
IMDb member since May 2000
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Pearl Harbor

I just returned from the El Captain Theatre in Hollywood, CA where

I was totally entertained by this spectacular blockbuster. There was a mob scene outside the theatre this opening day afternoon (5/25/2001)that included protesters, photographers, and a line of ticket buyers that stretched around the block. It is beautiful to look at, has perfect sound, and wonderful special effects. Many "serious" film critics are blasting it. I suspect that's because it is sentimental, patriotic, romantic, and easy to follow! I loved the music and just bought the CD.

Blow Dry

US release title is BLOW DRY
This opened rather quietly in several Los Angeles area theatres on 3/7/2001. It is inconsequential, formulaic, contrived and predictable. Unless you are obsessed with one or more members of the cast, and I can understand that, there isn't any good reason to buy a ticket. Speaking of the cast, they aren't really to blame. Natasha Richardson is as effective as the material will allow, but Alan Rickman is dull in a dull role. Rachael Leigh Cook is attractive as an American, but this will do nothing for her career; Josh Hartnett completely convinces as a Brit, although I can't even guess how he ended up in this type film. Rachel Griffiths is woefully miscast. You will be reminded of writer, Simon Beaufoy's successful previous project, THE FULL MONTY, and will wish you'd just rented a tape of that instead.

Hit and Runway

Charming, delightful, terrific!
What a nice surprise! This is a film that Woody Allen would make if he had preferred men rather than young women! I can't think of a thing that I didn't like about it. Lots of smiles and some big laughs are mixed in with some genuine and sweet emotion. Co-written and directed by Christopher Livingston, the excellent cast includes Alex Andero & Elliot Springer. A must see for anyone that has written/is writing/or plans to write a script. I look forward to seeing it again soon. This is exactly what wretched messes like PARTNERS tried to do and totally missed. While gay audiences are most likely to be delighted, many straight audiences are sure to be entertained. I hope the creative people behind WILL AND GRACE will gain some insight from checking this out.


Totally repugnant and repulsive. They just don't get any worse than this. This one is to be avoided at all costs. Watch paint dry; watch grass grow instead. Go do your laundry. How else can I put it? This is bad enough to END a career.

Billy Elliot

Previously called DANCER, the title is now BILLY ELLIOT & it's outstanding!
Don't miss this one; it's charming & deserves serious consideration for many honors. All likely British subjects, the writer, Lee Hall, the director, Stephen Daldry, and most of the cast are new (or relatively new) to film. An exception is former Oscar best actress nominee, Julie Walters, and she is wonderful here. Equaling her work is Jamie Bell as the title character, BILLY ELLIOT, & Gary Lewis as his father. I can't think of a single bad thing to say about it!

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