Laurie Compton

IMDb member since May 2000
    2016 Oscars
    2014 Oscars
    Lifetime Total
    Lifetime Plot
    IMDb Member
    24 years


Nowhere Land

Dull, unremarkable thriller
This was a dull, unremarkable thriller about an ex con hidden away in a remote cabin in the mountains, while awaiting a court case where he is the star witness against the local mafia boss or whatever. Of course, the inevitable hitmen track him down. This has been done so many, many, many times and there was nothing in this film to lift it above the mediocre. In fact the poor wooden acting, the stilted direction and the absence of any thrills made it far worse than many of its ilk. Avoid at all costs. My rating 3/10.

The Final Terror

Makes Friday 13th look like a multi oscar winner.
Only recently saw this little film again after 10 years or so, and what a dreadful little horror it is. Dire script, no storyline (except mutilating teenagers),really awful direction and acting seen better in a home movie. I watched Friday 13th straight after, and that film looked on a different planet to this. My generous rating:2/10.

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