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Flight of the Intruder

Well done Millius
This is one of the few films Millius has directed that pass the quality test.I saw it again last night.Loved the acting cast,the story was ok and it had a meaningful theme.How American military let many of their best pilots die because of uncareful planning and reckless thinking.

I was surprised by Brad Johnson,i didnt think he was such a good actor before i saw him here.He did well.Glover was at his best and Dafoe was ok too,although he has had better parts.But all in all,this is en enjoyable movie.Not least if you are a fan of Rosanna Arquette,like me.She looked wonderful here and acted the same.The movie was also one of the first for many good actors like Sizemore,Rhames,John Corbett.

I dare to say this one deserves a clear 7 and a half.


Best Wyatt Earp movie i have seen
Since i havent seen the one where Burt Lancaster plays him,this is my favorite.I think it was all in all well made and accurate.Kurt Russell gave a fine performance and was creditable in his role as the wild west hero.This is a fine film to relax with.I give it a 7.

When Saturday Comes

Touching and poignant
"When saturday comes" is a movie i wont forget easily. Its about courage and choices you take that affect your life. Its incredibly touching in some moments and makes you feel compassion for Jimmy Muir. He is a guy who wanted to play football,but was refused the chance as a teenager and instead has to go the grey worker road to support himself. Then suddenly the chance he wanted 10 years ago is right there ahead of him. But he feels what most of us felt when we first got our career breaks-he's afraid and unsecure. So he drowns himself in drinking and other excesses to try and make the fear go away. But it doesnt work that way. Instead he loses the chance he so much wanted and is back on the grey dirty road again.

The football field here has a symbolic meaning. Its the way out of his grey everyday,a bright road that leads away from it to a better life. Thats what makes this movie so poignant. For Jimmy Muir there is no other way to have a happy life. After losing both his brother and his girl,he is desperate and thinks life has no meaning anymore. But then he remembers what his brother said that symbolises the true spirit. That you have to give your best in order to succeed in life and never give in for your fear.

Sean Bean was great in this film. The recent years i have been admiring him more and more and this film is a good reason to do it. Pete Postlethwaite and Emily Loyd make a great supporting cast. This is a movie to remember.8 out of 10.


Naked women and orgies are too many of in this one
Whats this all about?What was the point,tell me director,in making a picture about a shameless,bisexual,orgywoman model from the 80's?Ok,Jolie did a fine role in this one,but apart from her and maybe Elizabeth Mitchell,all the rest were plain bad actors.

This was supposed to be a ..cool film....But it didnt turn out to be nothing more than a pervert orgy with beautiful people and some wheepy drama last 30 minutes. This demonstrates nothing but that people can be obsessed with sex and other excesses.And Jolie becoming one with her part proves that she is very much like that in reality.Thats a reason i dont dream about her like so many men.3 out of 10 is all this film deserves.

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Captivating and mystic movie
I think this is maybe Eastwood's best work as director to date.This very captivating movie is full of mystic and has the best elements of humour,mystery and elements of film noir that melt together perfectly.

Its a little gloomy,but in no way boring film set in 70's Savannah,Georgia.Kevin Spacey is excellent as the rich and intriguing Jim Williams who has a private relationship with city's wild boy,Billy Hanson,played very well by Jude Law.Movie is full of great moments,for instance when Williams and John Kelso(John Cusack at his best) visit the graveyard at midnight to talk to Minerva,who is a kind of voodoo woman and she tells them what Billy's spirit says.And then she tells Kelso"Your problem is that you think nobody loves you." It was very engrossing moment.

And Lady Chablis provided humour to the movie,which was kind of nessecary in order to prevent it from becoming too dark and gloomy."She" was hillarious.And Alison Eastwood provided the love interest.I liked her role as well.Its another great thing with this picture.Everybody gave their best,heartfelt performances.And with such a director,its no wonder.

Ending is very engaging morally.Kelso finds out that Williams did commit a true crime(note this one!;))and that Hanson didnt really intend to kill him,as Williams claimed.And the way Williams dies is chilling and an impressive scene.This gave the film its finishing touch of greatness.I will always look forward to watching this movie again.A hundred times hurray for Clint!

A clear 10.

Murder at 1600

Loved the chemistry
This movie undoubtedly has one of the best pairings of movies in late 90's,that of Snipes and Lane.Diane Lane is at her most beautiful and enchanting here and i liked her performance.Snipes is as always very cool and strong and shows depth.Its amazing how someone can show depth in action and criminal movies as he does.Blows my mind.

