
IMDb member since April 2000
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American Hardcore

Glad to not see anyone under 40 in this movie
Hardcore came out of LA and DC, spread to everywhere else. Boston had bad bands who were morons and liked to fight. New York upped the ante having worse bands who went so far as to beat up on bands too. The only documentary where Henry Rollins doesn't look like a complete ass talking about things he knows nothing about (see MTV at any given hour)

Whats missing. There are a lot of zine people that would have added a more interesting aspect than most morons that are in bands. They usually don't have the ego or reason to embellish anything. I'm sure Tim Yohanon of Maximum RocknRoll would have been an excellent series of clips were he alive to do so. Al Quint, Tesco Vee etc.

Choke interviewed in his hair salon would have been great.

Also I think videos of TSOL in 86 right after the SSD and GANGGREEN sell-out videos would have shown the sell out thing as universal.

That said it's very cool that 3rd 4th 5th generation punk bands were not interviewed. They have nothing to add and this film would be even less focused and complete than it already is.

Blood Work

The Book Really was good. I hope they don't do this to Bosch
Hollywood screenwriters probably object to putting a scene where a witness is hypnotized to get details of the crime. Unfortunately the entire novel pivots on this scene. Instead Clint (who's supposed to be not only a 2 month post op heart transplant patient, but also 42 or so) is dodging speeding cars, wielding shotguns, punching people out etc... Now I agree that much of the investigation in the novel involves Terry sitting at his desk looking over notes and watching videotapes, but if they had kept to the original story they would have had the really suspenseful action sequence and the killer that makes more sense. The only good thing about this movie is that in 2 or 3 novels that Connelly wrote after (with the same characters) they make jokes about how Terry's friend was made to be the murderer in the Clint Eastwood adaptation of their lives. Hopefully when the Harry Bosch series start coming out as films, they will come out more like the dark noir that they are meant to be and less brainless shoot em ups. There's plenty of action in his novels, and he even admits that there is a lot of Dirty Harry in his cop. Anyhow, I highly recommend the books, its sad that this one was represented in such a shallow light.

Natural Born Killers

Only movie I ever walked out on
Ok, I'll start off with I dislike Oliver Stone's films. A friend of mine asked me to go with him to see this and I had no idea what this movie was about etc... This is by far the most pretentious drivel every to receive a large budget. I really like a movie that has a message, but Stone insults the viewer's intelligence by taking a theme and making it into some sort of public service announcement you'd switch off in disgust if it came on during Monday Night Football. He does the same thing with every other aspect of this movie. A good example of sewing socks with a pile driver. Anyone who actually likes this movie is a rich kid film student who gets C's and D's and will end up making the next Paulie Shore flick.

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