
IMDb member since July 2000
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The real new masterpiece
I think that most of the people went to see "The Lord Of The Rings". In my case (I think that I'm not the only one... I hope I'm not) I went to see Peter Jacksons new work. A work with a big potential to be the new masterpiece. I knew that Jackson could do it... Simply "Bad Taste", a movie from friend, with friends (and in the beginning, why not... for friends) is a great work. A perfect work. Now... a few hours after the movie, I can't describe the sensation I feel... Simply I feel fine and happy... There's no more reasons to add... Simply ENJOY, that's the key word. And another thing we have to think about is that the next two will be as powerful as the first one. Why? Simple. It is only one movie... The movie technically have to be the same... and the first steps of the story are such as great as the last one... The story won't get worst... and the same technic. Is one story, one movie broken in 3 parts. But this is a real one movie... It isn't like Lucas "trilogy" that is one story in 3(or 6) movies. (Everybody wants to win money... but some ways are shameless)

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Comedy masterpiece
Kevin Smith's last movie it's simply perfect. You don't need to know nothing about it. Just go to the cinema and enjoy, because it is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. All the Jay & Silent Bob movies are great... I don't know what to say... Simply: I will miss a lot those guys...

The Fast and the Furious

I know that no all the people like the same. I'm fan of horror movies (most of the people can't stand the good horror movies) and I have to discuss about it very often. I understand that there is people that doesn't like this kind of cinema... But please, the movie we are talking about is, from an objective point of view, bad. The only thing that I can accept from the movie are the cars... and I'm not fan of the cars... so, no much interest for me. So, I don't like the cars (but accept that beautiful cars are there), the plot is miserable, the acting is pathetic... the movie itself isn't good. So my question: Why does it have today (21 Oct 2001) 6.7? I think that the people who have vote... like the cars and that is enough for them to give TO the movie a 10... AND IT IS UNFORGIVABLE. Well now a personal opinion. I'm fan of Depeche Mode... and in this movie is the worst cover of STRANGELOVE... a beautiful song that have been injured by this movie (or the singer who made the cover...) Please... don't pay for this movie... Don't put down your trousers...

The cinema is art... and this is not art.

Año Mariano

vamos a hacernos un porrito, hombre!
I saw this movie for the first time at the cinema, when it came out. I hated it absolutely. I thought it was the biggest crap I've ever seen. No humor, no laugh... no comedy. But now, a year after the first view of the movie I saw it again with some friends... and now I think that it is one of the best comedies I've ever seen. The humor gags are there... in the movie... but most of them are hidden. There are a lot of intelligent gags that are incredibly funny. So, if you have seen the movie and you don't like it, please, put the video tape again and watch each minute of the movie carefully, because the humor is there... and it's really very funny. In 3 words it is INTELLIGENT STUPID HUMOR, and if you are intelligent enough to get the gags you will laugh a lot... for a long time... Maybe at first you'll be disappointed... but the next viewing... is superb... I've past from giving it a 1 to giving it a 10. PERFECT

Star Wars

no much to tell about...
Well, I saw this movie in the early 80s when I was 4 or 5, I can't remember very well, and I've always love it. I have to admit that it's a classic, well made and those things that everybody knows. But I can't see on it the perfection that most of the people does. I'm not saying that it is a bad film, I love this one... but it isn't one of my top movies. You don't have to put faith on my review, because I'm a fan of the b-movies... "Evil Dead" and stuff like that... But I've always been a cinema lover, and I see all kind of movies. Now, I can accept a good movie of his genre when I see it (most of the people doesn't), and this is one (and a good film in general). So, rent it, sit down and be ready for one of the towers of the science fiction with lots of action, fx, and memorable actors. Anyway this Lucas experiment gets 8/10 from me.

Depeche Mode: 'The World We Live in and Live in Hamburg'

simply DM
The video is a good one to see the first steps of one of the best synth-pop groups ever (THE BEST synth-pop group ever, there's no doubt). If you are a DM fan, you have to see it. It has most of the hits of early 80s live. A beautiful performance, as all of their performances.

Torrente 2: Misión en Marbella

not just a sequel...
That's the best (I repeat it, the best). Santiago Segura brings us a beautiful sequel for the first Torrente... Funnier that the first part. I can't describe the pleasure of watching Torrente 2, because it's simply GREAT. Gabino Diego's performance is awesome. Really. Rating: 10/10

Ghoulies IV

just when you think that the Ghoulies can't get worst
They do... Each sequel is worst. You, who think that Ghoulies 2 or 3 need a 1, please, watch this sequel... You'll be wondering with the first three parts. Then you'll give a 10 to the first, 8 to the second and 5 or 6 to the other. That's because Ghoulies 4 really gets the big 1 (from me it does).

The Deadly Spawn

Really good b-movie
I can't be objective when I talk about horror movies or something similar... I've been a fan of b movies since I was 4. Personally I think that this is one of the best b movies I've ever seen. And everyone who likes that genre wont be disappointed. The rest of you, you who don't like monster movies and gore, keep away from it and don't kick a genre that you can't stand or understand, you are who will be disappointed (some of you maybe still like it). The genre lovers don't be afraid of it, you'll really enjoy it. I promise you.

Phantasm IV: Oblivion

The worst
The Phantasm series had been worst with each sequel. The last one is unbearable, and the end of the film is totally baffle. I like the first Phantasm and stand the other two sequels, but that is... It has no sense and is boring... Please, I don't want more Phantasm films...

Scary Movie

it could be worst
When I went to the cinema I expected a nice film, not a good one. But each genre has a point from you have to see it, it could be a good one in his genre. I give it 3 points since it has some very good gags where I was laughing for a long time, but the rest is... The only thing that I can say is that I don't like it. But really, if you want to have a good time go to watch it, don't expect that you'll watch the best genre movie of all the times. You can past the evening with your friends (typical "dressing room" friends) and then laugh everybody together eating some chips or drinking soda.

Bad Taste

Thanks to Peter Jackson for this great title
I saw this movie 5 times in a week. That is a simple reason to say that the film is a good one (I think). Peter Jackson made us a great job when he took 4 years doing BAD TASTE. A fantastic film, a classic, a must to see, don't miss it. I WANT TO BE A DEREK IN THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zombi 3

That film is the most terrifying movie I've ever seen...
Yes, yes, that is the most terrifying movie I've ever seen... It's horrible!!!! Although I have to say that the film is really funny, but it's hard to hold up. The film is a good choice for a Saturday evening with some friends... but after that they will leave you. The film itself is a hard to find one, believe me, it's better like this.

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