Film has a decent story and issue.It has already been worked up by Eastwood in "Absolute power".Its about people in key positions who use their power to achieve their own secret goals and do what they like.Alan Alda is very good as the stern villain who secretly works against the president played equally well by Ronny Cox.Benzali and Donovan make good supporting roles.

But what is the best thing with this is the chemistry between lead stars.Even if Wesley and Diane dont get involved romantically,their relationship makes it worth to watch even without the love scenes.They have quiet strength and strong charisma.And their bond is a great one.

This is a good 8/10.

Kull the Conqueror

Whats so bad with this?
I dont understand such bad reviews of this movie.I rented it a few days ago just to see how bad it was and i was surprised.Nothing worth mentioning,but nothing worth butchering either.I think Sorbo is a good enough actor for his kind of films and Tia Carrere...well she's worth watching even if she isnt among the best actresses today.She looks interesting with light hair.

So,i would say this deserves at least 4 out of 10.If you are absolutely bored,this cant hurt to watch.Didnt hurt me.

Mister Johnson

Emotional drama
This is a good drama with a very touching ending.Pierce Brosnan does one of his best roles ever as friend of "Mr.Johnson",a Nigerian who sees himself as englishman.The way this film ends makes it big.

See this but take a few tissues if you are soft hearted. 7 out of 10

The Man in the Iron Mask

Bad bad bad
This is one of the worst films of the last five years.Such big names among the cast and so little they produced.It seems like only Byrne can hold his ground.Malkovich sucks,Irons is dull,Depardieu doesnt really act and DiCaprio is laughable the harder he tries.

I really wonder what purpose with this was.All you can see is lavish places,bad dressed people and nonsense.

Sien lui yau wan

One of the best asian films i have seen
This movie is incredible.With great characters,specially the old swordsman that can fly in the shape of fireball and jump across the trees,this film tells a classic story of battle between good and forces of evil.The final showdown is specially breathtaking and the music score is kinda cool.

Very,very recommendable.Not for the smallest children though.This one deserves a 10.

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

Better than the first part
This is a game i had pleasure playing.Although the game is bloody and violent and there is a lot of distruction involved,it still gives me some weird sort of pleasure. The graphics are great,levels stunningly well made,although sometimes you have too little to do.But again,this isnt a game for shooting maniacs and people that just wanna kill and blow up things every five seconds.Thats one of its good sides.It is dark and moody,but still it provides you enough to be satisfied.

And,if i may say so,the darkness of this game can be quite relaxing.Only minus here is that weapons arent so exciting,or at least there are few of such.But a shredder or a shotgun can give you enough fun.So can a scorpion launcher.;)

I give this 8.


I thought this movie was good just halfway.There are a lot flaws and misses artistically.And the ending didnt correct the errors.

First of all,i think it was a mistake to cast Fishbourne here.Iam else a fan of the guy,but in this kind of role i think someone like Denzel Washington would have done a much better, or anyway, better job.Fishbourne does have the rough looks that compliment his role,but he doesnt have the charisma that this role requires.Thats why iam not a big fan of him.He has the talent,but lacks in charisma.He has the coolness,but not the looks.Thats why Denzel is better.He has it all.He can play both rough and tender guys with the same effect.But back to the film.

I think it was all made too "these guys are the good ones and these are bad".Even Lucky Luciano came out as a positive figure in the end.I dont know much about him,but hey,isnt this guy that is the main responsible for that maffia is still strong in the world today?!Andy Garcia was ok in the role,although he too could have been replaced by a better choice.I think he looked a little too "polished" and fancy for the role. Tim Roth was the one that did the best of the main characters.His real sinister face and menacing manners really brought the right image of Schulz.

And i also didnt like the way Fishbourne just waltzed in the room and took out anyone he had unfinished business with.They should have made the showdowns more exciting and difficult. Big ambitions,wrong method and wrong lead actor.Result-a half baked movie. 6 out of 10

Streets of Laredo

Watchable western
Well,i didnt have high expectations for this one.It turned out to be better than i expected.It includes a fine cast led by James Garner and supported by Sissy Spacek,Sam Shepard and Sonia Braga,among others.

Garner did a fine performance,same with the three others.But who i didnt like much here was Charles Martin Smith and Alexis Cruz who played Joey Garza,the main villain of the show.Smith was unconvincing and way too hillarious to be taken seriously.And Cruz is just ridiculous.I dont know why anybody would hire him.He just cant play.

