
IMDb member since March 2000
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    24 years



Access Granted... and APPROVAL GRANTED!!!
What wasn't magical about this movie? Futuristic sex combined with phenomenal special effects and massive amounts of cigarette smoking made this sci-fi thriller a hit!!! With the star power in this movie, I knew I was in for a treat. I mean, Brenda Swanson and Prototype...what a stellar line-up!! I became even more intrigued when I discovered that this was actually the third part of the Terminator trilogy. This became evident when access was granted about two thirds into the movie. Finally, I'd just like to say this movie was part man, part machine, and ALL KILLER!!!

Deadly Invasion: The Killer Bee Nightmare

Bees + Phillippe = Excellence
While this movie lacked in terms of the Three Elements (vulgarity, violence, and nudity), it definitely made up for with intense killer bee stock footage and Ryan Phillippe. Being that Deadly Invasion was intended for TV viewing, one should go in realizing that they won't be getting much, if any, of the Three Elements. This lack of quantity does not make the movie suffer in quality at all. The random yet eerie footage of bee swarms kept me on edge, and Ryan Phillippe blew me away with his badass on the brink of tears attitude. A noteworthy scene depicted Tom (Ryan Phillippe) reacting to his friend's fall through the insulation in the attic. Truly a moving scene that left me in suspense. It all really comes together in a feel good way at the end, and it becomes evident why Ryan Phillippe and bees are so popular today.

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