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Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical

The funniest film of 2005
To call it the funniest film of 2005 may be high praise, but believe me when I tell you it is well earned. Kudos to the creative team behind this effort for a job done not only well, but just about as perfectly as one could hope. The cast is uniformly outstanding, not a bad or even merely acceptable performance in the bunch - just outstanding! Production values on this made for cable flick put many higher budgeted theatrical releases to shame. You don't have to be a fan of musicals to enjoy this outrageous send up of the 1930's exploitation classic, you just have to have a sense of humor and an appreciation of broad social satire. One would have to be a pretty damn uptight right winger not to enjoy this film...Somehow I can't help feeling that even old G.W. Bush himself would get a giggle out of it - in secret, of course. Yep, it's THAT good! Shame they didn't release it theatrically first, as despite our current political climate (Or perhaps BECAUSE of it) this puppy would have been the sleeper hit of the Summer for sure! Again...It is THAT GOOD!!!

The 1940s House

This program is MUST SEE viewing for anyone with an interest in the 1940's or WWII. To contrast the Hollywood movies of the period with the reality that English citizens were living through at the time is, frankly, a shock. Mrs. Miniver it was not! The family at the center of things take the experiment seriously and that's what makes it work. The entire series of "House" programs has been excellent, and this one is right up there with the best of them. Certainly makes you appreciate how well we have it today, and the people who fought to make it possible.

Every time I watch one of these programs, I come away more grateful than ever for the lifestyle I enjoy today. If I had children, this is definitely a program I would watch with them. I wish they had begun this series of programs when I was young as I feel strongly that while entertaining to watch, the lessons they have to teach make any of us at any age more aware of of how good we really have it.

Die, Mommie, Die!

Successful Camp flick
It's well known that Camp is one of the hardest genres to pull off. When intentional, often it falls flat. Some of the best camp comedies are of the unintentional variety - think Valley of the Dolls or Showgirls and you get my drift. It's an elusive and tricky genre.

This puppy shoots for camp and scores 80% of the time. Surprisingly high production values, excellent performances and some memorable one liners make this spoof of the "Evil Mother - Good Twin/Bad Twin" flicks from the fifties thru the early seventies a real delight.

Lana, Joan, Bette and Susan Hayward would be proud. Or offended. Or both. Anyhow, thanks to Charles Busch, they live on.

Belles on Their Toes

Disappointing sequel
Vastly inferior follow up to the delightful "Cheaper by the Dozen". It hurts me to put down any film starring the great Myrna Loy, but before you dive into this expecting the same qualities contained in the original you ought to be warned.

Part of the charm of the original was the attention paid to period details and the wonderful production values - missing this time around. The family originally lived in the house made famous in "Meet me in St. Louis", now the set looks like Mayberry. Interiors, originally rich with detail have taken on the 50's monochromatic look of an old "I Love Lucy" episode. Direction? The pacing, cinematography and line deliveries are found lacking.

Is it worth watching?'s not a bad way to pass an hour and a half - Just don't expect to see what you saw the first time around and you won't be disappointed.

Frontier House

"Little House" this ain't!
It goes without saying that if you want quality programming, you have to tune into PBS, and the "House" series beats anything network television has to offer hands down. Best of the series? "Frontier House".

So many of us grew up reading the "Little House" books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The television show based upon her works took great liberties with the stories over the years and ultimately disappointed.

Interested in a taste of what her life was REALLY like? Check out "Frontier House"! Mrs. Wilder's books might be viewed as simplistic or idealized in comparison to what you'll view in this show, but it should be remembered that she was raised a pragmatic frontier's woman whereas the participants in this PBS mini, for the most part, had no real conception of exactly how tough 1880's pioneer life could be. She took the difficulties of her life in stride, just the facts of life, and was therefore later able to share with us her story without dwelling on the unpleasant daily realities of her life.

Contemporary Americans on the other hand, can only stare in wonder at three families willing to do without, for Four & 1/2 months, niceties such as baths or showers, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste & floss and perhaps most importantly, toilet paper.

And that's not even mentioning near starvation, sickness, fickle weather and feuding neighbors.

These three families have been plopped down in some of the most beautiful country on earth. The contrast between the beauty and romance of the locale with the harshness of the living conditions is a real eye opener for viewers, accustomed as we are to filmed period pieces where issues like B.O., poor dental hygiene, and lack of toilet and bathing facilities are largely glossed over.

It's wonderful to have an opportunity to live out this adventure with these families, and PBS has outdone itself, but you'll find yourself grateful that you can sit in your clean, comfortable home eating a bowl of popcorn or ice cream while you do so.

Our ancestors were indeed made of stronger stuff than we today.

The Harvey Girls

They just don't make 'em like this anymore
Ah...The Harvey Girls!

What can I say? In the mood for a little escapism? Do you enjoy classic Hollywood musicals? This MGM extravaganza is not to be missed!

Garland at her winsome best in material specifically tailored to her considerable talents - this is just before everything really started to sour in her professional life, and she never looked better. The material she's given to work with not only gives her the classic "Atchison, Topeka & the Santa Fe" to perform, but some wonderful comedic bits as well.

In the ensemble numbers, you can actually see her, as well as the rest of the cast, enjoying the moment as they filmed.

Beautifully photographed - a superb supporting cast who all get a moment to shine including Ray Bolger, Virginia O'brien, Marjorie Main, a very young Cyd Charisse and a stunning young Angela Lansbury.

MGM at the peak of it's creative and artistic powers - must see viewing for any fan of "The Golden Age" of Hollywood - check it out!


Playing fast and loose with history
"Lucy" the movie, failed to live up to the promise of it's commercials, which featured recreated scenes from the famous "I Love Lucy" series.

The over long film juggled facts and dates to the point that any real Lucy fan watching couldn't help but spend the entire 3 hours raging about all that they got wrong or changed.

So Buster Keaton readied the couple for their vaudeville act? Funny, Desi's friend Pepito the clown has always been credited in every biography of the couple I've ever read. They've got Lucy as a blonde years after she went red - where was the movie "Too many Girls" for which MGM imported Desi from NY, and during the making of which the couple began dating?

Yeah, I'm nit-picking, but the film was so filled with little blunders like that! The kind of things that drive any hard core Lucy fan crazy!

I could've over looked much of this had the producers provided me with a more believable Lucy - but Miss York frankly did not cut it. Lucy was as famous for her beauty as for her talent, and Miss York is simply not even in her league.

With a running time of 3 hours, they had time to get it right - that they chose not to do so amazes me! All in all, a really tedious waste of viewing time. If you love Lucy - Avoid it!

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