This show features some beautiful landscape and the story will keep you in your seat until the end.Too bad they couldnt get DiCaprio to play Joey Garza(ridiculous name by the way). 7 out of 10

Dersu Uzala

One of the best films ever
This is one of my definite favorites.It tells a story of a man who is one with the wilderness and nature and cant live any other way.Dersu Uzala is an old Goldi(siberian asiatic minority) hunter who thinks he has been cursed after he kills a tiger.To him,every being,every part of the nature is equally worth as humans.

The film gives us accounts of one Russian captain's friendship with Dersu.They are together through thick and thin and Dersu even rescues him from a blizzard when they are stuck on a frozen lake.Dersu has all the natural senses and therefore knows when he is in danger.He knows everything by looking and observing the landscape around him.

So when he kills the tiger,its like a spell has been cast on him.Or is it just his imagination?His people believe in a ghost that rules the taiga,Kanga.He thinks Kanga will punish him in some way.Soon his fears start to get real.He cant kill his prey for food that he needs for living because his eyesight dramatically worsens.One frightening night(my favorite scene) it gets too much for him,listening to the howling wind in the dark,waiting for Kanga to send a tiger to kill him.And captain Arseniev,seeing the horror that struck him,offers him to come with him to his hometown.It happens so.

Throughout the film,you cant help but wonder what will happen to Dersu.Not only because in the beginning Arseniev searches for his grave,in retrospection,but also because he is one lonely,sad man who lives only by hunting.There is no place for him but the taiga.And when the tragedy happens,its hard not to feel remorse and pity the old Dersu.His world has come crashing down.The end specially is painful and shows that there is no mercy in this world for a man who falls from grace in his own homeground.

In the end,this film has outstanding photography,outstanding music,outstanding cast,beautiful scenery and do i need to say anything about the director? A timeless work that can never be surpassed.

Xena: Warrior Princess

Worst series ever
Whats wrong with this show?If you take away major historical inaccuracies(Roman soldiers appearing in a time about 900 years prior to their existence,wearing the exact outfit as if this was Ben Hur) and thus the everpresent fact that Xena gotta be travelling in time quite often,together with the fact that neither of actors can be called actors,nothing.They are in reality models.And not specially pretty ones. And another fact to bring up to the writers of this godawful thing:if Xena was living at the same time as Hercules,she could NO WAY take part in the troyan war and meet Odysseus later and still look young!

Iam glad someone took to the common sense and stopped this ludicrous comedy.

Tough Guys Don't Dance

Only for Mailer imagery fans
This is a hard film to stomach.It has a lot of intense,extreme scenes of sex,violence and obscurity.Ryan O'Neal could have done better.Wings Hauser outshines all in his role of sadistic,sex crazy chauvinist police officer.Who at the end turns insane.And thats what he isnt alone in.There are even more obscure characters here,like southern reverend Big Stoop and his "friendly" ex-wife Patty.They create a spiral of sex and intrigues which ends in suicide of the first and death of the other.

All in all,a movie every sado-masochist would love to own.For normal people-a torturingly mad 2 hour experience.

Feeling Minnesota

Likeable dark melodrama
This is a piece that almost everyone can identify themselves with,in one way or another.Everyone that has been hurt early on in his life,someway.And not given a chance to hit a better road.

Keanu portrays a lost young man who has been mistreated in his childhood mostly by his brother,but also by his mother who decided to get rid of him while he was still a kid.Cameron Diaz is a tough girl with no future who gets caught up in trouble which ends up having to marry Keanu's brother,played excellently by Vince D'Onofrio.Whole establishment of the town is rotten.Specially the police officer played by Dan Aykroyd and a stripjoint shark played by Delroy Lindo.Keanu meets Cameron on his brother's wedding and love blossoms.

Watching this movie is quite enjoyable and i easily fall for these stories,of paradise lost and love happening on the worst place possible.I dont know why,but i kind of felt like it was me on the screen,or a part of me playing the part of Jjaks.Iam sure many more felt the same.

Whats so great with this film is that it makes us feel so many different emotions at the same time,and the moods change incredibly fast.First,everything is dark and then hope starts to come and we feel like Jjaks and Freddie might make it,before our hopes come crashing down again and in the end come true.Its the main accomplishment of this film.Creating so many intense and dramatic situations.Contrasts are strong here.

This is one of Reeves' best roles in my opinion.Same goes for Cameron and D'Onofrio.Dont believe the poor reviews of this film.Watch it.


Kurt Russell as aging supersoldier
This flick started promisingly.The first 15 minutes are recommendable and interesting.But after a little too many amnesias and fighting with snakes and other creatures,the film lost its way.

