IMDb member since March 2000
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Choke Canyon

Decent stuff.
Known as "On Dangerous Ground" in the UK.

A big nuclear company wants to take land (Choke Canyon) away from a peaceful scientist who is doing safe energy research work there to dumb radioactive waste. Obviously the peaceful guy isn't going to give them it. Nuclear guys will do anything to get rid of him, including killing him. Every one of the Nuclear companies goons come for him, but he dispatches them, even "Big" Bo Svensson, in typical 80s fashion.

Film gained a bit of notoriety in the 80s due to the theme song by Mike & The Mechanics "Silent Running (On Dangerous Ground)" being a hit in 1986. Song was more of a hit than the film. Tune is nowhere to be found in the movie though. Stunt work is great too. Check out the ending aerial joust with all the planes. Awesome.

Has a nice environmental message, which I always like too. Mildly recommended.

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Better than Expected!
Better than expected version of the old smutty D.H. Lawrence story of a posh bit having an affair with a rough games-keeper.

To be honest, I'd probably say the BBC version with Sean Bean around 1995 was a lot more sleazier. Most of the sex here is done in a jokey style, if that makes sense. Kristel is dubbed I bet you. I've not looked at yet, but I'm betting she was. Nicholas Clay is hilarious in his role as Mellors. It's like a porn star version of Gazza when he talks. You wouldn't think that accent comes from his mouth.

Bloody excellent soundtrack too. Current searching to see if it available anywhere.

Mildly recommended.

The Marine 2

Decent Enough
Remember WWF wrestling in the early nineties? Well the guy playing the lead role in this is the son of the "Million Dollar Man". Remember him? He had a guy called Virgil at ringside with him. Yeah, you know who I'm on about.

In this film, Dibiase's son (also called Ted) plays a "Marine" who has to save a bunch of hostages taken captive by a madman. You can guess what happens in this end.

If this was made in 1985, you could really see Chuck Norris doing it. Seems like the kind of film "Cannon Films" used to release in their pomp.

Shark Attack 2

"Shark Attack 2" is so bad. Really bad. I bought it from the local DVD shop here in Scotland thinking that is actually was the first one, which I hear is even worse. The box even says its the first one, but I stick the DVD in and it says its the second one. Oh well.

The film certainly pays a homage to the Jaws style films but it is absolute tripe. Watch out for the fakeness of the shark. Its truly cringeworthy.

Also check out the guy who supposed to be a Steve Irwin rip-off.

The blonde haired lady is a nice looking woman.


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