Reviews (4)

  • "Familie Backeljau" is a comedy series about a family, existing of five people: a loud father, an extravagant mother, two very dumb children, a boy and a girl, and a crazy grandmother.

    The jokes are all extremely stupid and the acting is very bad, but the show was quite popular in Flanders. At the end of 2001, they started rerunning this show. It now has a small, but strong fanbase, and "Familie Backeljau" has become a cult show.

    Watch it, it's hilarious!
  • 23 November 2001
    When I first heard about the movie "Lisa", I thought it would be OK. After all, it's about a girl who loves mountaineering, falls in love with a piano player and gets contaminated with the HIV-virus. You have to admit, the story is quite original. A bit far-fetched, OK, but still. Then I took a look at the cast: Veerle Dobbelaere plays the title character Lisa. Dobbelaere is one of Belgium's best young and upcoming actresses. Also starring: Antonie Kamerling (very good Dutch actor) and Gène Bervoets (one of Belgium's finest). So I thought: "Hmm... I'm gonna like this movie." Well, NOT!!! This was actually one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The screenplay is awful, the acting even worse, the music sucks big time. This was nothing more than a waste of an hour and a half of my life.
  • When "Flikken" first started in 1999, it was a very good show. But the second series were a lot worse, suddenly al the story lines were very unbelievable. But in the third series, it's getting better again! They introduced some new characters, and it's fun to watch again. But it's still not very realistic anymore. Next year, the fourth season will be shown, but it won't be the same again, with three major characters who are leaving (Axel Daeseleire, Cahit Ölmez and the always gorgeous Joke Devynck). On the other hand, the also always gorgeous Ann Ceurvels will be introduced, but still, they should stop the show now, while it's still popular, instead of keeping on going downhill.
  • A Flemish sitcom, situated in a supermarket. Although Lena Bronzwaar is actually a pretty good comedy actress, this is another very disapointing Belgian comedy series. The acting is very bad, the storylines are even worse. Let's hope they won't make another series of this...