian character could have potentially developed into a key role. Wasted. Bane's potential. Wasted. Morpheus the father-like mentor just another warm body with lines of dialog.

I tried to capture the essence of this film by staying away from previews, promotions, and hype. But it's so hard to abstain when they are throwing it in your face. Although the The Animatrix contained good thought provoking storylines than any of these sequels. If fact I honestly wished these 2 sequels NEVER came out.

I cherish those days of ignorant bliss discussing all the possibilities the Matrix had to offer. There will still be discussions at the diner booth but they will be more like. "What the hell were they thinking?" "How much are the Wachowski brothers robbing from the public?". Look. The King has no clothes.

Final note.

Monica Bellucci (my wife) "talents" were WASTED!! WASTED!!! argh..

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

Worth seeing on the big screen..
I heard some negative buzz about this film. Mainly due to the absence of Cameron and Hamilton. This movie does very well in pulling off a third installment. My only wish was to have more thought provoking plot. Not every movie can be the Matrix or Memento. But if it's action and suspense that you want this movie has it in spades. I found this quite enjoyable. 6.5/10

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