croc (DRM)

IMDb member since May 2000
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Let's start with some moaning. Nostradamus was not the only end-of-the-world movie to come out in 1999/2000. It's also not the best. I'm no medieval historian but AFAIK the real Nostradamus and the one portrayed in the film, do only have their name in common - I felt a bit "ripped-off" by that. It also attributed some "extra works" to Leonardo da Vinci, for good measure.

The plot concept is pretty simple really - a bit like Terminator 2. However the action sequences are pretty lame in comparison, as is the feeling of depth. The bad guys aren't really bad enough and the attempt at a romantic sub-plot is so predictable and, frankly, poor.

It's not that it's a bad film, there's just not much there - either to engage the brain or "take you to that other world". I enjoyed it about as much as I would have done staring out the window watching the world go by for 90 minutes ...

The General's Daughter

Difficult to like ...
I would describe this movie as a difficult one to watch, as I did, at home on TV. Maybe it plays better on the big screen. For the first 25 minutes or so - you get the standard Travolta character - smarmy, arrogant, smirking. At this stage the TV has a good chance of being turned off but if you let it run - the story develops - well, multiple story lines develop (i.e. one per character) and are tied up (loosely?) at the end.

But I was left feeling empty about this film; the plot; the characters; and their hidden "double" personalities just didn't ring true to me; or have any depth either. It all just seemed a bit haphazard and disjointed - and the ending didn't satisfy either.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

There are two good things in this movie ...
Tomb Raider is basically (another) Indiana Jones movie, this time in women's clothing. It's the classic (i.e. much repeated) explorer goes off to mystical, ancient land to recover mystical ancient object and meets (kicks butt of) other rival explorers (baddies) and supernatural guardians of mystical, ancient object who come to life the minute you try to steal their mystical, ancient object.

In comparison Indiana Jones has more humour, and The Mummy (which I disliked) better special effects. However I was thoroughly entertained for its 100 minutes and forgot most of it the minute I walked out of the cinema – perfect for the mood I was in at the time – eyes: open, brain: off.

Hung fan kui

Impressive stunts and fights, but not for everybody
If you are not a fan of Jackie Chan or this style of movie, Rumble in the Bronx is unlikely to convert you into one. However if you are, there's enough 20 against 1 Kung-Fu (?) fighting, chases with amazing escapes and leaping around stunts to keep you happy. The story is a fairly basic good guys (well guy) versus bad guys versus even badder guys. The setting (Hong Kong guy in New York) provides some humour, but there isn't much elsewhere – until you get to the out-takes which run during the credits.

Not a classic but worth seeing, unless you really don't like this type of movie, for the sheer effort Chan and the rest of the cast put into it. The fighting is pretty realistic, and the stunts are real (if controlled). This is demonstrated by the number of ambulance shots during the out-takes!

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

Lots of Carrey crazy gags but not much plot
Less plot than the original, this movie is really just a Jim Carrey showcase. Fortunately Jim Carey is totally wild and crazy and there are enough gags to keep the film going. "Going down the temple steps" and the "monkey and waterfall" really had me heaving with laughter. There's not too much in terms of sophistication and some of the gags aren't too suitable for younger ears.

Watch it in a relaxed, undemanding mood with a couple of friends - chat and laugh your way through it.


Subtle, well crafted drama about a no-hoper
Whilst the Rocky name mainly conjures up the image of over-the-top Hollywood block-busters with 2 heavyweight boxers slugging it out unrealistically until their faces are mangled for the final third of the film; the original film has very little of this. In fact the boxing is quite secondary in some ways and the main idea of the film is Rocky learning to sort out his life.

Arguably, this film comes close to becoming a social drama, although the underlying concept of an out-of-condition club boxer becoming a world champion contender in 5 weeks does stretch credibility and keeps nagging at the brain. Still it was one of the first of its kind, and for the subtle way in which it was done, which still leaves you with the feel good factor, it must be one of the best.

Bicentennial Man

Not demanding but pleasant enough
I found this a pleasant though only mediocre movie. The movie covers a period of 200 years (with gaps) and is quite slow in places, so I found it a little difficult to really get in to.

The story is a total fantasy with stereotypical clever computers and scientists designing replacement human body parts. The minute chance of this being possible is masked with scientific buzz words and flashy graphics.

Robin Williams is his normal personable self, and there are a few amusing moments as he learns to come to terms with human life.

Although this film is more "grown up" than Short Circuit, I found the latter more entertaining.


Shaky aircraft hijack/disaster film
I would have considered this movie mediocre, if it hadn't been for a few factual errors and bizarre plot ideas.

After the initial action, it's one (psycho) against one (heroine) and nothing much happens apart from the plane shaking around as it flies through a storm which swings the upper hand from one side to another. Unfortunately neither side manages to completely finish off the other quickly.

The background story of the criminal's case and "history" with a certain detective is brought out a couple of times, but unsatisfactorily and just confused me.

Like "Dead Calm" but much worse.

The Net

Mediocre Internet crime thriller
Mediocre Internet crime thriller which starts OK, but then lacks development and turns pretty much into Sandra Bullock being chased around by lots of nasty but clever people who also delete/steal her passport, credit cards, work, insurance records and everything else.

The "reason" for all mayhem is fairly lame – and to me some of these events appeared to occur in the wrong logical order. Also, all the impossible computer hacks were cloaked by use of buzzwords/fancy graphics to make it sound and look like they knew what they were doing.

I preferred Disclosure.

Cold Heat

I was excruciatingly bored by this car chase film
I cannot think of a film which I disliked more. The film is dominated by lengthy car (and the odd motorcycle and plane) chases in which a whole load of cars crash, burn, fly up in the air and roll over a few times. In between, various people are shot and beaten up.

I wasn't impressed by the quality of the acting either.

I was kind of forced to watch it through, but really longed for it to finish after about 10 minutes.

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