Personally,i think they could have found somebody better for the role than aging Russell.Guy thought he did a great job here,but he only repeated many of his previous tiring roles. Actors like Jason Scott Lee,Gary Busey and the guy that played the mean general(or whatever) did well in their respective roles.But for Kurt,this wasnt an uplift.Just a repetition of old stuff.


I had no big expectations for this.I discovered it accidentally.But i was intrigued by it almost from the start.

What gives this film its dimension is the incredible acting of mr.Lambert.This is one of his strongest performances and it should have been awarded.The plot is already familiar from films like "Se7en",but it still makes you follow the film with anticipation,because the character of John Prudhomme is different than the other hero characters in similar films.He is a man torn apart;by loss of his only child,by his shaken faith in god and also bad communication with his wife.All he has now is his job and the murderer thats waiting for him.

I recommend this film to anyone who wants an interesting story on a rainy evening or who likes Christopher Lambert. 7 out 0f 10


This is an excellent film.Starting out as a slow paced and peculiar drama,it evolves into something bigger and scarier.William Hurt plays the lead so good that there is noone who coulda done it better.Miss Weaver is also fine here and Christopher Plummer does an outstanding part as the ambassador tangled into the conspiracy resulting in murder. Also watch out for James "Woodsy" Woods in one of his early solid roles.His character is also fascinating,that of a coward posing as a Vietnam hero,with racist pretensions.William Hurt's Daryll Deever is truly flawless character.And also,mr.Morgan Freeman appears here as the policeman helping Deever to solve the crime and protecting him against the hidden threat. Excellent film-noirish thriller from the master Peter Yates. This one deserves a straight 10.


Americanized piece of garbage
This is without doubt the worst film in the Hamilton saga and the worst actor to do Carl Hamilton.Peter Stormare just cant pull it off,with his psychotic looks and no style at all.He may be good to do killers and psychotic maniacs like in "Fargo" or "8mm" but in this type of roles,he is just useless.

Lena Olin's presence did no use for this film.She couldnt save it from being what it is:an americanized copy of big budget action movies like "Goldeneye","Die Hard 3","Broken Arrow" etc.This film has nothing swedish in it but the actors.Its clear that some norweagian upstart director with McTiernan as model director has made this.

Mark Hamill's presence is only laughable. 2 out of 10


Hounsou and old actors made the film
I think this is a fairly overhyped project,judging by the nominations and awards it got.Russell Crowe's performance was solid,but no way big enough for an AA(academy award).Connie Nielsen overplayed her part and fluked it for most of the film.Phoenix was ok at first,but became more and more tense and uncomfortable in his role.

No,the biggest credit should be given to the wonderful work of Djimon Hounsou and old british actors Oliver Reed and Richard Harris.They made me enjoy the film,much more than any battle scene or interplay between Crowe and Nielsen.Reed specially should have been given an oscar,posthumously that is.Djimon Hounsou has made a reputation with this film which will last long.And this is a marvel he has to look proud at.So,my 7 goes to him.


My favorite Hamilton
Stefan Sauk plays the Swedish equivalent of James Bond(kind of at least) in this action thriller involving the Sicilian maffia in the Hamilton saga.I think Sauk is the best Carl Hamilton ever.He brings so much power and intensity to this role.Stellan Skarsgård was ok as Hamilton,didnt have sense for Stormare or Peter Haber and noone of these come close to Sauk's interpretation.Sauk shows both guts and wit in this solid thriller.The supporting ensemble cast gotta be some of Italy's finest actors.A nice way to spend October afternoon.

Nobody's Fool

Nice movie
I thought this was a quite funny and sympathethic movie.It had a good leading cast,with Eric Roberts and Rosanna Arquette giving solid performances.It had humour too.I laughed several times while watching it.And all the jokes were good. What more can you ask?I am giving this a nice 8.

In the Line of Duty: Manhunt in the Dakotas

A cold,effective thriller
Rod Steiger plays one of the worst neo-nazi criminals ever brought to screen and also one of the most dangerous and maniacal ones.I dont know if this is based on true events,but it is a very realistic movie. Michael Gross plays the FBI agent that is hunting on Steiger,but cant stop him from attacking a few innocent colored victims before he is finally gunned down in a frenzied shootout with the FBI.

I found this movie quite effective as well as realistic.This could have easily been a documentary from the way it looks and feels while you are watching it.Documentary or a movie,it would be as good and useful anyway.Useful because it makes us see what the Aryan movement is all about and what kind of men stand behind it.Lunatics,simply put.Gross makes a great performance and manages not to get completely overshadowed by the brilliant Steiger,which does one of his last powerful performances here.All in all,a piece of work to be admired and taken seriously.Which is pretty hard not to. 9 out of 10

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